Sherclock's profile picture
  • Lappalainen
  • Lives in Finland fi
  • 12 years, 12 months and 2 days
  • Profile hits: 325
Does not follow anyone.


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image: 2154846


Alpha Male Knows what he wants from women and goes after it. Comfortably and confidently takes the lead when appropriate. Knows who he is and is not afraid to express his true personality around people. Doesn't fear being judged, ridiculed or picked on for being himself. Is calm, confident and in control around any woman. Feels the desire to approach women, talk to them and move towards sex and does it without fear. Women are turned on by his alpha male approach.


Didnt write anything here in year!

ESL Summer div 2 2010 × 2on2 × Finlandmitiih
Clanbase OC div 4 2010 × 2on2 × Finlandmitiih
Frag Cup 2.55+ 2009 × 5on5 × Europe'xD
ESL Spring div2 2010 × 2on2 × Finlandmitiih
ESL Spring div4 2010 × 3on3 × Finlandmitiih
6. gOG CUP 2011 × 3on3 × Finlandmitiih
2012 et.tourney div6 × 6on6 × FinlandaMales