hiLLe's profile picture
  • hiLLe
  • Lives in Germany de
  • 17 years, 4 months and 17 days
  • Profile hits: 2
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Gaming History

2000 - I started playing Counter-Strike on several LAN Partys with friends, I liked the game and played it at home too, against POD Bot 2.5, because I had no Internet. ;)

2001 - I got Internet and played a lot of Counter-Strike on several Publics. After one or two weeks, I joined my first Clan ([HSK]), this was the beginning of playing in many noob Clans.

2003 - I realised that the Scene in CS was too big and searched another Game, I discovered Delta Force: Black Hawk Down and played it a bit on Publics. The Game seemed to please me and I rummaged the Scene, I joined the Clan "Craazy". We had a great and very succesfull time.

2003 - But after a few months, I recognized that the Scene in BHD was too small and I was searching for another Game. Some real Life friends of me told me that they're going to play Enemy Territory. I accomanied them and started to play ET.

2004 - After half a year of playing ET in one Squad, the Team seemed to die and so I joined the Call of Duty Squad in our Clan. But after a few weeks, I realised that CoD wasn't my Game. I went back to ET and had a great and funny time with several Teams. In the November of 2004 I was very enamoured of Pro Evolution Soccer 4, I founded a Squad with a old Clanmate and we had funny matches. But with PES4 came the end of my serious Gaming History, I realised that there are better things in my life then Online-Gaming.

2004/2005 - I made me a fun out of flaming the whole ET Commumity and offended them all as "rL Opfer". This was quite funny, because everybody in the ET Scene took this very serious.

2005 - I got the Chance to play Enemy Territory with a real life friend at HFD with about 1 train a week, so I joined HFD. But this Squad closed after a few months and so I'm still making me a fun out of flaming the whole ET Community.

Video History

2004 - Because of a move, I had no Internet for a few months, so I thought I'm going to make me my own Movie. In a little work I produced hiLLe - owned? and for all those idiots out there, this Movie was ment as a joke, because I only had 2 Demos. After playing a Gather with a fake Nick, I created the GlumAnda Trailer.
In the Oktober of 2004 sLncr asked me for making him a Movie, I agreed and made him siLenZium.

2005 - After playing some other Gather with a fake Nick, I created pLt - the Worlds greatest, raw` bigger all and b4ttl3 is back. After a little conversation, the mysterious team.uZi gave me their Project team.uZi - Revolution, I'm going to release this Movie end of 2005.

2005/2006 - Cause of a accident with my Harddisk, i couldn't finish the work on team.uZi - Revolution cause all my data got lost. I made the Movie Hanso & binBASH - Resurrection

+ History +

image: de • #rockclan - -[ROCK]-
image: de • #team.AoG - Art of Gaming
image: de • #ultimate - ultimate eSports
image: eu5ql • #team.Y - Team-whY
image: de • #HFD - High FiDelity

__________ contact: #hiLLe __________


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