Deactivated5487's profile picture
  • hack1234hoedjevanpapier
  • Lives in 54
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Follows (3)
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Recent Journals (4)

  1. leet time 13 Mar 2007
  2. bobby? and ehmm :D 12 Mar 2007
  3. An error has occured: 12 Mar 2007
  4. skill :o 8 Mar 2007

Recent Comments (8)

  1. \o/ nonixck 13 Mar 2007
  2. idd hij is goed 13 Mar 2007
  3. snow maps suck imo... 13 Mar 2007
  4. got the right... 13 Mar 2007
  5. ask perfo (i want... 13 Mar 2007
  6. leet time (15... 13 Mar 2007
  7. same for me 13 Mar 2007
  8. there is one leet... 13 Mar 2007