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a look into the abyss with Feuer

Dignitary from the very beginning of the ET has given me an honour to interview him. Here's my newest interview with the smiley-specialist and maker of infamous ET-comic
Finland Feuersturm

image: 230_xfire03_lo

First, please introduce yourself to those who may not know you.

I'm a 26 year old guitarist, strict realist, atheist and devoted antitheist.

Recent Journals (4)

  1. Missä walle? (Fin) 16 Jul 2022
  2. Warzone 4 Mar 2021
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  4. umeå 25 Jan 2013

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  1. Pelaan pleikkarilla 5 Mar 2021
  2. Avi 8 Jan 2019
  3. I could be an... 10 Jun 2018
  4. Moro make 7 Mar 2018
  5. get the fuck out of... 31 Dec 2014
  6. nice to be back old... 31 Dec 2014
  7. avi 25 Oct 2013
  8. avi 26 Apr 2013