cruelsfanboi's profile picture
  • cruelsfanboi
  • Lives in Switzerland ch
  • 15 years, 6 months and 11 days
  • Profile hits: 5
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Recent Topics (1)

Recent Comments (8)

  1. np: Kataklysm -... 12 Jul 2007
  2. np: Emperor -... 12 Jul 2007
  3. [img]http://shrani.s 12 Jul 2007
  4. np: Emperor -... 11 Jul 2007
  5. whiner 11 Jul 2007
  6. im noctiferia not... 11 Jul 2007
  7. YAYYYYYY i aint 12 Jul 2007
  8. Perfo and I were in... 12 Jul 2007