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  • Whitey
  • Lives in Turks and Caicos Islands tc
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#Raceathon 3 on its way

image: 53_big
Finally, the RACEATHON team invites you to the third Warsow Race Competition!
Starting: July 26th 2007 (Thursday) 19.00 GMT (20.00 CET, 14.00 EST)
Ending: July 29th 2007 (Sunday) 20.00 GMT (21.00 CET, 15.00 EST)

Again, three race maps have been made to be released during this competition. A new map will be released everyday and you'll have exactly 24 hours on each map.

Recent Journals (4)

  1. Packet loss, PB? 19 Oct 2010
  2. Getting started in ET 4 Jan 2010
  3. For Germans in Berlin 25 Jun 2008
  4. ctrl-v 5 Feb 2008

Recent Comments (8)

  1. Just keep going... 21 Apr 2011
  2. If you're... 21 Apr 2011
  3. I'm also... 21 Apr 2011
  4. Thanks, will try it. 19 Oct 2010
  5. Do most etpro... 19 Oct 2010
  6. There's an... 19 Oct 2010
  7. o/ Getting the... 4 Jan 2010
  8. been talking with... 4 Jan 2010