sTaT1c's profile picture
  • Dima H.
  • Lives in Warsow ws
  • 15 years, 1 month and 28 days
  • Profile hits: 88
Does not follow anyone.
Has no followers.

Recent Topics (1)

Recent Comments (8)

  1. [img=right]http://im 16 Jul 2008
  2. Old? It was... 13 Aug 2010
  3. ORLY? Didn't... 13 Aug 2010
  4. Who... 13 Aug 2010
  5. Cause its... 17 Aug 2008
  6. Medivh911 = Polish... 4 Jun 2008
  7. FPS-games on... 4 Oct 2010
  8. I think that would... 15 Aug 2010