Ricardo's profile picture
  • Ricardo
  • Lives in Tonga to
  • 15 years, 1 month and 7 days
  • Profile hits: 2
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Followers (1)

Recent Topics (1)

  1. im so cless 13 Dec 2007

Recent Comments (8)

  1. dependis if the sex... 31 Dec 2008
  2. do the math 29 Dec 2007
  3. nab kiss 29 Dec 2007
  4. als ge nonamescript... 27 Dec 2007
  5. HB skaa jonge 24 Dec 2007
  6. lobster, oysters... 24 Dec 2007
  7. your liek 5 years... 20 Dec 2007
  8. ga naar leyou of... 17 Dec 2007