elits' profile picture
  • stile
  • Lives in Finland fi
  • 14 years, 12 months and 2 days
  • Profile hits: 67
Has no followers.

Recent Journals (4)

  1. admins!!011010 8 Jul 2008
  2. ~~~~~~ 22 Jun 2008
  3. ~~~~~~ 18 Jun 2008
  4. ~~~~~~ 15 Jun 2008

Recent Topics (1)

Recent Comments (8)

  1. :( 8 Jul 2008
  2. stupid fag die 8 Jul 2008
  3. ^ listen to this man 6 Jul 2008
  4. http://www.gamestv.o 6 Jul 2008
  5. what 6 Jul 2008
  6. l2motivate fuckface 6 Jul 2008
  7. [q]e-rewards[/q] :D 5 Jul 2008
  8. u dont need it for... 5 Jul 2008