Mott4's profile picture
  • Martijn v/d Spoel
  • Lives in Luxembourg lu
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shidima 3on3 #2

image: shidima

Cup Rules

Games times are down at the table
1. 16 Teams (Might be 8, based on admin's decison or if there're not enough teams)
Clanbase 3v3 Rules.
2. No new guids users. new guid will cause a forfeit
3. Players with a red yawn, which is younger than 12 months arent allowed.
4. ALL the players MUST record demos.
5. One of the team's players must idle at #shidima to make contact with admins & oppoments.

Recent Topics (4)

  1. Mott4 avi 3on3 WL 23 Dec 2011
  2. S'agapo need 3rd 4 Apr 2011
  3. Mott4 avi 27 Dec 2010
  4. inFinity needs a rifler 28 Jun 2010

Recent Comments (7)

  1. 14: White man... 18 Jan 2016
  2. gl An7ho :) 13 Aug 2015
  3. 1. PSV 2. Ajax 3.... 7 Aug 2015
  4. gl psiquh 31 Jul 2015
  5. [img]http://reaction 27 Jun 2015
  6. hey :D ye just not... 27 Jun 2015
  7. hup inspiron hup! 25 Jun 2015