BlackJack's profile picture
  • Lives in 12
  • 17 years, 9 months and 28 days
  • Profile hits: 343
Follows (5)
Followers (1)

Recent Journals (4)

  1. Missed Birthday!1 20 Apr 2010
  2. xFire visits 10 Jan 2009
  3. etadmin_sounds.pk3 22 Dec 2008
  4. ET on youtube 31 Jul 2008

Recent Topics (2)

  1. Cless @ RTCW 2 Jun 2007
  2. RTCW - cfg 31 May 2007

Recent Comments (8)

  1. Maybe post a link?... 22 Apr 2010
  2. Sounds like you... 15 Nov 2009
  3. Welcome to 2004 15 Nov 2009
  4. Maybe you should... 14 Nov 2009
  5. Also most crossfire... 24 Oct 2009
  6. +1 24 Oct 2009
  7. 23 Oct 2009
  8. the best ones die... 17 Oct 2009