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Me and my buddy krosan at party xD he so crazy(me in bacK)

Our friend Catalonia me can be considered as the one and only SPANISH_GOD, we all admire his greatness.Also there is the story about Anonymous me, who happened to be one of the very few nice french guys.Although sometimes this silly Frenchman tried to serve us some odd looking dishes he would like to call "delicacies"

Our good friend Anonymous me had lived in a small quiet town in wales, Where his parents had a great farm with many many sheep.

Tyfoon interjew:
1. hey tyfoon what are u famous of: nothing
2. what is race? i am dutch, i know kevin
3. what is favorite food? wee*(is drug cencor)
4. favorite player in et? panzerfist(soldier)
5. forall lady? is tyfoon single or marry? Single ;);) ladys
5. brown hair, pretty, tall, not so romans, very sexist.
6. favorite football team? Manchester united n favorite player is Nani
7. What you look for in girl? She can not be of negroid race, anything else depends on chemistry and personality.


I am not really achiever but if you achieve i will cheer on u :)