andi's profile picture
  • Andrej Pregelj
  • Lives in 58
  • 11 years, 6 months and 5 days
  • Profile hits: 73
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Recent Topics (2)

  1. andi avi for #6o6 30 Aug 2011
  2. andi avi 2 Aug 2011

Recent Comments (7)

  1. go to gnomon... 22 Jul 2011
  2. w3schools sux sorry... 15 Jul 2011
  3. hehe :) :** much... 15 Jul 2011
  4. Sorry bro i aint... 15 Jul 2011
  5. Well we are... 15 Jul 2011
  6. Yap im working at... 15 Jul 2011
  7. No i didn't... 15 Jul 2011