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- WlfPlayer
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Gender | Male |
Achievements | Former teams: dHb - Blizzard, Ronner, heineken, neglect, riv0, outlaw, gulpen, erwinner, horus, maverick and aeq pstarz - decem, pr0mo, ati_, carniee, Option and aeq dfiance - viol, silent, wizzel, NUGGET, brot, BDI, murda, TEH WLFPLAYER and aeq Underscore - Cs4f1, us4rmy, srph, winghaven, polarka, logic, phobeus. nonix and aeq cdap - pi - kris ,perfo, logic, toxic, nonix, future, snoop, xylos, sock, phobeus and aeq k1ck - gunner, abort, rimi, dr3am, lightning and aeq. 5th place CDC3, securing 500euro's |
CPU | 3 ghz |
Memory | 1024 |
Storage | 200 gb |
Graphics | geforce 6800 |
Sound | boxes |
Operating System | dunno |
Monitor | 17'' 75 hz |
Keyboard | default |
Mouse | razer copperhead |
Mousepad | default clothpad |
Headset | creative hs 400 |
Connection | adsl |