Sepje's profile picture
  • Bas de Koster
  • Lives in Netherlands nl
  • 16 years, 7 months and 12 days
  • Profile hits: 33
Followers (2)

Recent Articles (1) and one4one in the spotlights!

On Sunday the 18th of June 20:00 CET the first EC XIII playoff match will start! Estonia idle vs Germany one4one! Almost everyone of the scene says that Estonia idle has the EC title in their pocket. But United Kingdom TosspoT thinks different, he made a column called: Who can beat idle? All playoff-clans are in there with their chances against Estonia idle, but that's United Kingdom TosspoT's opinion. More inside!

Recent Journals (4)

  1. need converter 12 Jan 2007
  2. for dutchies iwth brommers 10 Jan 2007
  3. mIRC probs 31 Dec 2006
  4. Im so... 25 Dec 2006

Recent Topics (7)

  1. hey bro's 30 Dec 2006
  2. o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o 12 Dec 2006
  3. clanloos 3 Dec 2006
  4. HAX IMO OMFG 1 Dec 2006
  5. need 3 1day-cup mercs! 19 Nov 2006
  6. HOI HOI 15 Nov 2006
  7. Need 1-day-cup mercs 15 Oct 2006

Recent Comments (8)

  1. ? 13 Jan 2007
  2. [18:53] *... 13 Jan 2007
  3. DIE DIE DIE 12 Jan 2007
  4. graci 12 Jan 2007
  5. google's all... 12 Jan 2007
  6. hoi, alles goed? 12 Jan 2007
  7. yay 12 Jan 2007
  8. ik niet 12 Jan 2007