Elegy's profile picture
  • Lives in United States of America us
  • 8 years, 11 months and 16 days
  • Profile hits: 3
No buddies.
Does not follow anyone.
Has no followers.


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Notable Teams:

20ID (BF2, 2142, FEAR, CoD 2, BF3)
50|Calibre Gaming (ET:QW)
Affliction (BF3, BF4, CoD:BO2)
Cloud 9 - Onslaught (RTCW, BRINK, QuakeLive)
Locked on Target (RTCW, CoD series)
Team ParadoX (CoD:UO and CoD 2)
The Final Stand (BF2)

Numerous online and LAN championships, in addition to placing at CPL and Quakecon in the past.


This user is not a member of any groups.



- 2002 SOGA Return to Castle Wolfenstein Tournement//
- 2003 SOGA Counter-Strike tournament
- 2003 Uber-LAN RTCW: Enemy Territory Tournament//
- 2004 SOGA CoD Tournament/
- 2004 DLF RTCW: Enemy Territory Tournament
- 2004 Uber-LAN BFV Tournament
- 2004 GXL BFV Tournament
- 2004 GXL 512 man LAN Call of Duty Tournament Sponsored by iGames.
2005 MML Battlefield 2 Tournament
-2005 DLF Battlefield 2 Tournament
-2005 SOGA Battlefield 2 Tournament
-2005 CAGE Battlefield 2 Tournament
-2006 Championship Gaming Invitational Battlefield 2 Tournament
-2006 Showdown LANFEST Battlefield 2 Tournament
-2006 StompFest LAN Battlefield 2 Tournament
-2007 PDX LAN Point Of Existence 2 Tournament
-2007 PDX LAN F.E.A.R. 3v3 Tournament
-2007 DLF CoD 2 Tournament
-2007 WSVG CoD 2 Tournament
5th-2007 QuakeCon ET:QW Tournament
-2012 LANWar 50 Battlefield 3 Tournament


2002 - RTCW CAL Invite Season 2 and 3
2002 - SOF2 CAL Champions Season 2
2004 - BFV CAL8 Champions
2004 - CoD CAL-Main Season 1
2004 - CoD CAL-Invite Season 1
2004- CoD: UO 6v6 CTF Regular Winter League
2004- CoD: UO CAL-Main Season 1
2005- CoD: UO CAL-Main Season 2
2005- CoD: UO CAL-Main Season 2 Champions
2005- Top Rung TWL 12v12 BF2 (2 years undefeated)
2005- BF2 CAL Season 1
2005- BF2 CAL Main Season 2
2006- BF2 CAL Season 3
2006- BF2 CAL Main Season 4
2006- CoD 2 CAL Main Season 1
2007- CoD 2 CAL Invite Season 1
2007- CoD 2 CEVO Professional Season 3
2007- CoD 2 CEVO Professional Season 3
2007- CoD 2 CEVO Professional Season 4
2012- BF3 TWL 5v5 IO Season 1 Champions