Codec asd Filesize 262.00 MiB Length 12:03

shoutouts to : popz, Bff, frEeze, monkey, mAnki, caej, klejf, clouver, sToWnaGe, k2k, Mashed, rAUL, al, JOH, Pox, sCope, krister, esti, ViSual, gaxx, slaz, fabio, Claimaxz, okko-tamasuki, ghoul, vimm, Ince, crea, LudA, hybrAtek, mikeh, baq, magico , Zwei , Gengis , nugis, vokki, Swani, Kevin, Jorke, team inteRaction, ReturneR, Edgar, nsd, team-nkNn, Emerica, Metsuri, hassan, Devix, hAkzz, iNstep, Stouda , Mini, Sand, mAndi, wAku.

music : rja-face down,Above And Beyond-Oceanic,2pac-do for love
nice frags
nice movie :)
nice :D
nice frags
rest was just average
Epic movie!
Great movie

I feel gay for liking the Above & Beyong song
i saw it the afternoon was nice :d
Nice editing, ok frags, too blury, i didnt like the music
ENSAMPLE & Friends

Rating: 7.3

Everybody loves KRP and KRP loves everybody =) <3
U hate plt so ur statement is not true :<
everybody hate plt <3
u're confusing me with hate+<3 hate/<3 relationship might work out!
and everybody loves u <3! :D
nice movie, not too complicated

hitsounds should've get higher volume then the music
great job sCope :)
nice movie proS:)
Nice movie, but aspect ratio seems weird
Pretty entertaining and most of the frags were quite nice. There were some useless filler frags but I didn't really mind them.

It was far too blurry and the colours were somewhat fucked up at some points. Anyway, it was a decent fragmovie, even though the first song kind of ruined it :(
The second one built up some nice atmosphere, though.

EDIT: And yeah, forgot to mention about the fucked up aspect ratio.
nice movie enjoyed :)
nice movie guys :)
Ehh im not there :'( ty for shoutouts
+/- edit
- music

nice movie.
i hate the fact you flame on movies wich are 100% entertaining (what the main point is of a good fragmovie) of course in every fragmovie there are a few things whut could have been done better so whut. havent seen any good stuff of you either.

no offense..
ty for shoutout
pretty nice multikills
nice frags
Quality wasn't that impressive, frags were very good. Liked the cams with the slow movements with the frags. 2nd music was bad tbh, but good allround movie.
Quality wasn't that good but didn't care since the frags made up for it. Very nice movie, team movies always work well than single player movies. Nicely put together!
No stream available
srsly, only sub owns, gj bumpzzz :)
Nice movie, not my type of music though :P
thanks for shoutout!
Very nicely made, great frags as expected! I really enjoyed the use of slo-motion and speed-ups, though continuous scenes of slow motion mixed with unexpected fast forwards made me a bit dizzy. Also, the 4 or so succession of 3-man nades was sick, but putting them one after another made them boring and unspecial. In regards to colours, they were a bit sharp on some maps and quality was not as clean as I was hoping.

Creativity - 7
Editing - 8
Content - 8/8.5
Quality - 7
Overall - 8
Nice movie , nice headshots ,cams , music 10/10
EST:Mõnes kohas oli muusika hitsoundidest kus ei saanudki aru palju hs-i tuli aga nagu tundus et sitaks
i feel like i want to be nerd again :|
hehe, nerd :P
Parent loved by the community, u must be kidding me :)
wtf with this shit music
1/1 coz of no #LOTTE Shoutout.
nice, 2bad none killed me there :S
nice muufi :P
Yeah, and your opinion is just as valid as the opinion you're criticising...
yeah? i'm not the one going round rating 1/1/1/1 on good movies and saying they are shit when they clearly arent....
Welcome to the internet, I've been putting up with that crap for years. :-)
i just think its a shame... the least they could do is state why they think its so bad instead of just rating it bad and leaving it there. :<
+ nice frags
+ hitsounds

+- music

- synchro

nice one :-)
good good :P
Trance music in movie = Insta win! 10/10/10/10 for this :>
This is actually true

Not some stupid monotonous techno or dubstepwhatever-Idunnoaboutthisshit, but decent melodic trance = great fragmovie music
rofl, not the first time i hear a new Trance song and actually even have it in my pc! :D Want me to upload it?
when are you going to realize that fragmovies arent just about colors and cams ?
Very nice movie! Great cams n fragz, gj sCope
You have a lot to learn.
Great frags and all, but it was kinda short :(
kõik demod, mis me hiljem saatsime ei läinud sisse, mõned monsterfräggid jäid välja tänu sellele : (
no miks tal sellega nii kiire siis oli, oleks yhe korraliku teinud. :/
ta tegi seda üle 2 kuu, asjaga ei olnudki kiiret :P ma ei tea, miks ta neid sisse ei pannud
Alati saab ju squadi teise movie jaoks demosid koguda. :)
kogumegi :P
7:23 täitsa korralik ju ;)
ma tahtsin rohkem n2ha :P
gg moovi

jyrkzi ja subbi aim oli gg mandi rifle spamm ja saci naadid olid ka lahedad.
manti mitte mandi. nimesid ei käändata. :P (GRAMMARNAZI!)
käänatakse küll, kui inimene seda soovib :)
if you watch the movie, then u will notice a special thanks:)
sac'i fragid parimad

im too skilled for this movie:P
subb = cheater

jyrkz busted 1 time but he sux

sac = newbie

manki the bigest cheater
u are really cool, fool
humm ok why not
I remember sac busting u and your turkish Revolution team :D
i remember subb getting busted in the past too:)
no klejf no win ={
hu ? tr never been bust but ok
why did you use so shit version of the first song,theres a much better one :/
That's how fragmovie should look imo. No fancy edits and effects, quality good enough to see who fragged who, little bit of sync. Great job :)
And outstanding frags ofc!
- hitsounds were oversynced
- quali
++ music
+ rest

7/10 from me
response from the community is one of the best ways to learn and improve
I love that first song :) good movie
i like the music and nice frags... 7/10
Nice movie, good frags too, although the one vs blight shouldn't of been thrown in there because although a good name, they probably pushed for the defuse, after some great teamwork to get the barrier up.

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