Codec x264/mp3 Filesize 413.00 MiB Length 606

Unfinished: Polish Community Movie

After over one year since the project has started (November 2008), Thoro-pictures is proud to finally present it's latest official (unfinished) fragmovie - Polish Community Movie. The movie contains frags performed by the top Polish players.

First of all I would like to say sorry to all those people who were waiting for this movie for such a long time. I know that you expected something really awesome... But the project was splitted into a few parts (everyone from TP took one), unfortunately due to some personal/internal problems only I've managed to finish my job. So you will see only a part of our big project... Since I've lost all my motivation to work on PCM this movie doesn't look too different than the clips which some of you already saw a long time ago. I've only corrected some small things and added a few effects. Personally I think it's a quite nice movie, I hope you will enjoy it!


Type: Polish Community Frag Highlights
Length: 6:06
FPS: 25
Weight: 265mb
Codecs: x264/MP3
Resolution: 1280x720
Release Date: 14 March 2010[/hide]

Enemy Territory 2.60b
ETPro 3.2.6
It's a wrap!
Adobe Photoshop CS3
Adobe Premiere Pro CS3
Megui [/hide]

Breaking Benjamin - The Diary of Jane
Immediate Music - Avenger(Choir)[/hide]

I'll add stream tomorrow morning. And will be nice if someone could upload it to his ftp because my isn't good(I mean transfer isn't good sometimes).
I have a ftp for you if you need some space the current one is shit!

lan frags?!
250 kb/s

e: Expected more from u :<
I wouldn't say that.
not gonna download 413mb 6mins movie.. movie is like 250big and 150mbs are what? :D
trailers, demos. Well I think it's worth downloading because of trailers inside, ignore movie xD
trailer is much better then the movie
downloading the movie hope so it deserve to wait 2 hours :D!
what twister said!
Intro had no meaning, if you were gonna show pol vs fin 2005 nc rounds, at least show the frags? I thought the movie was about poland nc then it switched to the players in the movie description. Two completely different things, other than that the quality was nice, not much sync and frags were good.
I told him about that boring and senseless intro, but it was great idea for him ;p.
i didn't exactly get why there was 2 minutes of bullshit about some EC game from which u had no frags at all : /
i liked supply colors
and it is pretty nice encoding
I told him about that boring and senseless intro, but it was great idea for him ;p.
Intro was kinda useless to put it tbh, quality was really nice. Frags were top notch, music was decent. Would of been really nice if you could of finished the project but oh well. Really nice movie tbh but very short.
kojak jack wolfskin =)
Have to say I was disappointed. The quality was good, frags were ok, music wasn't really that good since I'm pretty sure it has been used already in some movies. Didn't like the intro at all. Was expecting a lot more.

what pissed me off was mostly the music, like come on, used thousand of times before : s
More than a year passed since I picked this song so I'm not suprised that someone already used this song :). As I remember this song was used in Kris ET movie but I'm not sure. Other fragmovies doesn't count for me.

And ye, finally I'm free and I can delete this <3.
Oh this song was picked in far more movies than only the one made for Kris by sNoOp
unfinished, why even bother.. 2 mins some retarded ego text when poltards bashed fintards, 2 min cams, 1 min frag part, 1 min outro, great job

quality good
material not enough but good
cool cams etc

if you started something you gotta finish it.

The first 2 mins are useless, sync could be better, never take a music from a well known movie !
Popups were good but centred messages were not, colors & quality are nice (justified by the file size). Some cams could be improved, nothing really interesting during the movie :/

shit shit shit
expected alot more :(

after the trailer i was really waiting for an awesome movie but this isnt it :<

the intro really is pointless and so already got me bored from the beginning..
really nice frags, cams are ok and quality is nice.

that fin vs pol was senseless :O
felt like watching a word presentation for the 1st ~2 minutes. bored the fuck out of me, not to continue watching the rest...
What a bunch of shit votes! I personally liked the beginning, it's some of ET history i never heard of. Shame it was unfinished though :<

edit: I wish crossfire would get rid off those different voting options. A movie must give you a feeling and because of that you give a rate.
I made this intro as a piece of nice Polish history/awards but I don't really think I presented it in a good way - well I'm disappointed in some way too but I did it only because noone of us wanted to make it. It was like 2hours work for me and I didn't really care how it will look like. But thanks for the positive comment, nice to know that someone understand a point of this :).
too short but nice ^^
gj wedeusz, gdyby nie ta muza bylby hit ;] szkoda ze tego nie dokonczyliscie
Gdyby nie to, ze stracilem motywacje czekajac na reszte ponad pol roku to bylby hit xD
ale i tak jest zajebiscie =)
stream byscie dodali a nie :C
nie ogladam streamow o ile film jest tego wart, sciagnalem i raczej nie byl :(

moja e-kobieca intuicja jak zwykle niezawodna

odezwij sie na ircu to moze sie na klipa zalapiesz, o!
dobre movie :) jakby cooba nie zjebal bo podejrzewam ze on mial sporo fragow to moglby byc zajebisty dosyc dlugi film, ale i tak spoko :d
uwazasz ze muzyka by cokolwiek zmienila ?;/
chodzilo mi o to ze jest zerznieta z innych fm, cokolwiek by nie mowic mi sie fm podobalo =)
dl :O)

basically WTF @ first 2mins

- lots of text in fragmovies = nono
- overused music
- ugly popup text, going to two lines sometimes ;[
- hitsounds, lack of

+ cfg
+ pace of the frags

not too good imo ;) shame!
merlin! you shud love it at least cuz im in it :DD too bad he was making it alone, i send like lots of demos to other guy who kinda ran away and fucked it up :(

it just seemed kinda unfinished with the lunking together, shame really as it could have been quite nice :)
what are you talking about? it's top notch movie, dont you like reading :D?

och well not really but it has been announced so long time ago so i was expecting at least unfinnished project instead of 'this'.
stream or gtfo
the word 'unfinished' does not excuse a crappy movie.
stream plz
nothing special tbh
I uploaded it on youtube because own3d doesn't work to me :<
what is the name of the font you used during the text parts?
Start was indeed stupid, I liked the frag part though :)
rated it 0 since kot is in it
i liked it

made me wanna play et :)
2007 style, me like.
nice & interesting movie :)
I have no doubts why its unfinished, personally i wouldnt even bother to finish such a shit movie :XD

lol, this must be the worst intro i've ever seen
No, wiec moze streszcze Ci to.

Jakos w listopadzie 2008 zaczelismy kolekcjonowac dema, w grudniu/styczniu zaczelismy juz prace. Ja swoja czesc mialem juz skonczona podajze po miesiacu, reszta sie zaczela opierdalac jak zwykle. Po ok miesiacu stracilem swoja czesc i musialem robic ja doslownie od 0(tu zaczela sie moja strata motywacji). Skonczylem swoja czesc od poczatku, Ci dwaj nadal nic nie ruszyli, potem COOBA przestal wchodzic na irca, nie widzielismy go pol roku wiec i przestalismy robic prace(szczerze mowiac nie wiem po co, ale ok), po ponad pol roku stwierdzilismy ze to wydamy i zaczelismy sie opierdalac przez nastepne 3miesiace, az w koncu film wyszedl. W trakcie wydawania tego filmu zdazylem zrobic formata i pol plikow poszlo sie pierdolic, wiec musialem je zgrywac od poczatku i wpierdalac do projektu - co powinno mi zajac jakas godzinke, mi zajelo z 2 tygodnie. Gdy juz zaczalem rendering do mp4 nie wiem jakim cudem cala sciezka dzwiekowa przesunela mi sie o 50-100klatek i w chuj poszly sie jebac hitsoundsy ktore jako tako nadawaly urok temu filmowi, bo bylo tam tego na prawde w chuj(poza tym outro troche na tym tez ucierpialo, bo napisy sie poprzesuwaly). No... I to chyba tyle, zreszta doszlismy do wniosku, ze wydamy ten film tylko po to by nasza praca sie nie zmarnowala, nie obchodzi mnie to czy komus sie to podoba czy nie, bo doskonale wiem ze stac mnie na o wiele wiecej(zobaczysz to za jakis miesiac, dwa gdy wydam movie mst, ktore wedlug nie tylko mnie wyjdzie o wiele lepsze niz ten marny PCM).



Aha, hristo stwierdzil po tym releasie PCM'a ze jednak dokonczy swoja czesc, wiec mozesz oczekiwac czegos na prawde fajnego, bo on to zrobi o miliard razy lepiej niz ja. Chociaz mam watpliwosci co do tego czy wyda to tak szybko, wiec... : p


Znalazlem moja pierwsza czesc jaka zrobilem, moze ja upne w wolnym czasie.
upuj jak tylko bedziesz mial czas!
upuj jak tylko bedziesz mial czas!
upuj jak tylko bedziesz mial czas!
Wlacze upload jak pojde spac :).
lol nie wiem jakim cudem 3 odpowiedzi tobie wyslalem oO

ale ciesze sie ze jutro bedzie co ogladac : )
Przyznaj sie, ze chciales po prostu wyrazic swoje podniecenie !
kurcze, jakim cudem... kto ci powiedzial? : d
Parent to nic wielkiego, ale moze Ci sie bardziej spodoba niz to :p
juz sciagam : )
no kurcze, rzeczywiscie ten fragment ktory zrobiles najpierw jest dosc duzo lepszy : /

nadaje temu filmikowi klimatu, ta akcja wrobla w oryginalnej wersji (bez hitsoundow) byla jakas troche dziwna. a pro po hitsoundow to sa calkiem ciche! podglosnij je troche na mst movie ; )

e: ale akurat informacja na temat kto obecnie fraguje (w kolorach naszej flagi) wypada na korzysc najnowszej wersji, z tego powodu ze takiej informacji w tej starszej wersji zwyczajnie brak : p
w mst movie w ogole nie bedzie hitsoundsow bo sa niepotrzebne :p
Serio, nie ma sensu tam ich dodawac, jak on ma zbyt malo hsow w akcjach :p
To jest to samo co tu, tylko ze z hitsoundami i bez nickow w rogu? ;>
Nie, sa tam jeszcze troche inne kamerki, kolorki i synchro, ale nic nadzwyczajnego :D.
Oki, wlasnie teraz to sciagam i zobacze to na wlasne oczy. =)
Dla mnie bezsensu. Nie powinno sie tak to nazywac;. Jak juz robic projekt polish community to Old demka przede wszystkim! gdzie jest IC ? hunters, poison, ff-old, storks, c4 itp itd ?...gdzie jakis shoutcast ...Filmik jak filmik, ale myslalem, ze przy takiej nazwie bedzie to jakas historia w pigulce a tak to takie z dupy ..sorry :D
A moze frytki do tego?
ma chlopak racje :D
a skad mieli wziac demka IC hunters, poison, ff-old, storks, c4 etc? Jakby gracze z tamtych klanow je przyslali to pewnie by je wmontowali w film :D. ..
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