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A simple movie concentrating on t3h aw3s0m3 frags of France maxuh.


Kevin MacLeod - Trips It

Donkey Ride - Hey God

Music is royalty free and used with a permission.

Hope you enjoy it, at least some of you!
Thanks and God bless!
old or new?
Brand new, although kind of the "2006 style". :)
Ah nice dling !
Maxuh la frite omfg :/

Waited 5 years for that movie!!
saving comment!
omg maxuh
omg omg omg nizou! if this is nearly as good as senti's adventures, than this will make me jizz in my pants ( :
I'm not your God. :p
Oh my god, I failed : ( I thought this is ET; not RTCW! : (

This really hurt my feelings badly, you need to make another > awesome < ET movie!
omg maxuh omg
pretty disappointing movie, not many positives from it. was this made ages ago?
It was made only recently. I'm not really that much interested in gaming related moviemaking anymore, as you can probably see, but I promised to do maxuh's movie already perhaps two years ago and this kind of a simple clip was fine for him.
what a pity. well, maxuh's frags were awesome, although the fact that you used such a low resolution is truly disappointing : /
The low resolution is due to the fact that when I actually bought Vegas last year after giving up warez, I picked the cheapest version without doing any real comparison, and realised only after I had bought it that it doesn't support higher resolution than 800x600. :D
well, that's a shame with your software
Not really. :)

I'm probably not gonna do any special video stuff in the near future. If I will, I'm going to buy a proper software. Until then, this is just fine for random home video productions and perhaps for occasional "music + frags" style gaming clips.
what made you stop with warez by the way?
what colour is your underpants
my question was a serious, seriously ; )

dear chmpp, my underwears are mostly black, because I'm not a racist ( :
1) It's illegal even if it's really rare to get punished for it and even if I really don't agree with all the copyright related laws.

2) It's an offense against my God. I'm not saying I should be following some strict rules or so to be a better person, but rather that I want to do what I know is right and it has really been God who's done the change in me. Also as a Christian it wouldn't be very consistent to teach/preach one thing and do another, not to mention of being a good example to others.
How come Jesus has an Israeli flag in your profile? :-s
Just thought of it yesterday. I agree it doesn't really fit in, even if he was Israeli during his earthly journey.
Fucking queer
I truly respect your intelligent and extremely well thought out point of view. :)
i like you.
Thanks! I like you too and more importantly my friend called Jesus loves you!
yeh, ive been lecturing in some journals about how nonsense evolution is and i was called as troll too :p
Yeah. It's kinda funny and sad at the same time how evolution is dominating the western thinking while there's absolutely no solid proof for it.
yeap no one accepts that evolution itself proves evolution wrong as explaining the life in here :( you're like the first guy who is actually reasonable in here
http://creation.com/ is a cool site. I recommend. :)
Quoteyou're like the first guy who is actually reasonable in here

I actually remember the journal in which you tried to argue this, you were the unreasonable one. Nonsense circular logic and constantly invoking a god of the gaps mentality to any proposition others made. You're so delusional it hurts.
i doubt there is enough man in you to have any sort of discussion about this. i also doubt you would accept any of the facts and 90% of them you wouldn't quite even understand ;E probably u arent even serious so whateva
Actually I spent the last two years studying solely Maths, Physics & Philosophy. If the age in your profile is true then I find you only more delusional if you believe that you have some kind of divine world view that I am incapable of understanding. Facts for me are either a-priori and universally derivable or it is peer reviewed research/evidence. The bible for example, is certainly not fact. Evolution however IS a fact.

Personally I think that evolution and the idea of a designer/world creator can co-exist, in fact they HAVE to be allowed to co-exist for any kind of argument for God to be valid. Evolution happened, that is a fact. Whether it was the work of some kind of supreme being or not is a different argument, but one I personally don't agree with.
what do u consider as evolution? micro and macro -evolution? evolution exists yep, but no way it could explain the genesis of life
yes it can, and it will be proven, you guys are very naive
if you only knew that evolution has already been proven wrong :l i assume you dont know much about genes and mutations so ill make this short: there's a motor which keeps bacterias moving. like this one: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/15/Flagellum_base_diagram_en.svg/629px-Flagellum_base_diagram_en.svg.png i dont say it's impossible for the motor to pop in to bacteria, but chances that those 28 (theoretically, way more in practice) mutations occur to one bacteria is 10*10^-140. theoretical maximum amount of bacteria on earth is 10^10*46. chances that one motor would've been evolved on bacteria is 10^10*-94. and this example is drastically simplified, in practice the possibility would be incredibly smaller. this is one of the simpliest organs, I can't even think that human being would've been evolved this way. and this was just one wild example about possibilities, want me to get deeper or get more examples?

E: thought about your reply, and i got to say you made kind of fool of yourself since you seem to have absolute zero information about evolution.
you are influenced by the propaganda and the false information that can be easly effect you at any point, and you, as a naive person, eat it like a pie
i'm not discussing this anymore, and i never even read any of ur comments so please don;t bother replying, have a nice day

oh and one more thing, i respect any one's opinion, but bullcrapping so much bullshit is just annoying
I truly respect your intelligent and extremely well thought out point of view. :)
ah, the argument of irreducible complexity, to quote Michael Behe;
Quote by Behe, Darwin's Black Box, 1996By irreducibly complex I mean a single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning.

Flagella, however much they may appear to be irreducibly complex in a linear over-simplified view of biochemistry, actually show conceivable pathways through which they could have evolved. The basal/root body of a flagella was actually found to be reasonably similar to a type 3 secretion system so long ago as 1996... didn't exactly take very long for Behe's examples to be refuted but creationists still seem to use this as evidence.

Furthermore in 1998 research into the cytochrome c oxidase protein pump, a crucial part of energy transformation for cells, led a couple of scientists to find:
Quote by Siegfried Musser and Sunney Chan, 1998an evolutionary tree constructed using the notion that respiratory complexity and efficiency progressively increased throughout the evolutionary process

Remove one protein from the system and the system loses it's function, exactly the kind of irreducible complexity that Behe tried to argue disproved evolution. How is it then that two of these proteins which appeared to have no other function except as a part in the protein pump were found to be similar to the cytochrome bo3 complex. Logically it seems to make sense that the pump could have evolved from this bacterial enzyme.

This is published evidence that directly contradicts Behe,
Quote by Behe, Darwin's Black Box, 1996There is no publication in the scientific literature – in prestigious journals, specialty journals, or books – that describes how molecular evolution of any real, complex, biochemical system either did occur or even might have occurred

this statement is simply false. Behe essentially did like many before him and decided that because there was a small gap in the explanation provided for something in biochemical sciences that this gap was impossible without some kind of exterior influence or creator. He inferred the solution based on his own wants and beliefs instead of conducting further research or waiting for the research to happen in order to make an informed conclusion.

It isn't a matter of chance, at least not in this particular case. The initial formation of protein is susceptible to the argument of physicist Le Comte Du Nouy stating that protein is far too complex to have arisen by chance in the time that had elapsed since the beginning of the universe but this can also be refuted on sound scientific grounds. (And this has nothing to do with evolution :F)
QuoteThe basal/root body of a flagella was actually found to be reasonably similar to a type 3 secretion system so long ago as 1996... didn't exactly take very long for Behe's examples to be refuted but creationists still seem to use this as evidence.

And? Similarities between different organisms are most of the times because there aren't optional forms that would work as well as required. E.g. how the skeletons of different animals are so like each other, all basic structures differ only a little and so on.. because there aren't no other way them to function properly and to last tens of years of non-stop use. How to explain that the instructions for the motor were already there in the DNA. All the instructions were there before the motor could be built. And you need all the components of the motor to be ready before it will help the bacteria. Also, bacteriamotor is a system of 30 components. In TTS there is only 10. Where to get the missing 20, meaning the most of it? Even if flagellum came from T3SS, where did T3SS come from? There would need to be a huge amount of mutations within the same specific cell and the protein which would need to generate is approx 100 amino acids long. Won't go to the odds, you probably know it's
practically more impossible than possible. Also the mutations should be neutral nor harmful, multiple proteins should be mutated simultaneously, etcetc. The probability to it to happen is approximately 10*10^-500. That would match 70 lottery wins in a row. Won't happen in a lifetime, huh? Summa summarum, it's impossible.

Actually, this discussion should be started from the primeval soup, I could list quite an amount of impossible things evolutionists howerever claim to be happened. Actually I would recommend you a book, because someone has already done the list for me..

QuoteRemove one protein from the system and the system loses it's function, exactly the kind of irreducible complexity that Behe tried to argue disproved evolution.

Yes, true. System has to be complete to function and there couldn't have
been a "building-phase", first there wasn't the system and puf, there was
one. Natural selection and evolution itself keeps care that not-ready systems were cast out and therefore they were no more developed and new structures cannot be produced through mutations.

QuoteThere is no publication in the scientific literature – in prestigious journals, specialty journals, or books – that describes how molecular evolution of any real, complex, biochemical system either did occur or even might have occurred

You talked about some single small gap in here? The whole evolutionstory is a one big gap. From the very beginning the synthesis scientists claim to be happened, has later practically proven impossible. The microevolution itself invalidates macroevolution. In practice, no new organs/organisms could've been evolved, because the optimisation of the evolution would cast the mutants out. Behe sure made conclusions, but
from the present facts. The universe cannot been formed by evolution and
there isn't other theory that would even try to explain it. However, people tend to want answers. You could only ask some of these unbiased scientists about how hopeless it seems to find a working theory to explain it. It seems so imcomprehendible and amazes everyone who gets into it. If you're logical in its real meaning, you might just realise that there isn't other logic option than intelligent design. ID
(intelligent design) explains everything, but not in the terms of science.

Searching the answer is pretty much like [img]
pirates were searching for treasures. The pirates (scientists) had an island where they knew the treasure (answer) would be. However, there was a district where the pirates weren't allowed to go and search. No diggin there! So, the pirates dug the whole island thoroughly, except for the area they weren't allowed to go to. No treasure (answer) found :( Pirates started to think that the treasure could be on the district where there was no
permission to go and search. Still they forced themselves to keep searching the same holes they've been over and over again. Now, scientists (pirates) are on a phase where they don't seem to find the answer (treasure), but won't give up the principles (won't go to the forbidden zone), won't give up the basic principle science has, empirical examination. I personally don't know how long they will keep digging, but
one day they'll move to forbidden zone and accept the answer. It won't be
scientifically valid in science terms of today. Science is not searching the truth. However, science has almost a monopoly as a righteous truth definer.

And one thing, which is considerable as proof for ID, is e.g. peacock butterfly and the overwhelming beautiful and purposeful nature. Why would there be such a beautiful butterflies if evolution made them? The color and appearance would be strictly plain colored and the best disguise wouldn't be beautiful at all. There are many organisms whose appearance you can't explain by saying it's useful or vitally important surviving
mechanism. Adolf Portman, anatomist and animal scientist said in 1976
that the greatest problem in biology is to find out purpose for the beautiful appearance. One other example of this is the singing of the birds, it's way more beautiful when the birds are not mating, when there's absolute no use for the bird to sing.

It's pretty much about how much you're interested in it. If you want an answer, intelligent design is for you. If you're not interested, you won't give damn nor you will accept facts, you'll reflect all the information. Or if you're a believer, evolution is made for you.

QuoteLeading anti-creationist philosopher admits that
evolution is a religion

‘Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion—a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit that in this one complaint—and Mr [sic] Gish is but one of many to make it—the literalists are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.

‘… Evolution therefore came into being as a kind of secular ideology, an explicit substitute for Christianity.’
said Michael Ruse.

He was the leading anti-creationist philosopher whose (flawed) arguments seemed to convince the biased judge to rule against the Arkansas ‘balanced treatment’ (of creation and evolution in schools) bill in 1981/2. At the trial, he and the other the anti-creationists loftily dismissed the claim that evolution was an anti-god religion.

Some other proofs about ID:

Water. It's vital and its features are just made for life. The molecyle structure itself is just the right one, the components of water can move but also touch each other frequently enough. It's universal solvent, not too reactive, perfect viscosity for bloodstream and on the other hand to the capillar-effect, which enables large plants. The structure is simple: there is enough of it. It's crucial for the water to stay as liquid. It's own features help in that, unlike if there was no humans. All the
physical features are just perfect (cba to list them here now) for life. Water is just right to adjust animal temperature and the temperature of the earth. Water makes efficient temperature regulation possible. It's also able to recycle all the nutrients. Water also absorbs harmful radiation and passes useful radiation through.

Light. Light is wave motion of fotons and sun happens to send just such energic light as molecyles can use. Still the atmosphere lets just the specific light wavelength through that the molecyles can use. Atmosphere prevents gamma-, x-ray and uv- radiation. The eyes of the organisms are just able to see to specific light the atmosphere lets through and the sun happens to produce. If the wavelenght of the foton motion was a bit smaller it would be difficult to focus, energy levels would be too high and cell size would be too large. On the other hand, too big wavelenght
wouldnt be seen by us because the lens is too large, energylevels too low
and cell size too small. What a coincidence!

There hasn't been much of evolution in the largest populations. E.g. malaria parasitizes. What evolution has occured is: some of them are
chloroquine-resistant. It needs two mutations to happen and the likelihood is 10*10^-20. Practically, no evolution occured within the largest population and long time.

About the universe. Electromagnetical force ratio to gravity is 10*10^36. If gravity was 3000x stronger, stars wouldn't last long. If stronger, there would be short-aged stars, miniuniversums and planets width of a meter. Only a few organisms could handle the gravity. If gravity was weaker, there wouldnt be enough heat in stars to create fusion. Cosmological constant is very small, luckily only 1/10*10^120 of what it
is expected to be. Otherwise, there wouldn't be galaxies nor stars. Mass has divided perfectly in universum: 1/100000 diffs. If it was too constantly divided, there wouldn't be no stars. Vica versa and there would be only black holes.

The ratio between electromagnetic force and strong interaction is approx. 1/137. If the ratio would be 1/60, the vital elements wouldn't be stable. Just a bit smaller change in the ratio would eliminate every element except for hydrogen. 0,5% change in the ratio would eliminate carbon and oxygen in the stars.

Albert Einstein put it well:
Quote The most incomprehendible thing about the universum is that it is comprehendible.
When people say "Crossfire is full of idiots" I generally try not to agree but holy SHIT you are retarded.
Now that's an reasonable reply. :D I appreciate your opinion, yet disagree with it. :) Are you willing to even consider the option that evolution might not be so true after all? If it was, sure it could be widely questionized without much disturbance. Yet we see comments like this, that make me curious:

"In my opinion, using creation and evolution as topics for critical-thinking exercises in primary and secondary schools is virtually guaranteed to confuse students about evolution and may lead them to reject one of the major themes in science." - Eugenie Scott, NCSE

"Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose." - Richard Dawkins

“Even if all the data point to an intelligent designer, such an hypothesis is excluded from science because it is not naturalistic.” — Scott Todd, correspondence to Nature 401(6752):423, 30 Sept. 1999.

"There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings. I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am not aware of any major Christian denomination that believes the penalty for apostasy is death. I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse." - Dawkins

Just for starters.

Is it really that much of a "major theme in science" after all?. Generally, you don't need the "knowledge" of evolution anywhere else except in the historical and origins science, which is really based on assumptions, either naturalistic or biblical, and is frankly quite different to operational science which produces new mobile phones and medicines and sends people to the moon.

QuoteAre you willing to even consider the option that evolution might not be so true after all?

Evolution is a fact. I find it odd that you quote Dawkin's, I've read two of his books and seen the occasional speech and at no point does he for a second consider the option that evolution is not a fact. I don't understand therefore how taking a couple of his quotes out of context helps your argument. He actually wrote a great section in The God Delusion about how infuriating it is when people quote single sentences like that out of context, I only borrowed it from the library so I don't still have it to look up unfortunately.

QuoteIs it really that much of a "major theme in science" after all?.

Yes it is providing you use a sensible definition of what science is, eg: the systematic study of the natural world. What you call "operational science" is actually engineering. Engineers produce cell phones and space shuttles, sure they USE science and scientists but science is not really about building things.

I'm not willing to argue over evolution for it is fact, not a theory. If you have an argument for the existince of God based on other principles I'd be happy to debate them (there are many that actually allow/take evolution into account but still allow for there to be a creator) and refute them with the criticisms that show that they are not exactly solid proofs.
If you're refusing the criticism of evolution, you're kinda putting yourself inside an intellectual void. I'm gonna write down a few problems concerning evolution, naturalism and atheism for you. You may either answer or ignore me. I don't mind at all if you call me an idiot or a retard or whichever cool words you come up with, but, with all due respect, if you completely refuse discussion, what does it make of you? :(

1) Genetic degradation is a proven fact. The primary method for evolution to produce new information is considered to be the genetic mutations. Yet there's still no sign of a single mutation that could actually produce new information in the genome, quite the opposite. Every single mutation found so far is actually decreasing the amount of information. Mutations are mistakes, errors, in the genetic copying process, not a way to produce any new information required for amebas-to-atheists evolution. Kinda like in the "golden" 90's when we used to copy and zip computer games to floppy disks and occasionally there was a CRC error in one of the twenty disks which in worst cases ruined the whole copying process. :p

2) Natural selection is a fact, I would be stupid to deny that. But based on #1, it really isn't adding any new information anywhere in this universe. It's specialization, dropping the useless information. Let's consider dog breeds and take Chihuahuas as an example. The selective breeding done with it has produced the extremely small size and there's no way it could be brought back to the same level with the Great Dane since all the information needed to the transformation is lost.

Naturalists divide the evolution process in microevolution and macroevolution. By microevolution they mean the changes within species, also known as natural selection, but it actually is a fallacious and misleading term and should be called microDevolution instead, in light of the scientific proofs available. Macroevolution, molecules to man, lacks any serious evidence.

Darwin himself, the almighty God of atheists, admitted that the biggest problem for his theory (he didn't call it a fact) was the lack of transitional fossils. The late Dr Colin Patterson, who, at the time of the quote, was the senior paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History, answered the following, when he was inquired why he had not shown one single photograph of a transitional fossil in his book.

"I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them. You suggest that an artist should be used to visualise such transformations, but where would he get the information from? I could not, honestly, provide it, and if I were to leave it to artistic licence, would that not mislead the reader? Yet Gould (Stephen J. Gould, the now deceased professor of paleontology from Harvard University) and the American Museum people are hard to contradict when they say there are no transitional fossils. ... You say that I should at least 'show a photo of the fossil from which each type of organism was derived.' I will lay it on the line - there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument."

3) The second law of thermodynamics states that order tends towards disorder which is a complete opposite of evolution. It also means that the usable energy in the universe is running out and we're slowly and surely coming towards an end. The decreasing amount of energy also means that there has been more energy in the past. Yet, the evolution seems to be proposing exactly the opposite, taken that the amount of information should be growing all the time.

You could argue, like some do, that the evolution has actually stopped and isn't happening anymore. It really isn't happening anymore, if it ever has been, but from the naturalistic view that's truly a selfish statement, like we would be a cherry on the cake of evolution, the ultimate result of random processes, mistakes and accidents. Yet there are still people who are obviously "wrong", like creationists, which would mean that natural selection still has work to do. From the biblical aspect however, that's exactly what we see in the first pages of the mighty book. Yet, according to the Bible, we aren't the superior force, but there's something bigger, the God who created the whole universe.

4) Byproducts of atheism are clearly seen. The famous Bible passage states that "a good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit". Atheism produces nothing but sadness, grief, anger, sorrow and other marvellous stuff like that. There was a research made in Australia, which stated that while the church contacts of young men decreased, the suicide rates increased in inverse proportion. You could argue that it's how this game works, the survival of the fittest. But if Christianity was just a delusion procuced by a so-called "God gene", it shouldn't really have much influence on anything, should it? Yet, it's not that difficult to see its impact on the surrounding society. An American historian Carlton Hayes investigated this subject in the 1950's and he came to a following conclusion. I love to cite it, because it's so true. Indeed, Christianity is a bulwark against something worse, just like Dawkins said.

"Wherever Christians' ideals have been generally accepted and their practice sincerely attempted, there is a dynamic liberty; and wherever Christianity had been ignored or rejected, persecuted or chained to the state, there is tyranny."

Hayes, C.J.H., Christianity and Western Civilization, Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, p. 21, 1954.


A Finnish evangelist Kalevi Lehtinen told of a Christian conference he was a part of, which was held in current St. Petersburg, Leningrad back then, in 1990, when Soviet Union was still up and running. They had rented an ice hall and there were 22 000 tickets sold. Lots of people were left outside the hall just because they couldn't fit in anymore. He preached a simple gospel of Jesus and in the end he was amazed to see 15 000 people (three quarters of the audience) running towards the stage crying for salvation. After 70 years of atheistic indoctrination, that was the result. He put it simply as "nobody is born as an atheist".

5) The problem of the naturalistic approach is that it can't explain anything but plain matter. Thus, even the existence of DNA is a problem since it is metaphysical. DNA is information and information always requires an intelligent source, it doesn't come around by itself. I quoted Dawkins exactly because he's so keen on supporting evolution, yet his thoughts occasionally represent some interesting contradictions in his mind. He also confirms that the existence of information is one of the biggest problems for evolution. Eventually he seems to be more a misotheist (a god-hater) rather than a true atheist since he's often concentrating on blaming the God he doesn't even believe in. Regarding the naturalistic thinking, I love the famous and genius argument of C.S. Lewis:

"If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too. If so, then all our present thoughts are mere accidents—the accidental by-product of the movement of atoms. And this holds for the thoughts of the materialists and astronomers as well as for anyone else's. But if their thoughts are merely accidental by-products, why should we believe them to be true? I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give me a correct account of all the other accidents. It's like expecting that the accidental shape taken by the splash when you upset a milkjug should give you a correct account of how the jug was made and why it was upset."

In other words: If you (a random "you", not meant personally) believe that your thoughts are just accidental movement of atoms in your brain, why to call yourself a "free-thinker", while you, according to your own logic, can't help what you're thinking.

6) Back to the start. A single living cell is so amazingly complex system that it's still to be explained how the first cell could've been formed by random naturalistic processes. "Could've been" indeed. Evolutionary propaganda is full of that. "This might have happened the way we propose, or might have not." Since it's about researching events happened in the past, you can't have a certain knowledge and need to base everything on assumptions, unless you have a proper eyewitness account, like I believe we have in the Bible. Eventually it's a question of different worldviews. Facts are same for both sides, it's about how you interpret them.

"It is no more heretical to say the Universe displays purpose, as Hoyle has done, than to say that it is pointless, as Steven Weinberg has done. Both statements are metaphysical and outside science. Yet it seems that scientists are permitted by their own colleagues to say metaphysical things about lack of purpose and not the reverse. This suggests to me that science, in allowing this metaphysical notion, sees itself as religion and presumably as an atheistic religion (if you can have such a thing)."

Shallis, M., In the eye of a storm, New Scientist, pp. 42–43, January 19, 1984.

A wise man (I can't remember his name) once said, that if an atheist is right, then he's at the same position with a Christian, but if a Christian is right, the positions change quite radically. So you could consider, which side is a wiser one, so to speak.

7) Unlike often pictured with the dark middle age imagery, flat earth theories and other fancy but fallacious arguments by the atheist side, the western science pays a lot to guys who actually were Bible-believing (including the first chapters of Genesis) Christians, like Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler and, last but not least, Sir Isaac Newton.

Evolutionary anthropologist and science writer Loren Eiseley:

"The philosophy of experimental science began its discoveries and made use of its methods in the faith, not the knowledge, that it was dealing with a rational universe controlled by a creator who did not act upon whim nor interfere with the forces He had set in operation... It is surely one of the curious paradoxes of history that science, which professionally has little to do with faith, owes its origins to an act of faith that the universe can be rationally interpreted, and that science today is sustained by that assumption."

Kepler stated that he was "thinking God's thoughts after Him". You could of course argue, that if these fathers of the modern science had knew what we know now, they'd been naturalists, but really, Darwin wasn't even close to be the first one to propose evolutionary thoughts. The first ones were documented already 600 BC and Apostle Paul was constantly debating the evolutionary Greeks. I imagine it'd be extremely hard for Darwin to push his own agenda today in the light of what we know about genetics and microbiology in general.


Newton said:

"This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent Being. ... This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all; and on account of his dominion he is wont to be called 'Lord God', or 'Universal Ruler'. ... The Supreme God is a Being eternal, infinite, absolutely perfect. ... Opposition to godliness is atheism in profession and idolatry in practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it never had many professors."

It's also often said about Galileo that he was actually fighting against the church leaders with his research work. That is true, however the church leaders were the ones who were supporting the common beliefs of academics of their time, just like many of the church leaders in today's world. The majority wasn't right back then and they aren't right today either. :P

image: 737whos-who-cartoon
Quote(url) [creation.com]

tl;dr god did it
i dislike you, but i agree
shame :) RtCW movies are harder to make than et players realise - not as many tools available :D

frags were the main dissapointment for me though, the res could have been 720! but the quality wasnt so bad. random spam shit on this though ;d
what are you talking about?
all kills show great aiming and/or are in clutch situations
not enough 4+ kills for my liking =)
Quality not quantity.
better to have a clutch 2 man kill than a 4 man spree in dead time
yup, but 4man dead time > 2man dead time
lol waited for this my whole life

11/10 even not downloaded yet
frags are great
disliked music
rest ok
stream aint working
2003 style yeah :d

too bad it could have been a great great movie. frags are mega super cool, rest is.. well you know it.
que de souvenirs !!! on remet ca ?!
ah oui le bon vieux temps ça manque :')
T'es gros maxuh :D
very cool, but seriously, the stuttering gave eyecancer
awesome aim :)

if nizou cba, nizou cba. end of story, unfortunately ;(
Y a du matos pour texou la!
je fais le sale boulot a sa place!
was expecting more epic frags :<
very clean and nice movie

first movie i think where rtcw looks like a good game for me :) wp maxuh
jolie coup mon cher maxuh! :D
sick aim
on sent le coupeur de saucisson dans tes gibs

image: reactions
great frags maxuh, nice vid. i like your moves, your aim. u were one of the best.:) gg
lol at air frags :]
needed hitsounds tho...
No hitsounds in RTCW osp. :)
yea, meant RTCW needed it :>
Ah, yea. :) I actually kinda prefer gameplay without them, even if it would be boring in fragmovies. :p
going to keep it =)
need France momo movie now!
Actually was pretty good. Unfortunate that you couldn't use a bigger resolution but even so the quality was still good.
Oh plz une photo
very nice :) i enjoyed the movie because these frags are kinda different than in other movies
00:17 nice wh
tu donnes des cours?
awesome frags, really lovely aim and reaction ;p
Nizou <3

lagxuh <3

awesome frags :)
Sipperi <3

need more nade frags <3

Nice frag video maxuh.
dfacon tout les video des FRA sont jolie
haxuh <3
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