Codec x1337 Length 1337

Mazarini & Paradox: Play With Soul

image: fox1d
With movies such as 'Carerra Rapida', 'Beyond', and the 'Cereal Killer' series under his name, Nikolai 'Mazarini' Lazarev returns once again to release his most recent Call of Duty 4 fragmovie titled 'Mazarini and Paradox: Play With Soul'. With frags that will defy gravity and shatter your mind, you will not be disappointed by this behemoth of a fragmovie. Spanning over a gargantuan 13 minutes 37 seconds, Mazarini has put almost a year and a half's worth of work into this animated piece of art. With an unmatched dedication towards moviemaking, he has started over from scratch multiple times, striving for perfection within this movie. As the time slowly passed, the initial release date approached -- the one year anniversary of the movie's original democall, but with rendering issues hindering his PC left and right, the release date was once again pushed back to a later date. Now, with rendering complete, every frag in the movie leaving you on the edge of your seat, and every aspect of editing imaginable perfected, Mazadox is now FINALLY complete.

As the movie starts, you are immediately encapsuled in an intense storyline, never-ending action, unique heart-racing music, and hilarious humor. Personally, I do believe this is exactly what we've been missing in the latest CoD4 movies, and Mazarini hit the spot. These are the three things gamers look for in a perfect movie, and Mazadox has all three of these. What has been seen can't be unseen, as they say. The engagement between the viewer and the movie is unmatched in arguably any frag movie that's been of popularity as of late. With a variety of competitive shoutcasting, frag positions that are unorthodox in nature in anyone's eyes, a perfect soundtrack to keep the listener's ears tingling throughout every second of the movie, and a keen balance of both editing a gameplay, this is guarenteed to keep you on the edge of your seat (that is, if you don't fall off).

Quote by Statement by Nikolai 'Mazarini' Lazarev:

"Well guys, THIS IS IT! It start almost a year and a half ago when I finally got enough material and footage together with my ex-teammate paradox. I realize that I promised a lot of you about release dates, but it always got interrupted somewhere with something that I found to be perfected even more, like soundtrack, editing, or effects. I've also redone all the 3D work in this movie so it is PERFECT and nothing less!

While I was working on Mazadox, I did some more side projects, and this issue delayed the movie as well and I had some motivation issues when I took hiatuses and didn't work on it at all for 2 months or so. It took a lot of time to learn 3Dmax and also to motivate myself to learn more advanced Adobe After Effects work, and that's why it took longer than a year. Basically this movie is like a lab rat, testing new effects and just trying to see what my audience likes to see. I want to perfect what I already know before moving on with my moviemaking. Anyways, I literally tricked out every second of this movie, and I wanted to do something that strayed far from my usual "epileptic" style, destroying as many instances of it as I could, so I removed the things not necessary that tons of frag movies today contain. I wanted to preserve original graphics, and make it look great, so players can thoroughly enjoy the frags, and also a few spurts here and there of effects to please moviemakers alike as well. And most importantly, I wanted this to be a serious AND humorous movie, so I implemented both a sort of story as well as some humor.

Basically the initial intention was to do a 14-minute fragmovie about me and paradox with a good story (about 12 songs, different styles, so the audience would be widespread and entertained), and I spent a ton of time mixing and researching different genres of music to fit, as well as a respectable amount of time putting a few Easter eggs in the movie for you guys to look out for. I hope that you guys really do appreciate my hard work and dedication, and really enjoy this for what it is

I want to thank everyone that supported me, helped me, and motivated me to do this movieI hope this is what you all expected, and I recommend downloading the full version for the complete experience, so you can clearly see every effect close-up without any quality distortion. If you're up for a challenge (who will find Homer Simpson in the background. Among the other easter Eggs. DUH! =D)

Thank you again to everyone that helped, and I really do hope that this pleases viewers!"

image: fox4

With that said, we stare in awe at the amount of hours put into this fragmovie. This is what Mazarini does -- he brings new aspects of movie editing to the table each time he releases something new. Can anyone keep up? You can answer that one yourself! As we head toward the end of 2010, Mazarini hopes that this movie makes a good impact on the Call of Duty and PC gaming scene in general, showing gamers and community members what is possible with hard work and effort. The editing is amazing, the wait was well worth it, and the outcome was uncomparable. Although I say this now, we all know how creative and unique Mazarini is with his work... does this mean that his next movie will be even better? We'll find out as time passes, and moviemakers new and old alike emerge from the ever-growing eSports and gaming community, pushing forward and growing larger every day. Well done Mazarini, a job well done indeed!


so fucking awesome !!!
That's just sick :_D! He should've used it for the Sapphire Movie Contest.
some videos
does he really expect anyone to read all of that?
this makes me want to paly cod4 again, 2 bad i never found a stable team :<
höhö :D i got my team <3
need an assault? :D
=D high? :D

e: asked TC .. sry full :XD
used to play vs high ye

2 bad tho :<
well desurved even though i don't know much about the game :)
this is just stupid fucking awesome, really great fucking job! he can make serious bucks with this kinda knowledge about moviemaking.
I never enjoyed cod movies but this shit was dope

E: Eyecancer colors but still awesome creativity and work with editing (Animations...). Just brilliant movie and nothing more to say...
Nice trollface at 5.25 :D:D:D
makes me want to play cod again :D
lets do this :P
he's allowed to play other games too you know :D
no he isnt :/
ever thought about the possibility that this frags are not from the last few months/weeks? -.-
Actually, I think that frag is not THAT old. After all it is not entirely uncommon that players in the same mgc, but from different games, mercs for eatchother every now and then.
I waited for a long time !
Edit : Awesome !
im pround to be a czech
that is just sick, almost every sniper shot is synched, finalyl a cod movie who uses the 3d stuff decently not to show off, this is just sick srsly x]
very nice :P

edit: if it wasnt 1gb i would have downloaded it =-(
definitely makes me wanna play CoD again, god damn it :p
awesome editing :o
holy shit ^^
its been long since i didnt finish watching a cod4 movie, the 3ds didnt add anything for me
Katha - Jailbait

no i liked that if i remember correctly :) i just thought the custom 3d animations in this were stupid
You must have liked it, Jailbait is the best COD4 fragmovie so far!
Yeah the 3D stuff is technically impressive but doesnt have a big impact on the movie. Only liked when you see the map gettting build step by step with cars comming from the sky.
I liked that too :) perhaps ill give it another try some day soon
verveel je je ofzo? :P
Niet direct, hoezo? :p
haha :D deze movie is gevaarlijk he milk hij sniped gewoon meerdere schedeltjes in 1x :D!
number 1
Great movie in all ways

But am I the only one that hates the random kills thru walls smoke where u cant ever see the opponent in COD4 movies

Anyways gg
Literally giving this 10/10/10/10 because I've given worse movies high scores. Didn't really like some of the editing (just thought it was overdone). However about half way through really got into it. Pretty amazing achievement.
This was awesome, never enjoyed a cod movie until now.

and lol at 4:23-4:27 sound coming from the right headphone only, first i thought my headset is broken, had to watch the movie again to realize :-|
pedobear going down at the outro, not nice
need the name of all songs
00:26 – 02:11 Infected Mushroom - Saeed
02:12 – 02:57 Infected Mushroom - Cant Stop
03:10 – 05:14 Kubrak vs.&#65279; Ray Charles - Hit The Road Jack [DnB Remix]
05:15 – 06:24 All Born Angels - Matrix and Futurebound - Drum n Bass
06:25 – 07:44 Shaka Ponk - How We Kill Stars
07:45 – 09:25 Dj Pablo - Bboy Folklor Flor
09:26 – 10:43 Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Eve / Sarajevo 12/24
10:44 – 12:05 Linkin Park - The Catalyst
12:06 – 13:37 VAST – Touched
Oh, yes. thx :)
that was awesome!
wow never saw more overrated movie :0

FF fest at its finest... srsly even i could sync cod movies
Thanks guys (: <3
got a download link? megaupload is dead and the czech link aint working aswell :(
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