Codec x264 Filesize 389.00 MiB Length 631


Fragmovie I made for Poland kot! hope you'll enjoy it. ;)
Nice work sN1e
2nd best movie of 2010!
u care to upload 4 download links, but no steam? D:
stream still processing :<
1.1mb/s on mirror 3, nice =D
and its polish :D
a movie starring kot? zOMG!
1.1mb/s on wireless


Great frags and editing

The 5-man smg-frag with fieldops @ 5.05... you dont see that kind of stuff anymore :D

Picking that kind of music is always risky, I liked it at least
first song was the worst song i ever heard in a frag movie, ruined the movie
Because it doesn't fit your music taste? It was good for fragmovie and perfectly fits this movie style
i like such kind of dnb, but it didnt fit in
it's breakbeat
more like breakcore :3
it could be, cause it's quite similar :3 <3
breakcore is more like hell and destruction than breakbeat :3 <3 :D
yeah, like some songs of venetians snares. he got both of them. but this one doesn't sounds like destruction to me :<
I love breacore. Wuz thinkin about using this one youtube in this movie
Already started to write and praise it for the movie of 2010, but then the feeling got lost in the 2nd part of :/ I so loved the manic & chaotic start...

No complaining about quality, frags were sweet, if only it had been 2min and 15s shorter...
i rly like the style with the hard drum & bass in it :)
nice content nice quality, some good moments editing wise

but the music choice... either music didn't fit or editing didn't fit music, I am not sure which, but as a result movie felt .... empty?

nice effort nonetheless
didn't have flow, yes
thought the music fit quite well with the title
keeper for me :P the only downside was the music :[ it looked like you were syncing the movie to another song at times, but still I really liked it and it's nice to see some new content as well as some of his well known frags !
Awesome movie! gj
+mazaje ftw!
+lack of useless cams

-could be even longer (but its not a must)

Psykotic is taking breath away. U must have it on your hdd.
what's mkv and how do I read it ?
e: found it
nice movie with sick frags well done

Should be nominated in the Frag Movie of the Year Award!
best editing ive seen in ages, you really did an awesome job! great frags and liked the music+sync as well
should play with us canadians :p
Im leaving in a week :-(
k, well i don't like you anymore. gtfo :(
some sick fucking frags, better than mAus' movie :-)
great movie, really enjoyed it
oke kot you're just so fucking good and amazing :D! sinn1e great fucking job on this movie after This is ET, mAus movie and Sick you just saved my life! i hope you keep making movies, because you can entertain ppl with your stuff. deffo a keeper for me!
wat volg je mij overal!
Enjoyed it a lot, nice movie !
add it to the Crossfire Community Awards 2010
a really nice movie, there's nothing i could complain about...

...except the first song! :D it made me watch the first fragpart without sound :( but this movie overall is just too fucking brilliant.

i am really looking forward to your next projects.

edit: if you'll make it in there, i'll vote this here as THE fragmovie of 2010...because thats the truth, and all you n6ggers know it.
nice movie s1nnie.
Hope you keep improving!
This is fuckin' insane...

Sick content had combined with proper editing, cams and music and also nice quality (First time the DoF in 1st person view wasn't for me disturbing) gave a perfect result (Yes, I'm so excited like few years ago when I had seen first fragmovies.).

Can't fuckin' wait for next projects!!
Didn't really like the music. Frags were amazing (didn't expect any less!).

Overall good movie.
Not waiting for a cheeky sync watch with your old pal Shuki.

Where is the bromance?
awesome frags, quali, cams and editing. Music ruined it though :(

would be probably the best ET movie if it had better music
2nd best after mayni movie*
No mayni movie still #1
+1 last song was okay tho :)
EPIC frags
fragwise best movie Ive seen
Really good, wasn't sure about it at first as didn't really see the music choice/sync working to well, but picked up. Frags where excellent as expected.
sN1e good job ;D
obviously knew the fragz were going to be great. music could of been a bit better, but overall it was pretty nice.
Great frags. frist half wasn't good, but the 2nd half was pretty amazing :)
kot> mAus

stopped streaming..

downloading :D

edit: awesome 10/10/10/10
great movie
Brilliant Editing

Frag are Awesome


fucking nice job Sinnie
awesome movie, nice editing and the music fits great with the name :D
only - was that the music gave me a headech

kot owns always been one of the few players who doesnt get noticed :)
what are the other few? name them :D
walle , fragstealer , marv
agree with that
you need d0kt0r
you're kidding me, dok is top player who played with best teams since rtcw.who didn't notice him when he was playing for such teams like poison, u96d or winning cpc 2 with amenti? and thats opinion of player who plays since the very first rtcw demo XD
Take it easy kiddo, the thing I want to point out is that I belive he could've have received a lot more attention :)
have you ever thought that unlike you he didn't want to? besides fact he doesn't play competitively for pretty long time, so what do you expect? that people will pay respects forever? nothing lasts forever, but in my opinion he was the only one polish player who really scored back in days when polish clans were hardly managing to get into ec.
Have you ever thought to shut the fuck up? The stuff you're writing doesn't give any sense.

I am simply just saying that I think he was amazing, and should have received a lot more attention than he used to.
The fact that he didn't want it doesn't have nothing to do with me thinking he should have received attention.
i know this question is stupid but isn't walle chmpp? :D
I can remember something about Clown saying that Marv wasn't clean, back in the old daysss?

btw: agree with you. doktor, walle, fragstealer and marv
I dunno he has his fair share of fanboys tbh.
kot aimed better than reload at lan :P
The editing, colors are brilliant but the music ruined everyting.
well done sinn1e
nice movie,shit song
Overall it was a nice fragmovie, but the first song was epic fail, second song saved the movie :)
Quality seems to be ok, cams were good (some were bit too shaky) and frags were good 7.5/10, well done!
even though you are poor polish trash kot.. this was a good move with good frags.. you must have played 5 million games to find this kind of footage.. nice shoutout to wm in the end :XD
I'm glad you liked it, mister 40% :XD
You can call me fifty with this new mouse
Really nice sinn1e, you've really progressed since your first movie!
nice to hear that !
Wicked quality and a incredible movie.
Never seen kot play but that was really nice :)
The first song was not that great, I mean I got what he was trying to go for but I just don't like how it sounds I guess. The second song however I did like, I liked the editing along with the music for the second song. Overall the quality was great, the editing well done and of course the frags were awesome.
Best fragmovie i've seen for a long time.
movie of the year! great quality, great frags, great everything.. only thing i dont like..u dont give name of the songs :{
great fragmovie
Very nice movie. Frags, quality were awesome. The music isn't really nice tho..

1 for music.
Music is average, rest is pretty nice. Good one.
Yeah first song was in line with the theme but maybe went on too long :p

Everything else was amazing and yes I'd like to recast my vote for best movie of 2010 as this just leapfrogged Requiem for me.

Quality movie for a quality player. Proof for JaKacz that you can get a 3 man :p nice one kot!
i expected shitty movie by some psyhofan, but this surprise me, srsly. its keep in good, nonandrewkramer style. fresh idea for fm is just awesome! you could make better 2D graphic, im talking about texts, but vibration while arty spam fix everything ;-)

keep it up.

lacked a climax/the excitement fragmovies such as Requiem and This is ET produced this year, may be due to the lack of hitsounds and shoutcasts, but overall the editing creativity content and quality were fantastic and the first song was okeyish, but took too long, the second one was a bit better.
one word, epic
Really nice movie, too bad it wasn't released a week earlier.
what do you mean? its about those 2k10 awards or? ;D
kot has always been one of my favourites players, finally I can see movie of him. The only thing I am missing here, is lack of hitsounds, need much more than just 2 or 3 scenes, moaaar! And maybe some crazy shoutcast would be nice too, to complete the atmosphere of psychotism :)
You don't really need hitsounds to know that kot shoots approximately 80 headshots each map.
I dont need to know that, I want to hear it, thats the point. I like movies with hitsounds, doesnt matter if guy is shooting 2hs per kill or having acc of 50%, I just want to hear that he is hitting :)
I don't really care about that, RtCW and early ET didn't have hitsounds either. There are plenty of visual triggers to see if someone is hitting or not (which you would also expect from footage included in a fragmovie).
I dont care what u care about, I stated that I missing there hitsounds, I dont give a submarining #$&* about what YOU prefer, and you should do the same about my personal preferences, so stop telling me how to enjoy ET movies...
I wasn't telling you to do anything at all, I thought we were just discussing personal preferences with proper arguments. Nice rant.
well Frop as us old timers know that hitsounds were ADDED very early in etpro. BUT they were not allowed in some USA leagues for a long time.
Would be absolute perfection with hitsounds. The first song is a brave choise and the quality is flawless. Frags are of course great
enjoyed :)
Fucking amazing movie
I remember back in the days where there was a big discussion in the Danish ET forum wherever kot was cheating, think we had between 2-5 avi's of him showing some amazing aim.

He was always considered as the best aimer in ET in the DK community.

Really good job with the movie, this proved one thing, "kotgod skill" :P.
LoL, I believe it's the first time someone mentioned that here. How come it's never been brought up by any Dane here before? ;D
I don't know :P Think most guys were too busy busting Hein :P
There's a slight possibility he's talking out of his ass and made up this story to get attention.
and why should I do that?

If the site didn't get shut down I would even find the topic. You could even ask gyzr or lillebror :D
Now don't you have some topics to change?
what u expect? "we made dozens of avis from kot but they were all clean"

well, gotta admit that you were discussed among finns too :DDD i guess i still have "bust avis" in my old hdd
There was "discussion" between latvian players too in that regard.
Really well done man. :) 10/10
sinn1e as a moviemaker ?:D

Im really suprised by this movie. First of all I'd like to tell about quali. It's on the higest level, so I think you used a blu-ray settings in Megui.I'm an advocate of those dof in 1st person settings so its a big blus for reciver like me. Referencing to title of your movie that music fit perfectly but I didnt enjoy this 1st song. Second one was pretty nice. Top content from KOT makes this movie one of the best in CROSSFIRE. Editing was pretty well too, so I have no point to say that movie has some defects.
So rate in my case:[list]
[*]Quality: 10/10
[*]Editing 9/10
[*]Content 10/10 (Poland)
[*] Creativity 8/10[/list]

Overall 9/10 from me. Looking forward your next projects! Keep it goin!
Bardzo ladnie sin :D
Missing that 6 man minefrag? on goldrush.

It was some lan game with dignitas if i remember right
brilliant movie, nice editing and great frags. def a keeper!
nice movie !
really nice

creativity: 8, no completely new ideas but a lot better than average
editing: 9, good flow, nice syncing. cams could be smoother
content: 10, sick frags
quality: 9, a bit too dark at some points

top3 this year definitely
real nice, the flow of the movie was great - some of the even simple cams looked like you put time and effort into getting them just right - nice work :)
wow rly enjoyed :o
1st song was THE WORST "song" i ever heard... ruined the whole movie...
one of the best editings ever
music fits perfect here
great job
good work sn1e
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
great movie, didnt like the first song but it was well synced
Awesome movie!
gj Sinn1e ;)
liked it, gj sinn1e
perhaps the best content i've seen in a movie to date

editing was sufficient for me


great job

i also like the fact that this wasn't announced or trailered....was a nice surprise!
awesome movie,maybe the 1st song wasnt the right one,but still really nice!
liked it during the second song. if you're going to use a 160+ bpm breakcore track, you better make sure the footage flows fast enough. in this case, the pace of movement was way too slow for it, couldn't enjoy. ironically, you made the movie flow faster for the second slower song. some cams could have used refining, but you actually gave me some ideas. like 5:38, the player leans into the cam, i don't know if you did it on purpose but if you would have started the cam from where the player was, it would have looked sick. anyways good job, keep it up.
nice movie. ive always hated playing polewka because of him
Really irritating first song, how could you possibly find that song...Made me vomit. And why the hell did you fast forward it, when the best frags were made? Like the 5 man panzer and so on...
Still poland deserves to get nuked :/
1st song 7/10
2nd song 9,5/10
very nice, but there were too many cams and some other things, but they didn't irritate me much. and the ending was very abrupt.
rly great
Really really nice movie !!
c'est comme ça qu'on joue field ops :D
Pretty good editing, the intro was nice, those ghost players reminded me R3 trailer :)
First song was too repetitive and didn't got many rhythm changing for you to exploit, but you managed to sync and that's good. Second song was cleary a better choice, the flow is nice, and this part was "easier" to watch, i really liked it, good job.
DOF was good most of the time, i just don't like sometimes to see blurred opponent when they are really close of the player. Nice colors and quality, just 4 or 5 sec were a bit too dark during the whole movie.
Top-notch frags.
Cams were used nicely (why didn't make you the one @ 1:24 move ?).
Liked your editing style, you kept it simple and that was efficient. Pop-ups a bit small.

Huge improvement since s1nnie's obsession. Too bad you didn't released it sooner, it could have been added to the Community Awards.

8/10, interesting movie, a bit heterogeneous.
i like

nao some1 do Germany evil movie
using some of his frags :D what a pro fdop !
idd, so underrated he was, i remember specing team-germany on some braundorf game and watching him kill like 10 in a row without dying with granades being fop:D was so amazed

and yeah strikes+artys etc, good playa
yeah, hx alot alot of awesome players
Brilliant movie, finally some good tunes in a ET movie :)
movie of the year.
Simply amazing really enjoyed it! You've worked hard on it and it shows well done sir, well done.
great movie and the music fits the title :P
Enjoyed, nice frags as well :)
Saw it before crossfire did ! : P
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
One of the best ET movies I've ever seen.
songnames please !!
replicator - final murder (core corp metal vip)
chris clark - wolf
exciting earthquake @5:26
i liked it
There wasn't really anything I didn't like :P just awesome job and great frags!
1st music was boring. 2nd wasnt too bad. editing could have been better. needed to edit more details to make better sync with music imo. cams arent that special.

and maybe more hitsounds
worst movie of 2010
awesome movie, gj
top 3 evah ?!
N1 !!! :) GJ
omg kot omg
great movie, couldnt enjoy more :)
awesome movie & great panzer @ radar
music ruined the fits to the editing, but it just makes the whole movie appear bad/annoying to me..
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