Codec x264/AAC Filesize 409.00 MiB Length 702

I will ROCKiT

I started making this movie in August 2010, with some nice ideas which I wanted to put in there. Unfortunatelly, I was facing some serious issues which kept me off the project for kinda long time and being unable to implement everything I wanted to be there. I was kinda lean to a thought of not releasing it at all, but after several requests I decided to release it as it is.
Fragz are performed after cic7, mostly with Rockit/idk/Giants team (with couple of additions with Winfakt/Team East).

Soundtrack (in order of appereance):
Igorrr - Liquid Requiem
Inva Mulla Tchako - The Diva Dance
DJ Pablo - BBoys War
Igorrr - Dixit Dominus

Hopefully this movie will entertain you for those 7 minutes :)

P.S.: I would like to give a big thanks to fredd for allowing me to steal few songs from his collection and to drj3w for uploading this to beta ftp
jee zapnem cf a prvy :D
betta be good
stfu u prat
Why the FUCK are you not on vent
I had work bro :P
you used igorrr quite well! nice movie
Sharing musical tastes with others?
Being helpful?
Making positive comments on movies?

Who are you and what have you done with Fredd.
always done dat shit
great movie :)
high expectations, liked your last 3 movies a lot especially fresh blood !

e: enjoyed it! but it didn't overtake most of your other projects :P
Liked it a LOT
waited for this ;) expected something good like this after you showed me the soundtrack :)
gj, m8 <3
oh again great MOVIE!:)
WC-raikastin -commercial -> closed
Sigh, ruined by wannabe-fredd style..

When will people learn.
fredd gave his blessing so its ok to copy him now
I don't really understand the point. I got no excitement from this movie. It felt like there was no music in it but only random sounds..?

Is it just me?
wannabe-fredd style Oo?
as if fredd was the first guy who made such a movie.. just watch css/cs 1.6/cod4/quake movies
fredd is known for this style in ET movies and it doesn't work, hence the flame on this and his movies
hate this style for fragmovies, closed it :(
I lol'd @ intro, srsly wtf? I cant judge your creativity because you used fredd style... Well I can judge it but it will be 0. Quali was normal for me, its 2011 imho! I like this kind of music so it's + but as I already said it's "fredd style"! Sync is -Max- stylish so you didnt put any your own ideas on this movie. But overall its enjoyable and that's most important thing for me. I didnt get bored so it's fine!
Overall 7.5/10 from me
Wtf is everyone talking about freddstyle, like he doesn't have it from some cod or css movie?
NO ITS FREDD LEGEND who made it first!!!!!!

just talking shit, agree with u
freed is known for this style in ET, I don't mean by that other games like cod or cs
actually i didn't, but i do agree - this isn't my style and i don't see where people are taking this from.
do you really think that it's easy to get their own style nowadays? everything is already invented / used. Would you rather see nothing at all, instead of a fredd/max style movie?
Someone will have to start "copying" each other and try to improve somehow. thats how thing works and there is nothing wrong with it.

Stupid comment imo.
Well... I think this style which I'm using is unique and I didn't see it nowhere.
you mean 1stCav Lan Movie.mkv ? if yes, i can't see anything unique there or innovative !
Ye, but you can't compare it with anything.
every movie is a movie, some moviemaker have proven their own style such as -Max-; Quaky and fredd, which is clearly defined. What about yours?
I cant compare myself to -Max- or fredd, coz they're way better than me. They're more experienced than me, have made more movies, but I'm improving all the time so maybe someday I'll be as good as they are.
-Max- did 3 movies only :) and even his first movie is better than 95% of current movies
3? -Max- Chapters was couple, about 3. He made requiem and thats all what I remember.
Decimated (clan movie)
mAx chapter 3 (player movie)
Requiem (community movie)

+ Decimated trailer
But what is this discussion about? I just said my own opinion so deal with that :)
so did i, deal with that to. It's not a discussion atleast for me. Stating some facts and my own opinion. Nothing personal against you lol.
Ok then, we're fine!
mAx chapter 1 & 2 were made by mAx himself :(
Ahh.. I thought -Max- made them coz mAx and -Max- are so similar names lol >_<

Yeah I get that a lot.
Doesn't make it good..
Really, keep it simple and clean next time.

only + from Inva Mulla Tchako - The Diva Dance
there is no next time, my man
and actually it was simple, just some velocity messing around (its way I like it, cant help it :( ), nothing more :)
Well it wasnt really too simple, way too much fancy stuff, even a demo + mp3 would've worked better as this didnt really work at all, anyway decent frags + cool'ish music, thats about it
well, its simple from my point of view, just matter of opinion imo, I was aware of the fact that for many ppl it will destroy flow completely, I have kinda strange taste for moviemaking I guess.
anyway, I just wanted to finish my career decently and eventhought I couldnt fully finish this one, I guess it can be rated as decent, nothing special, but decent:)
Best movie of 2011 so far.

Loved the "Inva Mulla Tchako - The Diva Dance", made me think of Warren G and Sissel - Prince Igor (awesome song) Same sample I think?

Nothing to complain about the movie, enjoyable on every way.
Posted by: FiLuS

Must be good, downloading
oh noes, I'm in a filus movie, I shall forever be famous nao!

well done mate :)
better be good filus!
nice movie filus ! :)
I liked it :)
hate the stupid pointless slowing down/speeding up in the firefights to "sync" the sound to the beat, I guess it sort of works in cod/cs movies but in ET where the action is more interesting when shown at normal speed and looks normal as opposed to the time manipulated one which just looks awkward it does not work

music seemed out of place, killed any atmosphere that the movie might have

didn't like, was checking when will it finally end all the time and about min or 2 to the end I couldn't take it anymore and I've put it out of its misery

and I'm not an asslicker(like a lot of people here), a hater or a pretentious wannabe moviemaker so it's my honest opinion
People whine if there is no sync
there's normal nice sync and there's crap forced sync which ruins the fluidity of the action
should have put random emocore rock whatever music than this sync-able shit

All ur movies are nice filuS, but i dislike this one dunno why, maybe the music killed the movie, and its not ur style of moviemaker :d

U got still nice quality & frag

agreed with the niggah h0sy!

music sucks ballz!
and now im gonna watch it.
i also rate before watch
Nice movie like always jebat ;-)
well that was extremely annoying

first music killed it for
second i hate those constant 'cutting' parts to synch
third i also hate the constant slowing down of the hitsounds (requeim or however u write is, was the only movie i rly liked it with)

those three things are just what makes fragmovies in general unwatchable for me. not saying its bad. i bet its pretty good but i just cant stand it sorry ¬_¬
Really nice movie just some of the music was really annoying.
Best filuS movie!
Nice movie, BUT! NO GIBS AT ALL!
didnt like the music

Nice frags ;P. Great quality , but editing could be better and more simple ;P.

+sync was nice with music :)
+cam & effect
- bit dark, dunno if you used hdr from et-image
??? frags before the intro ???

did you rename players?

adding hitsounds manually took you a lot of times or?
idea is nice but could of have done it better
forgot to write: ??? frags before the intro ???
dunno what you mean but i can remove that sentence, didnt read thats not a finished movie.
I expect a great work even if I'm waiting for stream.
one of my favorites
Finally a new serious project! Your always welcome to produce more movies starring yourself, pretty cool frags as always!

Now my review:
- i don't understand the first 11 seconds
+/- Music, somehow it feels weird, like depressive music loool :D But it's not bad at all, i kinda enjoyed/hated at same time!
+ Quality, cool motion blur and colors
+ Frags
+ Hitsounds added by hand
- vignette effect is not smooth enough
- not enough sync (?), somehow you could add some cams for airstrikes, it feels too much like a "slowmotion - hitsounds - mp3" movie
+ outro :) (why 2010 btw? )
- nothing really new or innovative

But somehow you proved your point using some effects with this kind of music. The final result is _good_!


edit: and lol for everyone comparing this to fredd style. It's very different lol... and what if he is "copying" fredd style? who cares? fredd style is good so!
well, ur question about cams, intro (smth else was supposed to be there :) ) and 2010 is answered by description, I had some serious issues and after ~october 2010 I couldnt rly work on it, at least not in way i wanted. This version is basicly the same what it was between christmas and new year, I only covered some black spots with random fragz and released it.
+ Frags against skilled opponent.
+ Outro
+ Quality
+/- Sync on some frags, lacking sync tho
+/- Too much editing, tho some effects were cool
- Retarted fast-forwarding
- Song switching all the time and not even properly audio mixed
- "Intro" ???? couple of frags and suddenly movie begins
- Overused music at some points
Nice movie and frags aswell, but i expected good songs like from your previous movies.
awsome frags, quali, but im expected better music :)
Very good movie imo. It's not so much like fredd's style tbh.

Can't understand anyone saying there's not enough sync in this movie. Some of the attention to detail with sync here is great. It's a similar thing with some of my stuff where people say there's not enough when actually there's a LOT of subtle syncing moments they just don't notice.

Most of the transitions were great apart from the sort of wave one at 1:34.

There could have been some more cams but it really wasn't that big of a deal for me.

I agree with ag0n that the vignette effect could be smoother and I also think the very start could've been left out tbh.

The only downside is that some of the colours on maps could reflect the music much better. The music is pretty dark and maps like supply could've really used some colour work to suit the mood of the music better. Adlernest looked pretty good though.

Good work with the hitsounds.

After one watch I'd say it's one of the better if not the best ET movie of the past 12 months, unless I'm forgetting something.
i might be forgetting some movies, but this one has been one of the best i've seen lately
Yeah I remember that now. Good movie. Not seen it in months but probably neck and neck with this.
Well yeah, just pointing out they are both great, not reall saying which one is better. We need more good movies!
how many said there wasn't enough sync? 1? if anything, there was too much fiddling with time manipulation to sync it, just looks retarded, it might be done well technically but it sucks to watch
2 and I disagree that it sucks to watch...
for me, all that slowing down between the shots was just plain awful, don't understand why would it be necessary to sync individual smg/luger shots, especially when it kills the fluidity of the action, if it would be one shot only or 2 max then it would look nice, but this was...yuck

I guess it comes down to who likes what
99% of people don't understand what syncing is, if all the guys who complain about "no sync" were to define syncing, all of them would write something different.
There is sync, but for me, it's not enough. There is some moments where he could have added some cams or any kind of sync. Personal taste.
cmon luke, synching is a big boom in the music added with the pf or a grenade, thats real synch!!11
Least you notice that sync, what's point of doing sync when nobody notices it but only 1-2 moviemakers who have a similar kind of style of making movies..? :p
If the movie's good and you watch it'll discover new things you didn't notice before. Nothing better :-)
good-looking radar and adlernest
I liked the music, it really gave me the goosebumps. Keep it up!
the diva dance

just because of that 10/10

Very nice movie, nice editing and sync, frags awesome as always

could of been brilliant, some excellent oportunities to sink frags not taken imo with your song choice

gutted you used the 2nd song, I forget them name. Wanted to use that in the ALMIGHTY movie im gonna make. proabably still will tbh, because you didnt make as good as of use out of it as you could of.
hej kua ako pekne fragy co som videl ale kvoli tej hudbe som to musel vypnut :D
Indeed, astonishing movie.
I fuckin like your sync in movies ;)
keep up the good work
stupid churchmusic
fuck yea! awesome synchro + editing, i love movies like this one. it is almost so epic like some cod4. =)

didnt u use soundtrack from fifth element?
pretty cool, but bored me after a minute or two I'm afraid :(
this is why i think fraps movies are good
Really enjoyable, thanks!
very nice, tho that 5th element song is big suck despite the editing.
nice movie nice quality and loved the popups :)
quaranteed filuS movies. was good!
great frags
great music
great sync
great editing

Great movie !

too bad you dont have any shoutcast
It is in no way like "Fredd's style", Fredd's movies make you twitch IRL and this does not.

The overall quality was really nice, nice frags vs strong teams and some nice syncing moments against a questionable music selection (e.g. Inva Mulla Tchako - The Diva Dance, only works in The Fifth Element because it was designed specifically for that movie). In saying that a couple of the tracks towards the end were well suited.

Thanks for releasing the movie as overall it was enjoyable to watch.
Solid, good frags, well edited.. Would say a little over-edited though.
zajebiste filus daje ci 10/10
Liked it very much overall, 8.5/10.
Sometimes the hitsounds seem slightly out of sync and for the last song, it would've been better to use monochrome colours imo (possibly with purple or gold added on some maps).
+ A shoutcast-scene and few cams more miss there.
-The intro very simple but it works.

-Liked the colors, smooth fix !

-The Music was kinda creepy to me lol. but it's good to see somebody testing new stuff and not sticking with pendulum or prodigy.....

-The Frags were good, worth to watch!

-The sync was almost perfect as your previous movies also its ood to see that you improved the cams and they were not so fast this time.

I really enjoyed it, and i want to congratulate you for the sucess, keep up the good work.

Overall: 8.3/10
good frag movie :)
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