Codec x264 Filesize 500.00 MiB Length 802

Oldschool Superstars

Hi, this is my 5th project. Starring oldschool players from all over the world. Frags are from 2004-2007.
Hope you will enjoy :)!

United Kingdommztik
Czech Republicmarv

Program used[/b]]Adobe After Effects CS4
Adobe Photoshop CS4
AviSynth 2.5
Magic Bullet Suite 2
MeGUI Modern Media Encoder
Smireboule Camtrace 3D
Sony Vegas 10
Ultraviolet Movie Maker
Ultraviolet Movie Mod
Ultraviolet Media Manager
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (2.60b Patch)

Movie Information[/b]]Type: Allstars frag highlights
Length: 8.03
Codecs: x264
Resolution: 1280x720

Music used[/b]]Juno Reactor - Navras
Infected Mushroom - Project 100
Clair de lune

Shoutcast - United KingdomTosspoT

+popups(seems you fixed them !)
-motion blur (kinda looks weird to me)
thnx, I recorded with img_blur_samples 75, myabe thats why
I use 10 lol :D
thats too low imo:P I used 128 in Eurpean thingy xD
but I use 50fps instead of 25 :p
thats wierd, 10 is so low, i even can notice a frame blending @ 10 :(
look good, colors r weird:P
Either your monitor, taste or sight is off because that quite awesome in every way.

e: but the hitsounds are just embarrassing.l
Supskil IceQ how did u make ur 3d one !!!!?
3d motion tracking

Nonix posted a tutorial somewhere in the tutorial section
good clip, but i don't understand something.. wtf @ crosshair? your settings are either fuckedup (cg_crosshairX / Y) or this is some hardcore lag xD he is shooting headshots at their legs o.O
was sleepy when I made that clip :D, hitsounds added manually via pak0.pk3 :p
so you added hitsounds where there is only bodyshots? :o because if this is ingame crosshair, he never aimed at head :o
i guess you have no clue about samples at all.

1st of all it depends of how many fps you are recording.

The lower the fps, the higher samples you need.
Higher fps, lower samples

ex: 100 fps * 35 samples = 3500 or 30 fps * (+/-) 117 samples to get the same result.

If you are wondering what's wrong with your motion blur, well... you are using low fps (30? 50?), doesn't really matter how many samples you use. To create a good slow/fast motion you need higher fps comparing to final movie. If you want to create a 30 fps movie, i would recommend atleast 90fps recording (30*3... ). or use some timescale script to create the slowmotion ingame!
lold at 06:45 too much twich dude

didnt like colours as usual

Estonia senji xd

was more enjoyable than your last one 8)
soon, processing
when stream will be active?
what is this stuff? headache while watching..... i like the effort tho
Don't rush with it! Again use higher capture rate for slowmotion. Find a shorter track for outro if you are going to end like that. Or at least fade at a proper time. Don't overedit. For example Wiesiek's panzerfaust woulde been prolly better without the blunge against a plain wall. Or just use a proper cam flying around the victim. Don't end scenes too quickly like you did with Raveneye's frag on Ice. And if you doubt on using a shoutcast, don't turn the volume down, just don't use it or make another audio track using it. Also don't use pointless shoutcasts like the one on Kris at Adlernest or some other on goldrush. Finally: synchronize, man!

Didn't have motivation to pull out full paragraphs.

e: Learn to check little things like senji's nationality in the future. I recommend making an RC-version for one person or a close circle to watch before the actual release to help you fix the flaws.

On the Jauhis' cast you could've used a replay using a freecam along with the shoutcast as it's quite void behind the Raveneye-scene.
Ok, to start off..

nice frags, combined with good quality. I kinda liked infected mushroom, although the music wasnt rly, well so called fragmovie music. It missed some basic editting, like cutting the long scenes, but overall you did some good things. though im missing something that you showed us in the templar movie....
there is no flow... it only kept watching for the good frags:(.

for some examples of movies with perfect flow, check;

7ele - agression, fanatic movie, or viol movie!

all in all a solid 7/10

(will vote 10/10/10/10 because of the haters putting 1s... not deserved)
i hope you keep us happy with more movies, we need more motivated people like you!
lolled at keran's walltracking :P

anyway, you still didn't really improve again :D
csafi's frag made the movie watchable!
mystic's oasis frag should not be in, or put it in a "fail" part of the movie.
10/10/10/10 , to keep all the haters out
watched it only because of frags
What was the good movie wich had similar song, maybe "guns of navarro" or smth like that?

Movie itself was a waste of time.
Not bad
- music first song was used in esrael movie
edit it your post please

all frags from 2007 except like 3, and change the name of movie to "people who were decent in 2007"
well didnt really spot many oldschool players (danone? wtf) but was quite nice overall :)
Would have been a great movie without the fcking screenshakes
pile of crap
just caused he missed you out. right EH?
wouldn't want to be associated with crap
im sorry mate but you are already associated with "imma throw 92 nades in 1 round -shaun"
got me there
you're in uv ROFL

First, to get things clear: maybe you're a nice guy...maybe you're a crazy guy or even a dickhead, I don't give a flying procreation, as I don't judge your work considering what kind of person you are. first reaction on this fragmovie here: image: facepalm2

You really didn't take any of the advice me or other members of Crossfire gave you, did you?

You're "overrushing" things. You're like I used to be back in the days when I started feels like you release fragmovies every week.
Why don't you take your time? Release something decent? Start with something that isn't that big like working with the frags of high-or-whatever-skilled players that could have been used in a much better way by someone else? Most of the frags were really good (even if most of them are not even NEAR oldschool...this is definitely no oldschool movie), but after a while I tried to imagined there was no fragmovie around them.
Just don't be a douche and don't make the same bad mistakes like I did...and, the next most important thing is: it doesn't matter if you're one of the best, THE best or don't need to try that or anything else, because it's so unimportant, it just doesn't define your work or yourself. You just need to be honest to yourself and put some effort in your work. Do it with spirit and passion, not just for being famous or whatever.

I don't get it...just tell me:

image: 4rzyth

This whole piece that tries to be a fragmovie could be soooo much better, but use the same dull colors which seem to be outdated, the same strange motion blur settings (see that your changes on the timescale in Vegas make it really blurry?), the same editing that doesn't (at least most of the time) give the fragmovie even a little flow, something to feel comfortable with while watching.

There were some things I liked, though.

The music...I love Infected Mushroom (!!!) + you really had a nice idea with that flashing and shaky thing in some parts of the song, but after a time it was just too overused and annoying.
And yeah, like I said before, the frags are pretty good. I enjoyed watching most of them.
Also your config seems to be pretty good, it just isn't used the right way.

Please, samAel, take the advices of the Crossfire community and blow our minds and eyes next time. Another fragmovie like this and every future work you'll release is doomed because of people's prejudices...also players will not trust you anymore with their potential content.

I don't want to sound to harsh (I most likely failed on that), that's the reason I took some of the bad words out or changed them so some "softer" please don't feel too insulted, just take it as a bad critic and learn from hopefully will.

Keep it up...for real this time!



PS: I guess you already know, but senji is made in Germany Germany. :p
Best comment I have read for such a long time! :D

your approval means so much to me ^.^
I laik stupid polak napleta

but this comment still

thnx appreciate :) Couldnt agree more

Riddla movie will be completly diffrent ( cause of money )
fuck off, can u understand the meaning of this "fuck off" fucking shit
You already lost...again.

This is not about money, as the motivation for a fragmovie has to come out of your head and heart not out ouf someone else's purse.

Money won't make you a better moviemaker.

edit: You agree on me? So tell me, why don't you change something if you know that you didn't do good work, yourself? Do you even care?

This is madness.
This movie will be completely diffrent as i said... Stay tuned. Got a lot of motivation and more ideas than anyone
"More ideas than anyone" -> Don't be so sure. You'll never know what goes through nowadays minds...never compare yourself to someone else, as it is not of importance either.

Whatever...just no false promises anymore please.
I guess you also got plenty of bad ideas.
instead of new ideas I'd rather see you fixing some things that others pointed out
I'm not a moviemaker or smth so I shouldn't criticise you, but still I can't fully enjoy watching your movies :P

Anyway I like your fragmovies, keep going
I don't like to comment other people movies because i seem to arrogant, but thumbs up for you. I agree with everything and with this movie i lost all my hopes at samael. He seemed to be a decent moviemaker that could learn alot and improve, but he doesn't list to everyone as i can see after the last 2 projects. Plus he is wasting good frags with a movie that doesn't have much sync at all, it's mostly terrible.
this is just madness towards highskilled player frags :|
same mistakes all over again...

about your next project samael, take a year.. go learn some stuff, test new motion blur settings and get new musics because re-using old/epics musics, in a worst way comparing to their original movies, it's just madness^2.

ps: you serious about riddla paying you for a movie? he is just crazy i guess
Quote ag0n on 10/06/11, 13:37:46

fuck yeah!

now release your movie.
12:37:46 here xD

well, if i don't fail at my last test (day 20), i will have holidays till midle september so yeah..pretty much free to create a movie =)
you are just living in the wrong country, but gl with that project, Im so excited :>
dont get too excited, i've failed before :) so lets just pretend it is a surprise :D
you are starting to piss me off with your ignorance every time you make a movie :| why the fuck do you just want to use good frags even if the movie took you a month.. so annoying. I don't even feel like criticising this time since you never fucking listen, I just hope you never make a community/allstar movie again and focus on riddla's movie for more than 1 month.
better than 8-9 months for a movie :PPpPPpPPPpP
not in samael's case >.<
QuoteStarring oldschool players from all over the world.

= Europe & Israel
also didn't notice teKoa's and kot's frags :?
thnx for mirorrs guys
how you have make the effect for panzer at 1.37 ?
its slowmotion fault
tought it was an effect :xD

i said "oh nice :D"
allof ur movies has been piece of shit except wrobel, stop ruining frags for shit like this
samael + wrobel movie?
ashkan made wrobel's movie I think
mistake, meant templar :P
good intro
The fuck was those bouncing effects at end?! My head almost exploded
more waste of frags
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring , you should try to take more than a week to make a movie
Nice frags (some didn't really hit home as oldschool, or that great, but meh..).
Okay look.
Worst effects seen in a while imho.
nice movie

wtf, makes my divx players crash and vlc just won't play it

e: didn't like it & actually too bad to give a feedback.
dude ur rly motivated but not always it is good although this movie from u wasnt really bad.
u had some pretty ideas but i have to say i expected more, thought u gonna work&edit it more than yours last movies after what ppl said. u just made from decent frags boring movie. next time try to work on project more than a month.

QuoteStarring oldschool players from all over the world.

Well i wished i will see some players from America, Japan,...

Anyway, this was better than your previous project.

very nice work again...
the only thing i disliked was the music choice but thats my personal idea...
also those overedited parts which you ve tried to sync to the music were not necessary...
anyways, nice qualiity, nice movie ;)
you are starting to piss me off with your ignorance every time you make a movie :| why the fuck do you just want to use good frags even if the movie took you a month.. so annoying. I don't even feel like criticising this time since you never fucking listen, I just hope you focus on riddla's movie for more than 1 month, and finally listen to the watchers criticism.

thx Artstar for the first 4 lines :>

e: and why are you rating your movies 10/10/10/10 all the time?
Now that's really shit..

You're effects on gold rush gave me eye cancer
nice movie , nice effects :)
+ frags
+ soundtrack
+ editing
- quality :/
fragarea 3,requiem >> this
-1st song
-intro - some cams of some rush/action would be cool
-zooming like 6:35
-no strikes/panzers
ofc quaky and max iz better u noob
then dont rate your movie 10 10 10 10
makes you look like an idiotic egotard..
lol that you even wast your time on making such a noob movie:x there are 3 people in your whole movie who are able to keep there aim steady and from those we saw already enough

6/10 troll
doubt he's trolling :o)
I expected you to reply on my reply on your comment in the galiathus avi post :S
don't even remember it :O
check zeh forum post!
lol everyone raging over a fragmovie problem officer
its not like expected much from this (its hard to expect any kind of quality after seeing few failmovies in row), but its still disappointment. Apart from misunderstanding what oldshool and allstar means, there are present same mistakes all over again. At least you have good (or decent, but definatelly not bad) frags to work with again otherwise there would be basically nothing to watch. On the other hand, music was enjoyable but unfortunatelly the first song was already used in two highly memorable oldschool movies (eSrael movie and kvEtakes&kEdlubnes) so I couldnt get rid of the feeling of experiencing dejavu.
All in all, your ignorance in focusing on details (I mean important details, like correct nationality of senji, some slightly missync/missing sounds, blur settings etc) and taking time to not make another premature release destroyed smth which could be good hdd space keeper. Tbh, if I was riddla, I wouldnt pay to someone who ruined good material so many times and has focus span on his projects as mosquito. I just hope for riddla you wont fail with his movie.
riddla will be totally diffrent, I promise!
why the hate ? this movie is much better than 80% of those posted on crossfire ...
I watched whole movie now.
What I really liked,was colors,+1 for that.
Now the biggest problem was "Wtf is with this frame rate".
On slowmotion places,it was like 1FPS,so please,next time use bigger framerate.
Second thing what I REALLY didn't like,was the music,this isn't fragmovies music.
The intro was really really annoying,the cams coulded be way better.
You got lot motivatsion and nice ideas,but THINK before making,take time for that.
Don't be movie ego,it makes you bad look.
Alos its TOO overedited,try to stay at normal editing,because you didn't use own made models,no over edit needed.
if u dont mind, plz post some good fm music :P
frags/players nice, rest shit.
im in it? oh-oh.
need to download
one of the worst movies ever...
shit effects/2many
shit config
frags are way 2 random
and the worst music ive ever listened to...
okay the movie's not that new but i just watched it and the frags weren't bad at all but the movie was soooo boring. almost fell asleep.
to use navras is blasphemy and just plain stupid when there is SO much music out there...
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