Codec x264 Filesize 77.00 MiB Length 129

drj3w - Fly high

Another production. It brings my editing skills and experience to a whole new level. I tried my best to make it as entertaining to watch as possible. Just sit comfortably and enjoy!

Starring - drj3w
Editing - spankie

I'd like to thank all my supporters for help and feedback:
nice clip, rly liked it

very enjoyable

<3 drj3w
holy schet :o
a bit short :(
as I said u before, there no bad things :) gj and keep it up mate
10s becuse of Israeldrj3w
no i szpanki ogarnal nice
what a big pile of garbage shit

quality and frags were horrible

agreed Miluum8
yourediting style is quite awesome, but not for a game like ET
not bad really wait for the final movie.. ;)
i think this is the "final movie"
a final movie during 1m29 LoL wtf...
that just what i said
I am kind of surprised, it was better than expected. But those sings/texts hanging in air for no reason kept distracting me most of the time (like "next frag", "load.aim" and so on). Also that 4-men grenade, no popups = didnt happen :P
decent clip thx spankie awesome editing
well, the exploding letters intro is so overused nowadays, you see that in pretty every Cod or CS movie :/ content was decent but some frags werent worth to be shown.. also what FiluS mentioned (those sings/texts hanging in air for no reason kept distracting me most of the time (like "next frag", "load.aim" and so on). editing was good, tho I expected a bit more syncing and bit better quality/colors..

all in all it was nice to watch, good job :)
But you don't see it in ET movies do you? Well, that's one of them. Thanks for feedback.
Yea didnt see that in ET Movies yet, thats why its overused in my[/b] opinion, cause Im watching lots of Quake/COD/CS movies as well :>
Yup, and that's what I am trying to do - bring a little bit of a great CoD/CSS mmaking scene here to ET. I guess you tried to do the same with your wrapped-productions intro.
yea thats nice ofc, but I hate seeing the same stuff over and over again :< Needs some more KOS and Or1on style in the Moviemaking scene imo.. And yea, I tried the same with the wrapped-productions intro, but thats also one of the reasons why Im re-making the intro these days..
true coz COD4 & CS Editing > ET editing
Congratz Spankie, super editing !!
niiice, I just find the raindrops on radar annoying!
can't wait for full movie tbh :P

songname btw ? :)
edIT - More lazers
oj synek, nie jestem zachwycony :{C
:( moze review jakis?
Nie chce mi sie produkowac po angliesku wiec na pisze po polsku tylko dla Ciebie ;p
no wi&#281;c:
Jak pyta&#322;e&#347; sie o feedback mialem Ci napisac pare rzeczy ale zapomnialem ;c, kolory na delivery zbyt ciemne, nie widac popupow kto fraggowal, lubie movie o szybkim charakterze ale to bylo zbyt dynamiczne, wrecz chaotyczne. Zamiast tylu jak dla mnie bezcelowych 3d tekstow podczas fragow, moglbys sie bardziej skupic na lepszej synchronizacji. Kolory na supply rowniez nie sa zbyt imponujace. Jak dla mnie jest to tylko minimalne podkrecenie leveli/saturation. Jestem zwolennikiem niekonwencjonalnych kolorow takze za ta kwestie jestem zmuczony postawic minus ":D". Hmm co jeszcze.. Nie które fragi w ogole sie nie nadawaly ale to tylko i wylacznie moja opinia (moze dlatego, ze jestem przyzwyczajony do lepszych fragow we wlasnych produkcjach).

Podsumowujac movie bylo do przelkniecia, ale na Twoim miejscu popracowalbym na kolorami w edytorze / cfg.

ps. Jak juz wspomnieli poprzednicy ten typ intra jest troche naduzywany, a ty zrobiles je w dosc prosty sposob. Jezeli chcesz brnac w tym kierunku wykaz troszke wiecej kreatywnosci i wymysl cos unikatowego.

Ocena : 7/10
ja pierdole
pierdolenie o tym intrze.'dosc prosty sposob' to jebane 6-7 godzin siedzenia nad projektem i zastanawiania sie, jak zrobic cos ladnego. I co z tego ze w cod4/css takie rzeczy sa na porzadku dziennym skoro to jest kurwa crossfire i scena et, gdzie takie intra sie zdarza 1 na 100 produkcji? zrobilem je sam, bez zadnych tutoriali. a 'wymysleniem czegos unikatowego' wybacz, zajme sie dopiero wtedy kiedy ktos mi bedzie za robote placil
Stary pierdol takie filmy bo to jest strasznie wszystko niewdzieczne dla Ciebie. Widac jaki progress poczyniles i powinienes wlasnie isc w kierunku takich intro czy super zajebistych efektow specjalnych, masz mega dryg do tego, zacznij sie bawic 3ds maxem i wyjda z tego cuda.

Film powiem szczerze jest chujowy - nienawidze czegos takiego, lubie klimatyczny rock i synchro do niego, fajne kamerki itd, a nie muzyka do szachow polaczona z napisam i 3d i rozmazujacymi sie szybami na mapie. Oczywiscie zrobiles to w kapitalny sposob, ale sekcja fragmovie to nie jest miejsce dla Ciebie, takie jest moje zdanie.

Nie brnij w tym kierunku, bo to jest bez sensu i pozostaw ta scene samej sobie, bo tu jest za duzo debili i pozerow udajacych niewiadomo kogo, a nie dorastaja Ci do piet.

Wpisz sobie 'pantural' na youtube i zobacz co jestes w stanie zrobic, albo co moglbys jakbys przysiadl.
prawie + 1 :S
z pantural to przesadziles grubo: D ale dzieki za rade i opinie
Nie przesadzilem, ogarniasz temat i robisz bardzo szybki progress, a skoro juz poszedles w tym kierunku to teraz wystarczy podszkolic sie w 3D, a to nie jest takie trudne, bo widzialem ze osoby w naszym wieku sa juz bardzo dobre, a za kilka lat bedzie jeszcze lepiej, dlatego dobrze isc w tym kierunku, a wizualizacje 3D s&#261; bardzo oplacalne jako zlecenie, od 2kafli w gore leci, takze wiesz ;)
akurat 3dsa nie ogarniam w ogole: P juz predzej wlasnie motion graphics/vfx
no to czas najwyzszy usiasc :XD
ziomek, pierdolisz jak fachmistrz a twoje movie to w wiekszosci padaka... a takiego intra w zyciu bys nie zrobil bo Ty nawet aae nie ogarniasz
Music syncing was bad, quality was nice...

1/1/1/1 tho because of the player/frags

This was MY song you bastard =( =D.

Gj anyway kinda good
really wasn't watchable for me. it's not just the speeding up/slowing down because I really could handle and enjoy those styles by -Max- and fredd but I don't quite know how to explain why I disliked this. after re-watching, it just felt like sometimes the random slowmo/skips weren't even to sync with the music and just to prove you know how to speed up and slow down a clip. :D

personally I thought the content was pretty bad, too many delivery frags especially bore me. the quality was pretty good there just wasn't really anything original in this movie I've seen almost everything somewhere else.
it's because the slowmos and speedups of fredd and max make sens, they fit to the style the music and everything without doing negative stuff to the actuall content.

the others usually are like hey that looks cool, and do it somewhat randomly, or just synch it to the music but making the actuall frag unwatchable, or just setting it up at the wrong moment.
afaik fredd doesn't do slomos or speeding up, only twitches and other effects like that
watch any of cavalcade/snbtrailer/elegie and you'll see some minor slowmo/speedups which is how it should be imo
Cavalcade doesn't have that at least (fredd said this himself). Don't remember the others.
Liked it. Good job.
pretty good, didnt like most frags though (:
Loved the style
Frags were shit and Ive never actually heard of drj3w, but after reading his comments I came to the conclusion hes an absolute dickhead.

Quality and editing was cool, make a longer movie for a good player next time ;)
drj3w is a mature moviemaker who never dropped a project yet and doesnt really care for quality and colors.

image: 85
Hes most of time searching for med+ on irc and u dont know him? ;sssssssss
I dont play med+ :ppPPpP
i dont play med+ also when im playing against him :PpPpppPppP
Good moviemaker, lowbob player.
Naprawde fragi sa malowidoczne i problem jest w tym ze po zobaczeniu intra i camow z tymi efektami kazdy sie podniecil i watpie zeby patrzyli na fragi przez reszte filmiku. To samo co wede, jednak mysle ze w cod 4 bylbys genialny. Jak mozesz wyslij nazwe czcionki(was killed by) na priv lub publicznie.
BankGothic Md BT
Well, i've told you what i think about it before so all i can say right now is that i'm looking forward for a bigger movie with this kind of sync/edit, with a better player (stylish player! nuggan or perfo perhaps? )

Well done.
bad content but nice editing, liked it
The worst ET playah EVA
spankie get a decent player to make an epic movie for!

you deserve it.

all in all 8/10 , need a full movie with a player like what ag0n stated

well done
seems like drjew can't handle hate :_ )
whos doctor jew?

unknown faggot, didn't watch

[e] gonna vote 1/1/1/1 aswell
good movie, voted 1/1/1/1 for that jew faggot
you would`ve won the 90sec moviecontests
Was a really good watch. Only negative thing I can come up with are the enemies, but maybe I'm the only one that doesn't know them ;P

Good job!
dont worry, u r not alone in not knowing who he is shooting at :P
Phieuw, thanks ;)
finaly someone @et scene with this kind of editing! keep it up dude!
You know my opinion so I haven't to elaborate my feelings. :P The only thing what I want to add is length of movie. I expected sth longer. :( Still can't wait for more!
frags are shit but really loved the movie style.
you improved ^^
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