Codec X264 Filesize 154.00 MiB Length 334

StrAf the movie - unfinished

A short clip with some frags by Straf.
- reserved -
I really liked it.
The only thing I didn't like is that you play with colors too much for my taste. The color overlay after a frag and playing with several styles of 1 map in 1 movie is just a little bit too much for me. That doesn't mean that it's bad, the others may like it.

It's very good, specially for an unfinished movie: ) keep it up
needs more slowmo, i really dont like these fastpaced movies
Is there a new raindrop tutorial out or something, every clip I watch it has fucking raindrops all over the screen x)
expecting raindrops in ur next movie
nice one expecting a next movie at all ^,^ If only brink had a demo function ;_;
I login to say that
well, there was a tut on videocopilot for (2 years?) already
copypasting Defrag 2011 :S
Do u mean 1stCav Lan Movie oh yea
More like SNB Trailer
I was joking anyways, but yea I think fredd was the first one who used it..
I know Gemb, I know
Yea on video copilot
its pretty simple x) after effects haz plugin for that
I liked it, even tough i knew all the frags in it =D

C'est ouf comme ce que j'avais fait etait different, GJ yoyo.
Ça fait un bout de temps que ça traînait, pas trop le temps de rectifier ce qui allait pas. Merci en tous cas :)
J'avais pas pu aller au dela de 5 minutes de movie a cause des etudes, et j'ai tout perdu quand mon dd a crame. En tout cas ca fait plaisir de voir qu'elle ete faite, et bien faite cette movie !
QuoteStrAf the movie - unfinished
Y'a rien de moi dans cette movie man. Elle est peut etre pas finie mais elle a le merite d'exister stoo.

Y i mad.
QuoteEn tout cas ca fait plaisir de voir qu'elle ete faite

Une fragmovie même pas fini, j'appel pas sa une movie "faite".

exemple: je lui ai fais une fragmovie ( elle est donc fini ), ceux qui n'est pas le cas ici ( je fais juste reference a ce que tu a ecris, rien contre toi ou yoyo qui n'ayant pas fini sa movie )
Straf you only need 1 or 2 moviemakers that will stop moviemaking ur movie and then we will see all of ur frags

full movie isnt needed now :xD

too dark for me, but liked it ( straf cover @ supply's cave, wnb proof )
Le bout de video ( unfinished ) et vraiment sympa à regardé surtout avec le slowmotion et dommage pour le cg_gun et le fov mais le contenu et l'edition et bien realisé !!
strange hitboxes at some points lol :d
slowmo + demos are with 0 ping
I like , but straf is shit
this content made me wanna play ET again

but no.

nice movie tho.
np for the topic :p
Sayez le mec il met deux hs par kill et il ne se sent plus pisser ! <3

Bon travail yoyo, jolie movie
good movie, good frags.

Though, a little bit to much supply upstairs. But there were fast frags there, so its not rly to bad.
nice clip but to much slowmotion for me .. nice frag tho^^
very nice !
Great close range aimer, nice movie. No zZz frags though. :(
just not in those 3mins ;D <3
Great close range aimer = Bad aimer with 0.01501 m_pitch
0.01501 pitch for noobs anyways
and 0.015 pitch? :D
same story :(
nice movie reminds me of nuggan's movie :)
Btw i'm avi for a little clip, fast frags (smg, pistols). PM me.
I want song name :<
The Chemical Brothers - Dissolve ?
Oh thanks man ^^
nice stuff! :)
Actually im the only one who clicked " i like " in youtube lulz
its bad because of 5:

- France StrAf deserves more than ten minutes, gtfo with ur unfinished bollocks. especially with no expalanation ._.
- font is ugly
- slowmotion @ every single frag doesn't make it more entertaining
- music sounds noisy @ either essence and realtek, it may be about genre though XD
- i could collect better frags with his perfomance from couple of days we've played together. next time pick smth more than recent content for unbelievable 3mins length :'D
well, I like when moviemakers are playing with velocity, but not like this. First of all, I kinda dont see its getting synced with audio (most of the time), just randomly slowing up-n-down, just for the sake of it. Besides that, despite the fact Straf is decent aimer, you made me feel weird about those frags. With basically all actions being slowed down, I could see every lil' flaw in his aim (like a bit of chaotic aiming with random hits in close combats) and when actually focused on hitboxes, they seemed to be off a bit (in some cases way off, looked like he was playing with ping 250 or smth). Also, those actions and headshots would look much more impressive if they were in real-time speed.
couldnt agree more.
straf best player alive?!?!?!
The rain sound in the beginning made me fall asleep.
i love benji
What music it is.
omg straf omg <3
Great frags ruined by that constant slow motion thing. DOMMAGE !
toujours ossi minion! :$
GJ yoyo ;) , straff ... straff :D
Shit slow motion GOSH !
the netcode is so pathetic and this video is the proof... Everything depends on the connection: Some players aim at the head and they hit the body (when they hit it), other like straf can aim everywhere around the silhouette and they hits anyways (and most shots are at the head)
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