Codec xvid Filesize 476.00 MiB Length 1607
Video available for download only

The power of iron

Fragmovie by slovak ET clan Brotherhood of steel

Length: 16:07
Size: 140 MB (low quality), 470 (high quality)
Resolution: 720x450
FPS: 24
Codecs: XviD, Lame MP3

Directed by FiLuS, Cameras by FiLuS

primary: low quality
mirror: high quality
to slow movie, dont like intro, some overused music and stuff overall not that good :<
why is everything slowed done? ruined the whole movie.
you are a strange man sir
Man wtf. It was based on the movie. I usually wanted to write you, that the slow-motion ends with the 2nd part of the movie. Then I was too lazy and just wanted to say that I liked the movie, allthough it's really nothing special. It seems I clicked on reply already.
my first movie,now i regret slowing almost all frags but i am proud of me.
try taking english classes instead of making a fragmovie.
"but i am proud of me."
i wasnt sure if i can say "i am proud of me" or "i am proud of myself", it is not big deal...
its myself:) nP
why the fuck does everyone have to flame...

its his first time... the only thing that matters is that you had fun doing the movie, dont be offended by the flamers!

its funny how ppl like to comment/flame on ppl who actually try to make a movie without making a movie themselves...

my first movie was not as good as should, but i am not some company which makes money by doing movies, i did a lot of mistakes, but next time i will make better fm. Dont need to say "fuck this faggot movie", just say what is wrong.
this is no feedback RETARD
what a fucked movie :s ffs
i was talking about comment like this, i dont need to heard "what a fucked movie" just say what is wrong omfg. I know that movie sux but i made it for my enjoyment, maybe for enjoyment of another people, u didnt have to download this. nobody forced u...
nobody can enjoy this stupid movie, alswas slomotion and bad editing

did u ever made a movie retard?
i´m not able to do any movies, i have no experience, but i never would force a movie like that, thx
and i guess if ur movie isnt that good like others u would love it to welcome irrelevant comments of only shit like your one?
beneficiary criticism is okay but nothing like this.

stupid guys like u deserve xfire lifetime ban idiot. grow up omg.
it is my first movie, i hadnt had experiences before i strated making this movie... but now i have some exp so nextmovie will be better (i hope)
we will see see in advance
raptjii man , halt dich zurück WIchskuh xD
hrhr das movie is halt ma scheiße ^,^
nice work <:o)
nice music and nice work m8! keep it up !
low quality was okay ;)

all in all, good job for the first movie
nice feedback rly, faggot pls just stfu.
I havent given any feedback yet, "faggot pls stfu"
Quoteit's feedback, moron

u didnt said that?
yes, but it's about supp6rboy's feedback
ah thats a feedback for u? with facts and fair critisism or just some stupid flame of a child?
du bist ja ganz ein netter. idiot.
i am thinking about my own movie, some presentation of me, something about 8-10 minutes long, i know what i did wrong, no slow motion next time :) only in some cases, not in all movie. THX to all who downloaded my movie, include those who didnt enjoy it...
ye and watch some other movies, it can improve you
i have seen already more than 50 fm, and its hard to bring into amovie something new... decimated 4ever :)
u was drunk when u made that movie?

- then i understand all
why everybode ignore my comment? I DONT NEED TO HEAR THIS MOVIE SUX, I heard that. Just write what is wrong omfg,i know everybody will write it is the worst movie what was ever done.
downloading ..
dont bother yourself, my movie sux, its not worth of downloading
nah, it's not bad movie. but you used too much blur effect in vegas. good job :)
What I liked:

some nice frags
"golden gr"
few scenes were really nice (sd2 gate free cam & sd downstairs 3pf+2smg) [I mean also the editing, not only the frags]


What I didnt like:

too much slowmotions
bad opponents (that's not your fault)
2min intro (boooooring)


In overall nice 1st movie, looking forward for 2nd
thx, i am making on new movie, not so much blur and slowmotions, frags on better enemies:) trailer here
still too blurry
try to make it smoother
(just my opinions)
only beginning is blurry,it wanted it :) but then it is ok imo:) dont worry, movie wont b too much blurry or slow
-too slow (cameras too)
-too much effects that doesnt fit in very well

+some editing things like that adle-hs stuff
i dont have any skin pack, only base instalation of etpro, nothing special.
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