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Destination Discovery - vizZ

Title : Destination Discovery
Size : 260 mo
Time : 7 minutes 57
Codec : x264 MP4 / 880*496
Musics : Audiovent - the Energy
Smothered - Spineshank
it isn't a bad one
vizz my french owner <3 downloading...
damn this sux, prolly the worst movie which I have ever seen

-bad quality
-bad frags
-ugly effects & bad camera scripting
-ugly popup font
-skinpacks & soundpacks
-colors(did you adjust anything in vegas?)

1/10 (the intro was worth of 1 point)
Hmm definetly something different :p

Editing was cool, the music was kinda boring and not really syncable. Didn't like quality either and some frags were ok but no special frags i.e. kill 3 guys and killed by 4th :(

Don't really understand why people feel the need to use a different popup font always, unless you have a really nice one, didn't like this font.

Pointless scripted kamz used aswell.

Movie just seemed kinda slow for some reason :/

Didn't like, 3/10 - just for skill of opponent, nice intro and editing :-(
Quality sux, musics also, and the frags are -> wtf? is that a fragmovie? lol... "omg i killed one guy from 141 .. he had 10hp!!! movie material! ".... plz get some nice frags with multikills... not 1, or 3 kills :\

Liked the decent config & editing, intro was really something different , liked at all , but didn't like that shadow under player , anyway 7/10
is there a frag against me in it
no, and even there was this isn't worth of downloading imho
no he just fragged me :D when i got 10 hp :D
and crouched ?
quality is ok (although sometimes to bright)/editting(nice cams) ... to much rape/1kills and the 3rd song already has been used before..
every song has been used before
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Please add this mirror :)
Wauw... there is movies at own3d, I really didn't know.
worst mirror ever
It actually was very nice, quality wasn't that good and you mostly couldn't track your movement all to well and what you were aiming on. But the frags and the way you put them together were very good, no slow editing but frag after frag.

I enjoyed it, good job.
liked it
lol nice one man kill :D

movie its ok but too much one man kill
but u got owned alot in that movie ! :D
i didnt got owned i was always with 40 hp :D
i didnt like that config, too bright for me. And a little bit much useless effects and cams imo... but nice movie
Ugly skin, suckage music the rest is fine
- frags (plz ur better)
- music (emo?)
-+ cameras (2 fast)
- quality
- skinpack
+- intro
not rly good, gl for next movie :/
schwedenbase|fra was killed by diversus/kot's thompson

what are the titles of the songs? :P
take a look at the information nub :o
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