Length 00:00

Random Spam

Random Spam - by #stfu? productions

Starring Netherlands Juncie / Editing by Finland Nizou

Length: 16:40
Frames per second: 25
Capturing fps: 200
Resolution: 1280x720
Used HD space: 326 GB
Working time: ~2 months

x264 version:
Video bitrate: 4000kbps x264
Audio bitrate: 192kbps LameMP3
Size: 500MB

XviD version:
Video bitrate: 5000kbps XviD
Audio bitrate: 128kbps LameMP3
Size: 609MB

Programs used:
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
with following mods:
Ultraviolet MovieMod for RTCW

Smireboule Camtrace 3D
VirtualDub 1.7.1
Sony Vegas 6.0c
x264 MeGUI
Audacity 1.2.6
YAMB 1.6.0

Music used:
In Flames - Satellites and Astronauts
Velcra - Test Animals
Disco Ensemble - We Might Fall Apart
Less Than Jake - We're Not Gonna Take It
Millencolin - Happiness for Dogs
Kingston Wall - Istwan

2 and 3 contain both x264 and XviD versions, others are x264 only.
n1, downloading :)
great movie :p
i like it
PF only gets a little boring but it is well done =)
very nice movie, gj
great movie, very well done
Great quality, nice frags, editing was basic vegas stuff(more syncing pls), music was good expect the first song.
More syncing, eh? :p That was my main priority, the whole movie is based on soundsync.
Every panzerfrag should be synced in a movie before im happy with the syncing.
What the hell at this rating??

5.38 for quality? This section really needs rating info.

I thought 9 or at the very least an 8 for quality (could have been lower size but a top-notch cfg) but voted 10 to get the rating up a bit.
we should get somekinda stuff which shows who voted what like in ownage
or just remove the whole crap :p
that would be one opinion too :]
closed it after 8 min, became boring
najs one!
the only thing I feel like complaining about is that I didnt hear that weird speech at start but there's nothing else I dislike
the best thing in the movie was syncing (everything else was just fine but syncing was just awesome)
if it was an ET movie I would've liked to see the "you killed" pop ups staying longer (to know who were those 3-5 lucky guys getting hit) but since I dont know the rtcw scene very well I dont care were there skillz0rs or pubheroes
Liiked it, will (maybe) write decent and more detailed comment about it later
without any arrogance, very very well done.

This guy asked half the stuff normal guys ask me about moviemaking, and he never asked how you do that and that, no he asked why is it like that, he tried to learn and to understand and thats the major point here. Et moviemakers just ask how to do and do it, but didnt learn a lot.

eg: uhh glow, ok i make glow too in my movie. All those tests i receiver every day, they are just not ET. Now look at that movie: Bad sides, yes there are some but hey not even half as much as in ET "movie".

Lets get into it:
Music, well personal i did like some parts, but yeah rock is just out in my opinion. But yah, personal.

Grafics textures:
Maybe the biggest leak of "profession" in this movie. Textures werent actually very nice (walls). Config itslef went fine with me (i still like my picmip 2 movie cfg for rtcw more than yours <3)

Sync / editing:
Sync was def. here but yea, good to sync music, went fine with me.
Editing, tbh one more fragscene and i would have said too much. Some frags were just overedited.
Cams were very nice, its refreshing to see real cams in rtcw :p


some1 mentioned that the popups dissapear too fast, i second that.

did some of the enemys actually shoot back? but yea i think i would have hate this guy (if i would have played him).

Best example of learning by doing and not of doing by copying.

gj m8 improve for the next vid and itll be an 8. And nope im not writing this comment cause im in the credits!

CR 7 cams in RTCW :p
CO 8
ED 7
Qu due those textures only 7
Hehe.. thanks for the feedback. Dunno if it's just me but somehow you make it feel like it was the first movie I've ever made, which (unfortunately) it is not.

I don't really understand the point about walls. I've got every graphic setting at maximum in my movie cfg (with 8xAA, 16xAF), but err.. RTCW is an old game, it doesn't look so fresh anymore no matter what you would do. If it's just about overbrightbits and so, well that's personal. :)

mp_centertime (for those you killed -popups) was default 5 seconds but occasionally RTCW (or was it just your mod? ;) preferred showing flag captures etc. over the frags. Well anyway, the fraglist in upper left corner stayed there till the end, perhaps there were too fast fadeouts in some clips (meaning the whole clip, not any popups), perhaps not.

All in all, I'm just trying to make movies that are easy and enjoyable to watch, not stuff that seems like it's made by some well-paid professional. :p And yea, soundsync is THE thing.
no no, dont get me wrong, its a very decent movie.
I was only mentioning the bad stuff here :)

bah freakin tired, got to go to uni now. will edit when im back and still alive.
If you can shoot kill all the 5 ( or whatever ) guys with your panzer then it's unlikely, that anyone is able to shoot back :x
En ollu minä, sori.
RtCW Winghaven.

Great Movie!
that "title" is already of someone else imo :P
or maybe this newfag doesnt know any oldschool or RTCW people? frog is teh best panzer! ``-
:DDD älä tee itestäs pellempää ku oot jo
sandi mr. oldschool =D
no sentää tiiän expelaajia
rofl, winghaven is more like Frog ET in that case then.. not the other way around :p
Very enjoyable. Your best movie so far :T
rly nice movie
especially the music syncing GJ
what is it with all the low votes?
very nice job
I'm waiting for the same on ET :p
quality and configs pwnt

editing wasnt the top notch but it was enjoyable. sync was nice but a bit subtle. would like to see something else than normal vegas-effects. (eventho i cant do anything else either)
Also the Disco Ensemble - We Might Fall Apart song looked quite a much edited samehow as it was in parodia movie( is it good or bad? its both. bad that it looked same as some other and good because it was nice job anyway)
but too long.

cant tell lot about frags but i love panzerfrags but its easier @ rtcw to kill hell lot of people. but still nice job by both.

mun mielestä silti cool vibes on paras leffa tähän mennessä :P siin vaa iskee joku ja ne biisit on ihan ykkösiä. =)
siinä oli kyllä ihan parhaat biisit, totta :p
hotti potti küskinattiii!

was a decent movie, i personnally enjoyed the part in the middle most, rest went kinda boring by the time imho. i can imagine its hard to sync all the 1000 panzerfrags to a single beat, if its not zaigon music :p i love the rtcw looks tbh, that gives you some extrapoints on quality and style, overall enjoyable with some tiring parts but still decent. kutgw
upipas se leffa taas jos jaksat
Good job, editing was nice and also the frags and music was excellent.

very nice except there were to litle mixing with other frägs or stuff.
sorry, voted 5/5/5/5 accidentally
Decent movie. Music was utter crap :| Movie got boring after 1/4 of the movie.
well done nizou, nice frags
taattua nizou-laatua :>
Pretty nice movie, Good job.
hmm 3 man panzers in a dead game -_-

but nice quality
Killing lots of zombies, that means?
i'll keep this one on hdd :)
i prefer you dont!
thats ofc untill you release something, i'll replace this one with your movie then :D
Hurry up with the movie please.
wordt meneer nou weer beschuldigt van cheaten?
english @ crossfire please
There's the KRISETMOVIETRAILER3 already, go for it!
that replaced hollow shells xD
btw have you seen the testclip of ze-movie?
nope, pm me
I want to see it too !
even though 3 man panzers arent that special, against ny decent team a year ago in the game, every is so ready for the panzer shot, its alot harder than u think to get a decent shot.
nice movie
Amazing movie! Really nice editing & frags only what i dislike is music :x

keep on coming
nice movie ;)
A new mirror:

one of the best rtcw pf movies out there =)
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