Codec x264 Filesize 172.00 MiB Length 554
Video available for download only

hentai - The Movie

hentai - The Movie

Creator: destiny
Starring: hentai
Resolution: 1280*720
Framerate: 25 Frames Per Second ( /cl_avidemo 200 )

My first full ET movie, intro suck badly but I had no GB left to make a good one..
and I didnt had much cameras too, same reason.
Well, hope you'll have fun watching it!
nice stealing ruipperi's ideas..

+ nice frags (thx goes to hentai)
+ quality was enough (like ruipperi's)
+ cams (liek first time good cams)

- music
- intro and outro
- some fast points when i didnt get anything what happened
Congratulations, you succeeded in stealing Ruipperis song and fuck it up. Hentai deserves something which is better. Well done. :-/
-laggy & stupid intro
-no saturation adjusted?
-not enough syncing
-shit vegas effects
---song stealing
-outro, that was a joke, right?

+cameras were pretty good
+most of frags were nice, some boring ones tho
+some nice syncings

5/10 (only because the frags and some cameras were decent)
you made ruipperi and mjo angry so this movie is allready SHIT without me even seeing it
Nothing great but really nowhere near as bad as Ruipperi and his gang are making out. Taking things too personally.
Didn't know that I'm a member of his gang, weirdo.
Fine if your not, but everyone who didn't look at the movie objectively is a part of his gang/crew etc acting on his behalf.

Same with those who gave this vid 1/1/1/1's.
Well the video doesn't deserve more, since the creator is a kiddy and fucked it up.
That right there....is not looking at the video objectively.
so does not posting those pathetic comments and rating 1/1/1/1 make me not a part of his gang?
You tell me...what did you vote? Those who did vote 1/1/1/1 are either doing it because of ruipperi, or they just didn't watch the movie.

It's not a great movie at all, I didn't really enjoy it...that's not what I'm saying, however, at the time I originally posted about the gang thing...the votes were 1.13/1.13/1.13/1.13 or something. Obviously acting on behalf of ruip, and not respective of the movie itself.
i generally do not vote as you might get me in charge for it some time :)
EDIT: and neither did i watch the movie, cuz filefront is utterly slow for me
Logs imo!
Creativity 1.87
Editing 1.87
Content 1.87
Quality 1.87
Overall 1.87

Movie isn't bad for 1st movie imo. But it's laggy and my eyes hurts after watching it.

Frags are pretty good but I don't like the music. :l
its not his first its 3rd or smth.. atlteast ive seen three of them already
2min isnt a movie..
I wrote it's my first FULL lenght movie..
one is almost 4minutes and one is more than 3minutes. so this is like one of them too then?
what u talking about? I made seNti's ET Clip and PLU172's only.
seNti is like -3 minutes and it was without a video card.. so I didnt gave it much time.. and PLU172 was on my new PC without settings.. this one (henati) too is without settings..
well.. sorry for stealing ur song.. =/ I got the impression that u not gonna use it.. well.. if my movie suck anways so it wont hurt your movie =\ like gifty's and some other one that had the same song in 1month releases.
thats the reason why i didnt like that part of winghavens movie.
why make a movie without settings of a good player? let someone else do it then
So you're calling a 5-6 minute clip a "full movie"? :p
Nice excuses meight. :l Settings would have taken 2mins :dddd
must be a sucky movie if lasse says so
Watch it and get an own opinion imo...
if it sucks so much, noone will care if he used ur song.
Fucking hell!

I can't believe I just agreed with you on something.
get more mirrors. 5 hours :<
comhem skillz
ja liksom palla comhem
+ some nice frags
+ quality was good
- intro
- outro

Seen all the frags already but not bad.

6/10 or smth

But my movie will pWnz j00 in teh buTT
gonna make it with fraps?
ye but most of my closer friends have seen the fraps movies :DDD i'm sure you understand the reasoning behind having seen the frags before
i saw it aswell
no, you pasted it in moviemakers.et : [ i hade to watch it!
im one of your closest friends? :-o

there were nice "lotto"(@hentai its pure skill) frags which wasnt in this clip i can make the second movie :o)
nice movie 10/10 :)
i am dissapointed, no hentai in movie :(
The bightest shit i've ever seen, dont let a low+ player make a low+ fragmovie
don't get too upset because i said you cheat :-)
lol "don't get too upset because i said you cheat :-)" how do you feel when i say u cheat and i would bust u ? :)
i wouldn't be bothered because i know i don't cheat ;p you see, it's a different story for him, because he actually does :-)
omg, u sound like a little biatch. Its care what u think about me, but now i cant get in any fucking clan. Thanks to you. Your the worst player ever. Try to get skill, and come back in 30 years.
can't get in any clan? guess my job is done :-)
first of all you wouldn't get upset if you was clean.
(+HIGHBOT`jaN) silent
(+HIGHBOT`jaN) der cheatet ja auch
(+HIGHBOT`jaN) omg

ich mag dich trozdem :<
:O) naja das sagtest du zu mir ja auch zwar ich nicht schriftlich wie ich aber mündlich :( 3o3 ? :>
lol wann war das!? :<
I'd just like to add i had no input on this movie, and i'm downloading it now, but i hope destiny did a good job :D

Only problem i know for certain, without having seen it is that my frags aren't all versus skilled teams, but hopefully they'll come soon :d
i liked your frags :] eventho i would have made a lot better movie but didnt let me to.
i would've asked you if you weren't already busy with other movies;<<
well..nice frags..about the rest i wont say much since most is allready said ^^

<3 hentai
<3 nice movie
You fucked the frags up with this shit like you did with PLU1942 frags.
Okay, having just watched this, i won't comment on frags since they're my own, but [hint]i'll comment on the editing with constructive criticism and not flame.[/hint]

Song was nice, but unfortunate that ruipperi had intentions to use it too. The quality was average, but probably due to the fact that it was a pretty high res - if it was rendered in lower res would've looked better. Could've done with more synching the frags with the music, rather than synching the frag with effects. Intro sucked :DD <3

Some of the cams were nicely done, and fitted in well, for example the scene on goldrush vs 9mm, and the scene on supply vs LK.
I liked the fact that the long winding cams were avoided like in most movies today, and it was presented frags, but that's an opinion based topic.
Outro was nice and simple.
Nice ! I love it :p
didnt watch it but gave it a 10/10 to counter the angry mob
some, really nice frags : )
more mirrors please
nice movie :]
title of the song?
Hm its not bad but it isnt fair that you stole the song from ruippi's movie, rly, find your own one's.
i still don't fucking get it why highres is lagging
1.8 AMD Athlon 64 2800+
1,52 GB Kingston RAM
ASUS MotherBoard
SoundMax 5.1
SE PRO ATI 9600 256MB
the movie was fucking nice

i loved frags
Nice movie destiny
But, dont make movie when u havent got enough free megabites :>
btw.. did you know that Lasse-J and Ruipperi is the same person?
Filefront sux :S
good movie
liked it
very nice frags
<3 SUPERhentai
n1,hentai ftw
nice movie 7/10 :p
This is just so common, very pointless spam frags, absolutely nothing to watch. Closed after 1 minute of watching this "masterpeace".
Good job,

Some tips for next movie:
It was a bit dark so lighten it up a bit.
Maybe other font for creativity.
Less/no vegas effects plz next time.
Longer Cams would be lovely.
Try to make some longer intro/outro and more intresting, it was kinda boring.

I enjoyed watching it,
Goodluck on your next movie.

P.S: LoL @ Altrnt, Ruipperi , Mjo...Just pethatic
nice dude :-)

Realy nice effects and frags.
quality 9/10
effects 9/10
frags 8/10

- music :<
- intro :<<<

anyway good movie 8,5/10

hentai <3
Nice rifle fraggs ..

but have to agree, find your own song :o
its so fucking slow :( 15 kb/s :o
nothing great, but very nice frags
I really liked it tbh, some of the frags ive seen before but some of the recent ones are really nice as well. LoL at some of the whine and low ratings from the "moviemakers" grow up seriously. Thanks for the shout out babe! <3
Nice one, especially the eNorma-frags ! Those were the times...

#enorma.et !
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