Video available for download only

Animal ET movie

Length: 9:08
Size: 312Mb
Resolution: 1280x720 25fps
Video Codec: x264
Creator: fredd

- Music

Muse - Time is running out
Tool - Stinkfist
btw I'd be happy if someone could supply more mirrors
edit: someone voted 1 1 1 1 randomly id like him to explain it in a comment, what could I do to improve?
gonna download, btw bad choice using Stinkfist.... it was already used by pez in mortuality.... it's going to be very hard for someone to top a movie by pez so you shouldnt compete with the soundtrack :)
K I watched it now

+ short intro/outro... very nice!
+ quality

- little too much blur
- too much micro syncing using black parts, think up some over action/transition and sync it rather than showing black for a beat
- only syncing was micro syncing using effects to sync... the game action itself didnt seem to be synced or fit, read and be educated... mood/macro syncing are very important and make a video much more enjoyable to watch
- long gaps between frags watching in first person, for example 5:00, this would be a perfect time to do a scripted cam that drops down while he goes down the stairs for example

It was a decent movie, but I won't be keeping it.
thanks for the constructive criticism, I'll read the link now. :)
It's stuff you probably know, but you need to remember it while making the movie, to make sure it's balanced.
stinkfist ftw
nice done fredd, nice improvements !
is that the 3rd or 4th frag vid of anim this year?
Good mirror 2,5kt/s !
?? dude its my ftp and everyone is downloading with high speed :S
never dled a movie that fast before
awesome mirror
good movie imo
although i didnt rly like the music but thats personal choice
Well done

nice frags anim <3
Link is dead =o[
Link is up in some hours rlly working on something
Ik geef hem je straks wel ok ;)
I Liked it.

<3 anim
nice movie, wanna make mine? :X
Very nice :]
- editing sux
- bob and roll settings
- overused effects
- no syncing
-smoke at tank at goldrush
-my eyes hurt when i see it :p

no syncing?

totally disagree, even if it is my movie :D

I for one like very little bob in a movie, but okay, i'll change it for the next one.

I guess I did overuse the blur a bit on transitions.
olol another Austria brandon movie, not gonna watch it coz i am too lazy, anyway 10/10
next time >>>>DONT DO AMOVIE<<<
to a50sens person
k tnx bibuy got headech
"no syncing?" orly?
no ending? no kthnbb?
no one ever reads endings anyway 8D
You must be a fan of Shaolin production movies then... they have like 6 minutes of credits... ISNT THAT FUN.

Intros/Outro's are mostly badly done anyway, so why include them?
no i wanted that kkthnxbb like razz movie:D
4kb/sec new mirrors please
25 fps & motionblur. yak +o(
WTF you talking about do really want see 25fps in movie and also captured in 25?
animal is sexy
big mamas house!:D
Downloading now o/
ye, there was a crosshair.
I synced alot.. I guess people just dont notice it since it wasnt during frags so much. Next time i'll use a song which syncs to frags.
wheres the point to sync.... with nothing?
music own

muse <3
fucking nice movie!
beaver is pure pwnage i have to say
stinkfist i <3 ya
Anims 67th Movie

Frags were good
Music was a bit boring
No real effects
Transitions were simple
Quality was great

Anim <3

oh god!
i didn't see the movie but it deserve to be downloaded just for STINKFIST <3333333

i would like to see ur movie but it lags @ my pc :<
watch it at own3d
yes i did it
i can only say nice frags :p
no editing
no eye candy
hardly any sync
low+ quality

nothing special really, tho the frags in the first part were quite good, couldve been mixed better though
frags: great
music: i love music like this
who cares of effects?
awesome quality ;)
++ Musik
++ Quality
+ Frags

-- anying blackparts
- almost no synchr chose such a great fragmovie song (like almost any song of muse) but didnt synch the movie hardly to text or beat ....
<3 mirror 2.

I downloaded this movie in less than 3 mins!
sux sux sux, sorry anim, you suck
im feel sorry for you, i might give you a schnitzel anyway
I'd like that, also served with a nice piece of ohzora ass
ohlo, allright :]
;D love you too
- ugly/weird motion blur (my eyes hurt.. badly :\)
- no syncing
- music doesn't fit the content at all
- boring movie overall

+ cfg (was ok)
+ frags

Overall score: 2/10
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