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toxic's trailer?

Movietype: Trailer
Starring: toxic
Movie By: viech
Length: 1:05 Minutes
Size: 28.2mb
Codec: im quite sure its x264
Date Of Publishing: 05-12-2007
Creation Date: Apparently 10th April 2007
Music: God knows what song it is
Programs Used: Should I even bother?

Anyways, as I was cleaning my HDD, I found this in some folder, it was made some months ago but for some reason never got released. I honestly totally forgot about it, forgot the song, who made it for me etc etc.

Full movie is a possibility, we'll see! [:hint: moviemakers :hint:]

PS. Unfortunetely I've only got it on rapidshare, any mirrors are welcome, I'll add them, just pm me.

thanks to, iron, blobo for mirrors

edit: gay cfg, gay crosshair, gay blur, too much slowmotion, NICE GLOW REALLY

liek in the fuckin wiesiek warpmovie, just proof of how unhitable you are -.-°

still liked it, nice cfg!
never denied it :D

gotta love the laggy aim on mesq at grush back, with the xhair no where near him but still hitting :D
ya, idd^^
looking forward to thefull movie, if you keep the cfg!!!
the config made me want to stop watching, its hard to watch
accept it that some like it and some dont,
you cant make teeeeh movie for everyone


i like it cuz it doesn't look like all the other movies!
and I like it because it just looks cool xD
thx =)
thats nice, and thats exactly what i wanted it to be =]
Wiesiek warpmovie sure
it was cool!
viech did the movie.

thats why its useless make movies for ppl like u. U only remember the name of maker when you need him to make it.. After it got released you forgot / ignore.


i can honestly say i totally forgot about it. only yesterday did i remember about the clip. could be because i had more things on my mind with cpc2 since it was around at that time.

ye it was viech who made it. i dont get why u went all offensive, when u were supposed to make my movie i gave u all frags with timings etc, and i was very open minded about how the movie was gna turn out as i didnt care about what music to pick, and wasnt picky at all. I gave u all the time in the world but u never sent me some clip asking me if the colours are fine, cfg, or whatever. I just assumed u lost interest [as it is what happened with all my previous moviemakers] so just let it be.

PS. this is no attack to moviemakers, ive got no clue nor have i got the time to learn how to make a movie and then make one, so i appreciate the time moviemakers put in to making movies for other ppl for nothing.

Anyways, i recall searching for a moviemaker since summer of 2006, and this clip was the closest i ever got to a full movie, so i guess i was unlucky with the moviemakers
dont take it as a offence too. I just said this too you but its for all ppl around. Make a movie takes lots of hours and its a free work.. at cod or cs ppl pay for movies. Some consideration would be nice.
i would spend 100€ if its good :) i search a moviemaker
dont expect ag0n to make any movie at all, hes as slow as retarded, very :I

trailer is nice, only lold @ too bright players, as they are glowing ;d
i was at school and teacher was sitting next to me .. couldnt write anything.

Well, i dont forgot your movie and i still have all demos at my pc ;). I just dont have time right now to finish my project / make your movie. I am at university, i have lots of classes (i have uni from monday to saturday :< ) and i still have to finish my drive license because from fev to august i have to work from 14 to 19 + study at morning. Sounds bad no? i know :< thats why i dont havce any time/motivation for now.

If u want to get another moviemaker, fell free.If u wanna wait.. its up to you :)

cheers *
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nice one, i liked it, especially first action even i have seen it before
Radar Action ;)
toxic > zp!
That was nice :D:D
good trailer liked it , looking forward to see the whole stuff :)
*btw unhitable malteseeeee * :P
there will never be a whole stuff,
he asked me to make a trailer, he got it
lol i love HS ^^
ugly font
ugly sound synchro in the shoutcast part
ugly crosshair

rest was nice
you have to know it...
i ve seen most of ur movies and fonts are nothing u should criticice =)
pretty nice, good job

but loose the font and make the image a bit cleaner, it looks a bit weird with this gamma, make it more like milk`s movie, with darker colors. That looks much better with this blur/glow
i expect toooons of cooL 1 man pf killz
i havent recorded a demo since my time in evolve, where i was actually hitting with panzer so not even 1 oneman panzer!
basically it was a 2 days project cuz mainly i am working and atm finishing juice and noorgrins movie,

it was more or less some kind of tryout for colours n stuff
i didnt even make my name into it, just wanted to bring u some action music n frags
ye the crosshair is too big,
a little too bright skins
but for my taste it is quite well

i like it that some of you enjoyed it and thats why i make the movies...

i dont care of any hatecomments by some frustrated kids, that shit on everything

thx to those who enjoyed it and plz download the full juice n noorgrin movie when its out =))

i relly like it, the colors are really unique and the whole style , just fits :)

name of the song pls
thank you =)
song: The One OST - extreme emotion =)
Nice trailer :-)

+frags (radar action - one of the best i've ever seen)

9/10 :-]
looking forward to the full movie!
liked it. amazing frag vs zp. well done moviemaker, shoutcaster + tox
good work.
still if you make movie .mp4 i kill u
olololol terrorist's trailer.. waiting fullmovie ; )
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