Codec x264 Filesize 445.00 MiB Length 1128
Video available for download only


This is my third movie (fourth if i am counting Teamplay project). This time it was made on new computer so quality is much better. But dont expect some uber leet high skilled frags and brutal effects with hardcore synchro. It is just average fragmovie.

All technical stuff are on my site (mirror 2)

Primary mirror: 445MB HQ x264
Mirror 2: 361MB LQ xvid

where would the world be without first posters? god bless you :)
there would be parallel second-poster world :)
people would actually have decent discussions

nice movie btw
A little bit boring and quality could be better but still worth downloading.
Nice movie anyway.
Nice link, downloading in progress @ 200ko/s with bad connection
down--filus have a good movie...imo.
downloading, screenshot looks najs
lolz, itz shyp
lolz ic týntý
no autographs today
why not?:((((
you make me sad shyp:D:D:D:D:D:D
EDIT:not panda.Shyp:D
Ye ur right, im done giving autographs
GJ,good movie :) love the sheeps :D , and ofc shoutout to myself :D
cool movie, I liked it. gj :d
very good movie
loved the slowmo hs with that pwnage sound!
EDIT: whos the guy that gets dissed in the end?
its one tard in our community, he thinks only he knows how to play ET, actually he thinks he knows everything
nice diss then =)
woah, i thought that movie was awesome... slo-mo headshots rocked :D

definately a keeper o/ good job
Nice ! More HS it' s possible ? xD
yes, just watch wiesiek`s fm :-D
i am at the movie!!In the monster TK on b2 :O btw. nice movie
Nice movie. :)
I am remembering your first movie. You have earned flame for shit quality and stuff, it looks like a great progress. Downloading...
who is still using tga_merge?
tga_merge is gr8 :) but next i will use 20 samples instead of 5 ;)
no its utter shit. itsawrap should be a term to every et moviemaker
One of the best movies this year!
HQ link doesnt work for me?!? :/
right click, save as..
nice quality, frags were pretty nice (although they were mostly vs unknown/low skilled clans...) music was nice aswell great job!
one of them was mine! <o/
fantastic movie imo
everything was great
(except for the opponent :d )


surely one of the best movies of 2007!!!
liked it
+++ sync using timeremap (tho i dont like the hitsounds, should be inserted later)
+ flow
+ config
+ frags

+/- music

- could use more raw fps, doesnt really look that smooth (you didnt do that half way resampling?)
- needs more cams
- a few too many cheap effects

Overall a nice light movie. No high end edit or quality, but it feels nice. GJ
music is always +/- , everybody has own style :)
more cams... hmm, i did cam in parts i felt it match with it, maybe next time i will be more sensitive ;)
and cheap effects... i am not some vegas hero, but now i want to learn basics of AE
dont misunderstand. but for the next movie shake all the effects when there is nothing much going on, yet you want to sync it somehow. doing an effect when something happens (like explosion) is sometimes suitable tho.

also i noticed that some scenes at braundorf are pale by comparison to others (you forgot to increase the contrast?).
i didnt notice that :D but its possible, b4 is really shitty map for moviemaking, it needs more brightness than other map.
nice and fast movie, unlike movies that show the first few seconds before the frag actually starts if you know what i mean.. takes the 'flow' out of it.. this one didn't get boring once
some slowmotion effects worked very well too
good job!
dling , hope it will be better then last one
very good job man , espacially that part for nikon was funny , he should see it
btw: for next movies , make it with more fps , this one wasnt so fluently as is normal for watching
it was done by 125 fps ingame (250 if i was slowmotion) and than in tga_merge convert to 25(50 for slowmo) but tga_merge did it a little bit too blury, now i am using 500 fps ingame and 20 samples in tga_merge. It looks much better.
sry , i explained badly , i didnt though ingame fps , but fps get to movie , i dont know all terms for moviemakers , so i mean tht movie was like with 20fps , it wasnt fluent , that's all , do u know what i mean ?
i wasnt sure what u mean :) but it was 25, i dont know, on my computer it was fluently, but it is always about monitor, settings and stuff, next time i will try to do something better ;)
nothing special low skilled clans For five minutes and delete movie :)

3/6 :)
nice one
nice movie ;)
nice movie filusszor
not the best quality but nice movie
i have had (and still have) problems with settings of x264 :) but its watchable
Really nice! The title screen reminds me of QuakeWorld, no idea why.
i dont have any idea what is QuakeWorld. If it is some movie i havent seen it yet. Tbh i dont watch other movies, only W:ET
Quakeworld is the ETPro of Quake 1.
Nice movie, nice quality. only low opponents but very nice frags.

nice, now there are some good comments on a movie and guess what? im @ parents and can only dl with 45 kb/s. christmas sucks! :>
good job :) IM IN IT< LOL
Very Good Fm ;)

I like the movie, but I am surprised about that good ratings. Like I said, it's a good movie, but that great?
nice aim but he movie lags:(

oh and i was amazed that i dont know 1 name or clan shown in your movie..
the half of frags is on czech/slovak clans, more-less inactive in european sphere, not enought players for playing regularly, they are playing mostly only czech/slovak cups, maybe CB ladder, our community doesnt have many active clans nowadays.
Reamlly enjoyed this movie.

Lookin for the song's names...:(
at the end of the movie, at my site ;) my sites url is mirror 2
man i am so blind
most of the ppl getting fragged were pretty crap, but still very enjoyable movie
Good Movie, liked it alot - Quality was great.

-lol at nikon

Also, FiLuS if you see this. My movie will be on here shortly, but for movies im making coming up, how do you get that in that in the death hud where it just shows who YOU killed?
xx was killed by 00's MP-40
xT was killed by 00's MP-40

In the left hand corner, thanks :)
pm is right on way ;)
good movie and nice config i liked it :D
Good movie i liked it =) you own me in that movie ;P
done, mirror 3
pls, correct the URL of my site, its without www. at the begining, its http://filus.fafshop.sk . if u type www.filus.fafshop.sk it will open e-shop which i am webadmin :)
Well done FiLuS :)
Stop raping vivaldi :{
well.. nice headshots + airstrikes. there were some frags i wouldnt use. then i started to wonder who the fuck is this guy.. ok yawn-> ur both yawns doesnt even have full one page of marks, i think that tells me something.......
37B23A68E64E40453C0A67FD81595885D081C0A8 - thats my guid
a15c38aa - pb guid
on yawn is some polischtard with red triangle, i am from slovakia, I never used cheats and never will
EDIT: u can find me with 2 IPs, once for my inet at home and one at college, but i still have same computer
ok whatever
lately i was watching just cod2 fms but this one reminded me why im playing et :) great job!
I liked the atmosphere and the syncing was great !

Frags were cool, tempo was fast enough. Maybe I would have made a it a little shorter, but it's still nice atm.

as superboy said, it was a bit "laggy" somewhere. Maybe more fps could help.

Overally 8.5/10
average, music was bad + it lagged
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