Codec dunno Length 559

Flying with mAke & huPo

A trickjump movie performed by mAke and me. Scenes put together by antman. The movie is all about content and it's a fast release, so don't expect any editing or syncing. The movie was released in June 11th, 2007.

Video Codec: x264
Sound Codec: mp3 lame
Size: 88Mb
Duration 05:52

Music by Sonata Arctica

Primary mirror: antman
Mirror 1: Youtube (audio error)
Mirror 2: own3d
Mirror 3: demos (antman)
88 mb for 6 mins ? :) n1
quality explains alot
great job
pointless movie, it's obvious you used b_fixedphysicsfps 333 since your legs were going in slowmotion and some of the jumps were obviously not possible with real settings. anyone can trickjump with fixedphysicsfps 333, even malczik, good job wasting your time though.
:/ malczik cant jump with fixedphysicsfps 333...
he can jump higher than usual though, maybe he can have atleast low+ movement with it.
These jumps are all possible. Even easy if you know how to do them.
i've played ET for 4.5 years, i'm pretty sure b_fixedphysicsfps 333 was used - you can't keep up speed on some of those jumps (level ground) without physicsfps 333 and the height of some jumps looked unnatural. :\
I've done all these jumps. Seriously don't talk crap if you don't know shit about it. Seems like you think you're the greatest trickjumper of all time.
show me 2:07
its trickjump configs with pmove.. all the jumps are possible.
So fredd is right.
he said:

"I just tested it with physicsfps 333 and I did the jump EXACTLY like they did on the video, it's not possible without it ."

They didnt use b_fixedphysicsfps 333 or other tweak like that.. only pmove fixed 1
I quote:

"you know what, if you can show me that 2:07 is possible without b_fixedphysicsfps 333 or other tweaked settings, i'll eat my god damn socks."

So give IP. :D

edit: for fredd.
ask fredd, not me
every comman is tweaking.. even b_fixedphysics 1.. so its impossible to do that trick without some tweaking..
no, cause fixedphysics 1 is in the official CB config.
Yeah, and we don't play officials, like most of the best trickjumpers don't either.
who said that you need to use clanbase config? whynot ESL? or some other random.. or even defaut server settings? or trickjump configs?
not impressive when you cant do it with configs that people actually use during games - why not use a gravity 500 config then? if you could use any config you want for trickjump movies, it's rather pointless.
most trickjumpers are tricking with tj configs so b_fixedphysics 0 as it was before..
What would be the point of doing those jumps in the wars? Those jumps are too hard to perform in war anyway. Only few of them could be useful in wars, and you could do them with any config.

Now please stop writing back, you make yourself look more and more noob.
nice moves :)
no. just show me the 2:07 jump instead of calling me a noob
Try it yourself? It ain't hard.

edit: Or download the demo and see for yourself...there ain't anything even looking like 333 fps in that.
Ah, so you're not willing to show it to me.
Indeed, I am not willing to show every noob something that anyone can do. Try it yourself for fuck sakes, no wonder why your trickjump movie sucked ass if you don't try jumps more than 10 times.
I want you to show it to me, on my server, with regular settings. You can use nofatigue, i don't see why you're refusing and flaming me.

My trickjump movie may of 'sucked' for you (made 1yr ago), but I had fun searching for jumps with some m8s and I couldn't care less if you made a better trickjump movie, cause you still suck at ET.
I don't like you, I wont show you anything. Anyone who's opinion matters to me, knows the jumps can be done with pmove_fixed 1. Why is it so hard for you to try it yourself? Try it for 2 hours or something, and if you wont get near it even once, then come back and I might consider giving you some tips.

edit: added demos just for you, watch them, and tell me if it still looks like 333 fps.
madman just tried showing it to me, first we tried CB settings (physicfps 1 , physicsfps 125) he said that the jump is probably impossible with CB settings and you need a tj config (pmove_fixed 1)
i took physicsfps off and enabled pmove but he couldnt do it and gave up, no offense to him.
even if you did do it with pmove_fixed 1, you can't do it with a CB config so it's useless and I was right.
You're almost as lame as Finland Cythonic. These tricks are in no way useful, they're just for fun. So why the fuck should we record it in clanbase settings, while not even one trickjump server has those settings on? If you make new jumps with clanbase settings, you get shit content like WITA2 had.

You could read it from youtube, but I bet you didn't and I forgot to mention it here. The movie was meant to be advertising for our trickjump map, which we didn't ever finish. Trickjump servers don't use clanbase settings, obviously, so why should we make jumps with those settings either?

People shouldn't think clanbase settings are the one and only settings that should be used.
you should of mentioned that some of the jumps aren't possible without a tweaked config in the beginning and i would of been happy, instead of arguing. The jumps just aren't as impressive if you can't do them with the official CB config.
Clanbase settings are more tweaked than pmove_fixed 1.
Under tweaked I mean a config that people don't use during a real game
Takes longer than 5mins. I got better things to do like doing my movie. You can stick to your clanbase settings (which pro trickjumpers don't use) and i'll ignore ur 333 claims for my new movie.
you gotta realize i didn't say 333 because of the jumps, but because on some of the jumps they didn't get landing recoil at all on level ground, so stop being arrogant :|
haha gtfo fuckface, u dont know shit about tj.
they already said it was with tweaked settings so gtfo yourself, fanboy.
I'm more like fanboy to him tbh.
well, the point is that you are referring to that they are using b_fixedphysicsfps 333 shows that u are pretty unexperienced ingame. And with a statement like that fredd, are making me wondering if u ever have visited a tj srv.
ye cause playing with a tj config gives you experience. i've got twice as much experience as you do.
g pmove_fixed 1 and fixedphysicsfps 333 are almost the same anyway - both make trickjumping easy as fuck. so i just chose 1 to whine about, well i might of been wrong, but my point still remains the same.
mhm, meaningless bullshit talk, i bet u couldnt even last 5 mins on a tj srv with that "skill" of yours. so stop thinking you are so fucking pro, and leave the jumping to the ppl who actually know how to jump. kthx
LOL, you're sad :DD
Two things:

1. Martinius is jumping since 2001. You do not have any word on experience to say.

2. "pmove_fixed 1 and fixedphysicsfps 333 are almost the same anyway" You are fucking idiot if you think like that. Now stfu or i'll guidspoof you for a year.
hahaha, i couldn't give 2 shits if you spoof my etpro guid, who buys a bot for a game anyway, fucking nerd. you're like most finns probably - scrawny white nerds.

second, learn to play the game instead of playing on trickjump servers 24/7.
Indeed who would be stupid enough to buy one. Stop saying shit like you would be any better player than me, you haven't ever seen me playing, nor have I seen you. Talking bout being nerd..15 years old hanging @ computer 24/7
well, you're the one that constantly talks about skill and experience (lol trickjumping with pmove_fixed 1 = experience) when you havn't seen me play, so i say the same thing to you.
btw i know that you have no skill and experience because you just said you will guidspoof me, thus you cheat.
vitun hyvä :)))
[FINTARDISHLANGUAGE]Tbh, vaikka oonki nosound, ni biisivalinnat kusi. Samalta bändiltä kaks biisiä :< (Sonata Arctica, Wolf and Raven + The Cage)

Mut silti imo paras tjeri ja laulaja Suomesta.[/FINTARDISHLANGUAGE]
Mulle oli ihan sama mikä musiikki tos leffas on sillo ku sitä tehtii, joten antman pisti siihe mAken lempibiisit. Eivätpä ne tohon yhtään sopinu loppupeleis, mut ei voi mitää enää.
Ihan hyvää viihdettä. Voi katsoa useammin kuin kerran..
pakko olla vitun hyvä ku antmanin mirrori käytös!
ive been deleted :<
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