Codec x264 Filesize 320.00 MiB Length 843
Video available for download only

Not another leet movie

It's my first movie :) Special thanks for COOBA :-)

Movie Information:
Starring: Thoro
Editing: kratek
Length: 8:43
File Size: 320mb
Codec: x264
Frame Rate: 25fps
Resolution: 1280x720

Music used:
Chemical brothers - Come inside
Skillet - Kill me heal me
Dragon Ash - Resound
POD - Boom

Thoro - #Thoro-pictures
kratek - #Thoro-pictures
:O review incoming
The sami flag makes by me :=)

can u add the other flags from the flag sticky?
I actually remade it earlier from the wikipedia flag and the psd hilights after chmpp wanted it... seems it must have been the same method you used lol
Ah okay :)

One question : Why you don't add the new flags?

There was a long time ago a flag sticky.

When i search for that i dont find anything about the flag sticky.

Whats happen with the flag request sticky ?

Sorry for my english :(
the flag forum thread is in the crossfire section, I personally don't see the point in adding all those listed :P
ty but can u add this image: 3copyqv3 Thüringen

pls <3 :<

only this one and i'm the luckiest guy off the world :)
But you could add at least a few ^^
do one for my movie while ur at it!! (link in profile)
i'm still waiting for your opinion :)
I watched it on my laptop just before I went to bed and didn't want to right my thoughts at the time, if no decent comment is made soon I'll write one up :PPPP
Ohh my gosh! Downloading. Finally a promising look movie after a long time!

After watching I can say that it was pretty decent according to that it's your first movie.

Try to fix the anti-aliasing issue for the next movie :p

decent movie just a - on the motionblur
liked it, didnt expected such a good movie from you, well done, why dont you made a movie of your own frags?:p
i dont have time to look all my demos and find a actions for fm :P
who cares about cheatermovies?
this is a 2nd reason :<
Was okay ..

The frags in the second part were kinda nice, many of the ones shown in the first part are just not necessary as they are not movie worth, imo.

Quality wasn't that good, it looked more like a "oldsql" movie ;-)

The style of the intro is overused imo, i've seen that kind many times before already.

I liked your cams, overall a 5-6/10
"The style of the intro is overused imo, i've seen that kind many times before already."

Ye i think so,

intro is 2long, probably i should cut this screens part :P
"The style of the intro is overused imo, i've seen that kind many times before already."

and you would never be able to do dat, 100%:)
Do we have to comment on things we only could make ourself or can we judge a movie in general?
i would't throw random comments to a movie if i would know shit about it, thats all.:D
He even admits that it might be a bit overused, what's your problem?
i like to flame you and every conversation with you is a great thing :)
You're a Nerd. Over and out!
and you are n random guy beeing banned from crossfire, having fakeaccs and asking for women advice on crossfire, bb
lol why so angry just did the same to you ^^

"i like to flame you and every conversation with you is a great thing :) "

this is not an fakeacc tbh...
flames between timen and myself are not serious! we are the best friends ever, Over and out!.
oki ^^ thought you dont know him, sorry :D
and, if you are so "newish" how would you know about the custom flag thread beeing discussed some comments above?
there were a topic about that, and as i've read what fusen said, i searched for the topic

"the flag forum thread is in the crossfire section, I personally don't see the point in adding all those listed :P "

and my comment was just random, why shouldnt he add new?
really nice movie >:) oldschool ftw!
mega shithole movie and moviemaker
plz sopcastt stream
Hasn't the trailer been out for ages?
does this actually matter?
I just wondered, as it brought back memories of sweRTCW
i just wanted to flame
Then have a nice cup of fuck you, swissfag.

Better response?
have you ever read any good responses on cf?
what ever this is useless anyway
dling... srednio na jeza
- quality
- colours
+/- frags
- hitsounds
+ musics
+/- editing
- intro/outro

one panzerfaust campplace at grush is copied from me for shure!!
Gimme a real link, can't watch that shit :[
streeeeeeaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! plzzzzzzzzzzz
how come thoro didn't make it himself? Didn't really get into the movie. no offence but most(if not all) frags were quite boring, music choice could've been much better, quality? was there any O_O, ok it was average to say the least.

all in all, 3/10 from me, not too bad for a first time but could've been so much better :)
closed it after 3 minutes
intro sucks
quality is not awsome but rest is nice
Not an original intro + music used in Decimated.
Bad quality, but cfg ok.

Boring frags (a lot of bs) except hs sequence & some panz demos..

Useless outro & musics not concording with this type of movies.

I kinda liked the intro as a whole, though there were details that didn't work. The "edit to the beat" style was pretty well executed throughout the movie, but perhaps a bit too repetitive during the last song (and the last PF shot wasn't well synced).

Oh, and there was too much motion blur, the Supply clips suffered most from this.
have to agree with Jago
because often you give to others good solutions, what is wrong or what you should fix in the movie :<
closed after first 2 minutes, horrible.
finally the full movie, used to love the trailer!

from me
if, from what i read here, crap quality/editing = oldschool, then this movie is at least 20 years old
im guessing your first movie was better?
well i think it was, also considering that it was released over 2 years ago i can say that it was (still is) far better
you think all your movies are 10/10 while they suck so i guess i asked the wrong person
you are quite alone in your statement, but k ur right i suck

the busted cheater feels better now?
Jesus fucking christ you are annoying. You're such a fucking selfish and arrogant guy.

+ about this movie. I could say the same of your movies, jeez.
who the fuck asked you for a reply ?:O i flame him, no help needed
No-one. I, however, can't stand your retardness anymore.

I've never seen a positive comment from you, except about movies of Webartdesign ones.
Because #Webartesign is teh best. Over and out.
actually i wrote one about your
anyway still there was no movie in 2008 except 2in1 2, that might be called DECENT
dont tell me that your movie or ANIM N TORNIS are productions of teh 2008

+ i help quite lot of people in actually everything, and this > comments, who the fuck cares what does one write on crossfire lol? and how does he dare to rate this person by his comments
At first, I don't consider my own movies as the best ones released in 2008.
I don't really think webartdesign has made the best movie in 2008, either.
YOU are the one who claims that your/their movie(s) are the best in the world, while they obviously are not. Would you like to tell me which things you consider as professional work in that movie?

ps. I don't have to be reasonalbe to notice that you're stupid. Behaviour on Crossfire always reflects soemhow from your real life.

pss. So what if you help people in moviemaking? :--D So do we, a lot!
simply show a better movie

ps. so what even if im stupid? i dont care what do people think about me ON CROSSFIRE
if you want anything from me, just ask me at irc and ill help/speak to you/give any opinion you need, xfire is just funplace where some fintards can fill their time between crashing different servers...

notcaring about what does some random write here about me is quite normal, if someone is brave enough to tell me this @ irc or pm, then ill consider what he has to say

and about the ALLNEGATIVE comments

i dont think that moviemaker needs to hear OMG THIS IS SO GREAT, because even if ur half-intelligent, you know what did you do well and where did you suck.

in other words: if for example i say that something is bad or sth, that means more like that the rest is ok, than OMGURLOW
Jeez, you are so humiliating yourself atm.

So in other words; you can call me a nolife geek but I can't call you a retard? Whatever.

ps. You rate almost every movie 1/1 except the movies which have been made by TastelessArtDesign.

Get lost.

Ohh and animal & tornis was technically thousands of times better than any of yours. Even if it didn't hit your taste, you can't say it was BAD.
people rate my movies 1/1/1/1 so why wouldnt i rate their movies the same?
It's you who talked about intelligence... like I already said... you are so humilating yourself. :---D
its not like i care what do you think about me :D same for the rest of ppl aka fredd and more
because even if ur half-intelligent, you know what did you do well and where did you suck.

quite ironic
2in1 2 is not the best movie of 2008.
ye, seNti's adventure is!

(cheater friend btw)
while they suck so i guess

Who said it :<
Nice movie, ignore the haters... Like to see them do better.... Thought not.
frags - ok
colors - not bad, not good, default
quality - watchable
motion blur - my eyes hurt :D
music - hmm, well, could be better
sync - quite nice
overall 5/10
quality (-)
colours (-)
frags (some good/some bad)
musics (+)
editing (pretty ok)
intro/outro (sucky intro/outro)
5 or 6 / 10
5:24 nigga pls 2 headshots and u aimed at his feet
movie 7/10
-2long intro
-low outro
+me on thanks xd
+colors + quality
+first 2 songs

there were some good ideas there, but how they were done wasn't that good. but if you keep making movies, you'll be a great moviemaker imo.
Thoro potforo!
Too long intro, maybe it is good idea, but too long and its boring ; e
Only some Multikills +/- ( not all ) are synced with music, rest of frags are " free ", so its bornig too.
default colors are low :<
freecam at the begging was annoying ( same in every movie )
some replays and different views of some frags were shit
some shit frags and quality wasnt that good either
was an okay movie but nothing ill remember in the future but for a first movie u did fine i guess
almost 3 years after trailer release... :)
Nice daunie ;D
no chyba cie glowa boli :X
a ciebie kolana...
w8... ty nie masz kolan omg!
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