Codec x264 Filesize 80.00 MiB Length 02:19

Cavalcade feat. perfo

Created for the DELL Games Mini Video Contest hosted by

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featuring Netherlands perfo

- Fred Piho
I know another song that'd go well with this sort of erratic editing :P
Easy winner, amazing work fredd.
thanks, i don't think it'll be that easy though. :D
Looking at the other entries, it should be that easy.
plunging hornets - venetian snares

I swear I've got the album somewhere
Didn't fredd use that in a previous movie?
he has used the same effect before, not sure if it was the same exact music though.

Ah. Didn't realise Venetian Snares was the artist.
He used a similar track in Interlude.
as already said, perfect for a miniclip.

would be interesting to see what you would come up with if you did a normal movie with that skill-level of editing, considering you seem to be quite a creative guy.

should be a bit less chaotic else we'd have hundreds of cf members lying on the floor of their homes having epileptic attacks :<
well, i'm looking into other games at the moment actually

although if i do well in the contest and image2 is on schedule i might just do another full lenght ET movie :p
ok, gl, looking forward to your next (rtcw/et/quake) movie
Nice, also nice frags
make a longer movie!
phenomenal, awesome editing skills, well done you deserve to win imo
amazing work fredd (:
omg fredd you are my favorite movie maker ><
overedited, dont like this style at all
idd, same opinion - I like a nice mix for movies, given this is very short it can be forgiven though.
liked it a lot myself (and not just because it were my frags)

the elevator part is my favourite part :D
Quotethe elevator part is my favourite part :D

Have to agree here. So creative.
yeah, it was quite creative:)
allthough that frag wasnt movieworthy, it quite sucked:)
further nice frags!
breakcore is no go in et movies mister
gj fredd, amazing sync

i laik ur music style ;>
could you upload the file on some ftp, i would like to have it @ hdd... its great
isnt allowed yet, dunno the exact date
Really nice video, editing is really good and doesn't take away from the frags unlike Aftershock.
2nd best
unbearable "music"
where the fuck i can find the download link on thi site?
deserved winner
this was the shit no kiddin.
What a shit movie fredd..

Where is the editting, where is the sync and please the music what where you thinking?

i sincerely hope you are taking the piss
this clip is by far the best clip in ET and it even shits all over some of the CSS clips for quality + effects + what ever else there is to mention about movie making

so please, like you should do in general about everything you say

shut up you utter spasticated KANKER jonge!
Sssst - check out first or the votes :xDDD
the effects gave me a headache and are a bit annoying same with the sound

the sync and frags were good tho
didnt like it... couldnt understand the frags
pr0 player + pr0 moviemaker = Instant win
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