Codec x264 Filesize 399.00 MiB Length 839

Pick 'N' Roll

SpainWinghaven was feeling alone after 4 movies and nobody on his side so lets add LatviaClown for more fun, and pick 'n' roll was born !

This movie is a mix of many different frags, you can find frags from CPC2, CC6, ET Allstars etc... enough said... enjoy !

Pick 'N' Roll ?
The pick and roll (also called screen and roll or shortened to screen-roll, any of which may be hyphenated) in basketball is an offensive play in which a player sets a screen (pick) for a teammate handling the ball and then slips behind the defender (rolls) to accept a pass.

The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die
The Qemists - S.W.A.G
Blue Stahli - Mystique
Blue Stahli - Doublequick
X-Ray Dog - Into The Fire

Thx for host :
The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die

loved it
really nice

btw, project time?
around 8 months but I didn't got all the demos in one time, could be 5/6 months with more motivation :)

no thx

one of the best fragmovies I have seen :p
nerds got pick n rolled
2.2 mb/s rawr
LOLD at winghaven turns xD

nice movie awesome sync
I mostly enjoyed, but syncing by chopping the frag scenes is too easy to do and too brutal to watch in my opinion. Some frags aren't rly fragmovie worthy (3kill backrape). Otherwise other scenes were pretty good and well executed, though there was maybe a little lack of creativity. (O yeah nearly forgot, music was alright!)

Gut job!
agree but i wanted a fast movie and there is only 2 way i know to add speed : with cutting clip or accelerating, thought the first method looks better, also adding more effect will be maybe 'too much'

thx for your comment ;)
Na, there were enough effects. :) I meant a little lack of creativity with transitions maybe or with some killinspree flows. Otherwise, the ideas you put in place were creative imo (intro, arty, ollie, panzer dogging & outro). gl if u do other projects!
10/10 haven't watched a fragmovie till the end without clicking it away for quite some time

well done!
yea :D

skateeeeeeee :D

nice movie :O
11/10 :D
winghawkhaven! :D

haha :DD !
wnb BoRi :)
Awesome - Nice job
Pro moviemaking + Pro players = Pro movie... god when i start to calculate again i know that school is coming closer :<
Nice job phaloid !
the sync was just a little too 'brutal' sometimes, and we don't have time to see the entire frag due to this light defect.
Was rly nice tbh. 9.1/10 :)
+10 for 3xollie + 720 :DDDDD

very enjoyable movie.. btw was a 1080 imo :DDD
can imagine the whine from suvi when he died those ways
don't see what's so special to whine about when getting panzered @radar@tunnel :D
dnno would expect something like: omg typical winghaven with a lame panzer just fucking lame same with the nade :D
it was Clown :o) and i was killed only once !
1 time with the panzer at radar, once with a smg at grush ammo/health then the nade that followed right after (dunno if you died by that)
ah ye, just noticed :DDD
Amazing! 8D good job!
Working Time ?
really nice
Best movie since ages, really!

a fragmovie is good when it makes me wanna play et! and this movie really does! it's superb.

only question? will there be any new fast paced game which will entertain me as et? by seeing this movie, i pretty much doubt it.

Well done phaloid.
very nice, 10 for the part where winghaven does some tony hawk tricks ;)
Great movie, the best of 2009, at least.

If it's as good as "beta" was, then its definitely one of the best ET movies lately.

Will check tomorrow :-)
I really enjoyed this, but sometimes frags were too fast, and I couldn't notice what it was. Like Dabster says

QuoteSome frags aren't rly fragmovie worthy (3kill backrape).

Its exactly what I expected from this after i saw - don't know why :D.

Great Work!
Don't look at this movie @ own3d, download is advised and worth it. Good job PhaLoiD, 8/10
what a pair ! Probably these two players are the most overrated in the scene :p

Anyway the movie is really good, frags are good !
that was really nice tbh
fucking brilliant, awesome editing and nice frags. 10/10!
i love you my wagon <3
Really enjoyed it.

Only thought the cutting scenes to sync was a bit anoying and fast but the rest was great.
Lolled at the tony hawk skating part.
Really awesome editing, nice frags, pretty good quality, the only missing thing for me is a commentary.
interesting, downloading

[e] nerds got pick n rolled
Enjoyed it.
Very good quality and movie ;)

Good job.
brilliant! Definitly belongs to the Top 10 ETmovies ! first time i give a 10/10/10/10
best movie i've ever seen. only exeption is parodia :p
i thought the same ;D
randomnoobie 1 1 1 1

sup, isn't that normal??
Nice quality, nice frags, movie is one of the best
10/10 top5 et movies i seen, even i've just seen a few, this belongs to the besst!
je kiff totalement le coté underground situé dans l'undercover de la movie mais alors grave !
10/10 the movie was fantastic! Loved the different things you added in such as the volume control, that went very well. Also the noise of the ollie like hes doing skateboarding is a really nice touch!

Good sync, music, colours and intro!

Great movie, would love to see more from you :)
Let's start with the good things, intro and outro was different and creative, wp. Bullet effect was awesome. And some other nice things also with the strikes. Quality was also very good.

Now onto the bad things, my head is fucking hurting because the movie so frigging fast that it's unbelievable. I thought fredd and Nonix's movies were fast but this blows that out of the water.

I hate the fact that you forward frags to make them look like they're not long sprees, that is called cheating in my opinion.

Some cams were nice but most were just fast as hell that you can't see what's going on because of the motion blur.

Music fitted in with the fast pace of the movie but I didn't like it.

Expected alot better with all the comments on here but I guess majority of them are just random fanboys of Winghaven and Clown or whatever.

Haven't watched an ET movie for ages, but that is truly friggin awesome. Almost makes me want to install ET again. Absolutely magnificent job, 10/10 easily.
Wow, didn't expect that kind of movie. After long time heres a movie which kept me perfectly entertained. I loved fast paced editing, cams and sync. 9.5/10
there hasnt been a movie this good in a couple of years

+ syncing using timescale was nice
+ thps 3 :)
+ the arty shell dropping (reminds me of a movie where someone imitated an airplane with a cam dropping an airstrike)
+ content is as good as it can get in et
+ nice outro

- weak cams
- cliche intro
- the volume thing (some ideas are best left alone)

maybe i'll add something after i watch it a couple more times. its been years since i watched a fragmovie more than once. great job
Quote+ the arty shell dropping (reminds me of a movie where someone imitated an airplane with a cam dropping an airstrike)

Ah yeah was in the BFU movie I think. Good stuff those imitations y0
best movie ever
fucking awesome... thats what you call fast paced movie :d

rly enjoyed effect you used and this kind of editing, very similar to fredd's one :] chaotic and so fast u dont know what happens :D
i wouldnt like the music that is used in this movie normally but with this kind of editting and frags i dont even care about that anymore. its funny how there have been topics about top 10 et fragmovies lately and im sure a lot of ppl will edit their posts to add this 1 in. i also liked your previous work but this is over the top. excellent work.

10 10 10 10
enjoyed :)
didn't like, don't know why but I couldn't force myself to watch after first 2-3 mins
just brilliant. Havent seen a good ET movie in ages. Might be actually the best Ive ever seen (just ET tho, Q3 or CoD4 movies are just unreachable :p). Loved the intro and outro, the speed of this movie and sync. Hate the content (Im fragged too many times :<).
Nice editing and nice camera angles, but could have done more with colour correction; i.e. some scenes were too dark or looked bland.
am i the only one getting tonns of bugged frames in the downloaded version?
could you up a pic ?
image: 2ykn7rl
image: 344t5p3

literally all throughout the movie
ye im using this tutorial lol x(
same problem with other movies ?
try to pm ag0n he should know much about codec than me.
nah, never had it before and seems to be only with this one.. i can live with it tho so :d
I really liked it being fast-paced, too bad some frags were a little boring, but they passed fast, so it couldn't influence much on the viewers pleasure, OLLIE was very original, the same story with outro. I think that was the first time I watched outro till the end, lawl. (props to the one who was encoding : High L5.1 + 5 ref. frames = DXVA OLOLOLO)
I would give it 8.5, but since evil_piragas was in there I will give it 9, well done faggot.
some great frags, a lot of boring xfire side or backrape frags. won't rate it. editing was nice the first 3 minutes, then it got boring :(
can i have your autograph pls + nice airstrikes yesterday
That was reallyyy nice movie! I guess you didn't make it for free?
shame about the last frag since it was garbage time airstrike which everyone just ignored

but other than that nice movie, 9/10!
I honestly love you phaloid, even better than i expected :D
Pretty good but the editing made my head hurt.
Quite good, but expected much more. Speed was fine. Could have been more non-movement effects for me. 8/10
It's good. Well done.
Just due to your comment - means ill download it.
cool but there is 2 much effects... when i watch it i think if the frags are only background for your effects...
finally! another wing movie 8)

stream doesnt work
seems to be an own3d issue, it was working earlier :/
turn off adblock plus and it will work
The over used music rly rly killed it. Loved it anyways...
Yeah I totally agree with Superboyy

I also found the music boring and overused, The Prodigy's 'Invaders Must Die' is an awful song compared to their older songs, and don't feel it has a good place in this movie. However it is highly popular and loved, which i can't justify.

I also found the constant small zoom in fucking annoying, over kill on trying to sync it to a movie. It's not something i would recommend, and i've seen ALOT of fragmovies.

As you said too, the arty was very well done, and the frags as expected are extremely good.


Needs better, non commercial music, and less over kill on certain things.
fucking u2
encore mieux que FragArea 3
good movie with good synching style
Way too much cams and fuckin head hurts x_x
Wow. I must say this was pretty goddamn enterntaining!

I haven't been much on cf lately but this was a happy surprise :-) Good job Phaloid!

Sick movie, made me wanna play!

(and wtf that U2 song is doing my head in:/ )
Try Vanhaomena's fragmovie, got Slayer and Nasum as music :D
only found short clips on own3d : O , do u have a link -_- ?
Yeah but only google video, where quality is utter shit.
thanks.. cool movie >:]
great frags :) nicely presented - only thing it lacked was some shoutcast but other than that was great!
great frags great movie rly good work
frags were awesome, maybe the sync was a bit too much at some point but i got used to it while watching. quality/editing wise it was obviously high-level, can't really comment on that. intro was boring, bulleteffects etc. was nice :)

very well done

frags and outro were rly nice, i also loved sync + that thps ollie stuff ;XD, editing was just sick.
most fast-paced movie in ET, 2nd best in my alltime list (after razz_vs_violence ofc). 10/10
keep up the best work

rofl @ skateboard sounds =d
yes, fast-paced movie but not fast-paced frags
couple of weeks back I was joking that there will never be such a thing than clown's movie

well now I have seen all
didnt like the frags : (
we need torspo's muuvie c:
need someone to make it
By the way, those "ollies" were totally fucking useless.
Anything with The Qemists in gets a +1 from me!
Didnt like it.. effects ruined good movie
the only ruined movie is yours
first good movie for really long time, strong 9/10 , lacked some stuff to be perfect tho :(
expected better frags
really nice movie
omg new winghaven stuff omg omg omg omg omg omg <3
hidious effects..
ZaroQ 1 1 1 1 hähä
this excessive frame skipping was rather annoying and distracting to get hold of the action, you can just as well keep it sync'd in other ways..wasn't that much of a necessity after all coz of the music genre
w/e, decent'ish
The editing was immense but its not my style of movie, when scenes jump after each frag I'm left wondering just how much time has passed, I think it takes away the impressiveness of the frag. Plus spam and backrape frags bore me. Best movie in a while, though.
nice :o

loved the sync with music
Great movie ! :)
<comment reserved>

e: sick movie good edited frags were awesome, also.
i watched it yesterday and was amazed, but i was high as a kite so i wont rate it lol
Nobody minds if you give some tens.
Guess I'm the only one that didn't like this. I wasn't keen on the editing. Support fire kills are boring... The good frags were ruined by bad editing. Encode was very bad as well.
This is best movie since a while. A lot of syncing and the funneh effects combined with good music and frags.
10/10 gj!
shit name for a movie
Dont like first 3 minutes, rest was just awesome. Good idea with arty missle (?), nicely done. U should use some color correction, megui's compressions killed ur colors, anyway good job, u r real pr0. :)
awesome , nice moviemaker
Enjoyed the movie! Nice work~
very nice
awesome, liked the broken camera alot!
I guess, frags were nice, but that style was shitty (skipping "boring" parts) so I didnt enjoy most of them. I liked only few parts :< dont like overedited movies at all..
sorry wing <3
fucking awesome.
Louiss 1 1 1 1
NEXk 1 1 1 1
spiROZE 1 1 1 1
zafoga 1 1 1 1
jatazA 1 1 1 1
randomnoobie 1 1 1 1
Analschlacht 1 1 1 1
ZaroQ 1 1 1 1
Raulio 1 1 1 1

rage :DD
Loved it :).
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