Codec x264 Filesize 279.00 MiB Length 615
Video available for download only

Frag Company

ilhan - germany
frogg - germany
thomm - Finnland
plazej - France
drj3w - Israel
zentix - Netherlands
Bl4d3 - Germany
Wakizashiuk - United Kingdom
ArtstAr - United Kingdom
Karrrde - Hungary
eRove - Czech Republic
xperia - Netherlands
anim - Canada

Celldweller-Klash-Up_( Cinco_de_Mayo_2009)_-_ Cellmate_Mix)
Massive attack - Teardrop

Vegas 8.0
What the hell?!


*its Finland, not Finnland..
wtf happen to the smoke of the airstrike ;?
again u used way to strong colors which makes it look rly bad
but nice man you got megui to work ;)
omg stopped watching after the first failhitsound aka headshot....

And what the fuck is happen to the gun ?! ô0

dont like it


image: comment_edit

List of fails so far:

- Hitsounds ( seriously WTF?! dont even find some )
- Colors ... ouch .. eyecancer @ delivery
- cg_gun x y z settings :o
- Floor @ Bremen ="!
- Camtrace @ braun ?! ( 5:20? ) :DDDDDDD
- pracc more :)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- bl4d3's part > REST

waiting for randomflaming[/i][/u]

bi buy
deine muddi willse jetzt persönlich zu mir werden ?
! aber durchgestrichen naja wenisgtens etwas..
I edited it ... at the first it was like "normal"

but your decision


[engrish]And i know that FLoPjEHZ's movie is ways better and you said it sucks so i dont wanna know what you say to this movie :p[/engrish]
only hitsounds need fixing rest was ok
Even wakizashi frags can't save this movie.
well that's exceptional..
A bold statement.
didnt like it at all
- hitsounds almost made me close this movie before end, dont get why ppl using hitsounds without gunsounds, its so gey...
- content is quastionable, smg fragz are not so good and most of airstrikes are just random gr spawnkill, in such movies u should try to get some variety of airstrikes
- 2 many mixes/no tagz in community movie (looks bad 4me)
- overall look is rly bad, even plain output from ET with ag0ns cfg looks much better than this one
- didnt get that shizzle with cam on b4 around 5 minute
- missing floor texture @bremen, seriously, why did u even use it when there is no texture...
next time just fix overall quality and missing textures, use hitsounds together with gunsounds or dont use it at all and get better content (dont care about fragz vs known or high ppl, just find some tagged ones which looks good and also use some other spawnkills than gr)
indeed no gunsounds with hitsounds it rly BAD
hitsounds are shit, cam's are a bit random wtf at 5:15 braundorf
sorry but it was boring :-/
it's not me anyway :]
fuckin steroid eater replying to himself...
got a problem with me? this means war baquette nerd
cya on ircchan ill kill you
Pff... Aren´t there any ready configs what people just could use so they wouldn´t have to make old mistakes over and over again?
agreed. there are plenty of ready to use configs. (quaky, ag0n, max, hannes and many more)

To Voodoo: And I rly dont get it why you used such horrible gun settings.
no, not you. :D vooodoo
your frag fucked up the movie tbh
It sure did, I am proud of it!
without your frag i d given the movie a rating of 9/9/9/9 but now i cat give any higher than 5 average
mannnnnnnnnnnnn, get that aimbot.avi moment via wolfcam from whoever you played with, it's rly awesome 8(((
as mentioned few times above, hitsounds were horrible, everything seemed oversaturated and the floor on bremen :x
omg xperia omg! Must watch!
some beautiful cams in braundorf @ 5.10
One of the worst movies i've seen in a long long time, it just totally kills some of the nice content in the movie.

fixes that just have to be done:

- new config, colorscheme, popups etc etc.
- try to learn from other movies how to sync clips with music.
- make orignal cams or don't make cams at all
- slow down on the luminance, glow and saturation, it just looks terrible. keep it clean
- hitsounds are just plain awefull in this movie.

overall you have alot to learn before you can start making decent movies.
movie evaluater!
i know my fair share of moviemaking :p been moviemaking from 2006 and have approx 450 testclips. I just haven't released anything because i feel like it has to impress me first. If i'm not impressed then it will end up like this -_-
test clip a frag of me, Ill help you if you want
any fullquality mirrors gonna be released?
nice frags, shit editing
one big shit srsly

better than other emofag like's
it's not me anyway :]
lol u wrote the names in a paper XD
05:05-05:18 must be worst camera ever made =/

Shit movie overall.
Wakizashiuk ready to own
i dont know why everyone is being so harsh? Ive seen well shitter movies getting better movies. Only thing I didnt like was camera on braun and some colours. Im still goina rate it 10 to annoy cunts
image.luminance.highlight 0.5 + r_ignorehwgamma 1 -.-' next time use r_ignorehwgamma 0 pls
nice movies

simply said, a horrible movie
what dualinity said.
How much time did u spend on this movie ?
why is nobody complaining about the music?? u guys can`t be serious!!!!!!!!
unhit piece of shit
low frags (panza & arty/airstrike arent movie-worth), shit hitsounds, boring
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