Total amount: 1612
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Reflex and Chill [Gone Shaft]

I would like to thank all the players getting fragged in this movie for the many fun hours of Reflex. Thanks to the devs for creating this awesome ever-evolving game and listening to the community.
Also, I would like to thank everyone following my stream at and the ArenaFPS stream/subreddit.

Juissi TJ movie

Editor: Diviless
Jumper: Juissi
Length: 5min 32sec
Project Size: 400GB
Frame Rate: 60fps
Resolution: 1600x900
Avidemo: 300fps
Rendering Time: 2h 15min
Bitrate: 30000

Testi random movie

While almost 2 years ago I released my last movie, I now find myself with some free time on my hands. I decided to take that time and make myself a masterpiece frapsmovie with some leftover frags.

Eventhough it is a frapsmasterpiece, it contains solid 60fps solidness. Making it cost me rougly 4 hours, however rendering took more time.

While i hope you can sit through the whole piece, i expect a lot of negative comments, so crossfire give me your worst.

watch it in 720p60 fps for full quality.

undisputed frag king 3v3

3v3 fraps movie of 2015 frags by sungi

Frags mostly from scrims, some from actual official wars!
No editing, just frags and music

Lapko - Money for Nothing
Final Fantasy VI OST - Slam Shuffle
Darkness - Get Your Hands Off Of My Woman
Scooter - Fire
Sparzanza - Temple of the Red Eyed Pigs

download undemonized yao ming here:

Proving Grounds#2 - WuT's minimovie

This shortie contains stuff from Proving Grounds #2 which took place on January 17 2016.
I wanted to make everything as fast as possible in order to have some kind of souvenir(:D). I didn't even check my whole recordings and I just put everything randomly.
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