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Master of Air II - Ready for take off

Here we go :) this is the second MoA Movie!

Master Of Air II

Ready for take off!

A Trickjump Movie
Thain & Tsuboon

Montage and special effects By [WSMind]

Cam Scripts By Xavatar

"Hey Guys you're ready for take off? Anyway We are!"

This movie is based on jump invention, nice editing and 3D work, cams
and huge take offs

We invented a lot of jumps especially for the movie, and selected the best
ones for your pleasure

Every jumps comtain a Take off because we really love this kind of
jump and we find them
more beautiful than others.

We did Every Jumps by ourselves with Default Server Config.
We take Oath these jumps were done honestly, without cheating,
gravity, editing maps, 333fps or Jumping BOT of any kind.

The only Cheats Used are : /god ( it's of no use but we are used to
turn it on ) /nofatigue

You'll notice that doing the jumps is not the hard thing, you just need to
train and even
if you ain't gifted for this at all you'll succeed them in the end. The
really hard stuff is to
invent the jumps. Usualy, in trickjump movies you see jumps invented by a lot
of different
peoples, and performed by one or two. But In MoA II, all the jumps were
invented and performed by Thain or Tsuboon (exept the second one in Fuel -
Dump done by Xavatar, and supplydepot one that is Xeoxis's invention but our jumping).

We used pmove_fixed 1 some whiner says "those trickjumps are bullshit because
you can't do them in official matchs because you use pmove_fixed and nofatigue cheat"
those guys don't undersatand what tricjump is because anyway theses jumps ain't
possible to do in a match at first try, without pmove_fixed, without
nofatigue, with being shooted while jumping... it's just crazy to think
trickjump is done to from a point A to a point B.

Trickjumping is first an art and it's how we understand it

If you already saw some of thoose jumps, it doesn't mean we didn't invented them by ourselves
It's just because the movie took a year: all jumps finished before 05/09/2006 movie released 07/09/2007

Thanks You for Watching this movie

We're expecting some feedback then please post a comment after seeing the
movie ;)

Thain & Tsuboon signing off for Jump Sake!

The Bug Project

The Bug Project (7 september 2007)
Bugs and video editting by {Just-Me}.

Video filesize: 233 MB
Archived filesize: 220 MB
Total duration: 11 minutes 51 seconds
Codec: Xvid

Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
Patch 2.60b
ETpro 3.2.6
No cheats have been used in this movie.

This video is about bugs, glitches and tricks. It shows 14 more
or less useful wall bugs. It also includes a part with different
"bugs" and tricks. Most Wallbugs are sped up to keep your
interest, but all bugs are possible without cheats.
It is my first video and my aim wasn't to get a high quality
movie, but mainly the content.

This movie is rendered with the Xvid Codec.
You need to have this codec installed before you can play it on a
normal media player. You can download the codec from

EDIT: Mirror 2 is Download + Stream @
Thanks guys!
EDIT 2: Mirror 3 and 4 are the same movie uploaded to
I had to split it because of the file size and the duration limit.

Special thanks to:

- ///PALE
- exalt
- fAulty,
- fING:
- HardyRah
- huPo
- mAke*
- ProXr|Terifire Eclipse
- roar
- |999|Noodle

Programs used:

Adobe Photoshop CS2
Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0
Fraps 2.7.4
GtkRadiand 1.4.0
VirtualDub 1.4.16

Maps used:

Braundorf B4
ET Beach Invasion
Fuel Dump
Gold Rush
Hankjump 3
Rail Gun
Seawall Battery
Siwa Oasis
Supply Depot 2
Würzburg Radar

Music used:

Prison Break - Opening Theme
Linkin Park - Bleed It Out
Billy Talent - Fallen Leaves
Unwritten Law - She Says
The's (Kill Bill soundtrack) - Woo Hoo


The long waited second episode of KPR MINIMOVIE series. Made in 2 hours with fraps.

Starring ensam, crosby, mind, smokeninja and roskis.

Length: 3:30
Size: 138 mb
Codec: xvid

ij1 trailer

ij1 came to me and ask to make a small trailer, and I did it.


Black Stone Cherry - Backwoods Gold

Programs used:

Sony Vegas
Moviemakers hack by chaplja

Length: 1min 24s


"fucking great panzer"

This is a shortclip of my best panzer frags


Duration: 1.50 min

mirror1=xvid - thx to naxid

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