I had a little chat with Estonia Holz and Hungary Future. About themselves, their predictions of the match on Sunday and about Estonia idle and Germany one4one.

Estonia idle's lineup:
Netherlands Mike "mike" Markensson
Netherlands Jeroen "teKoa" Augustinus
Germany Tore "urtier" Trimpop
Germany Nico "senji" Sinning
Estonia Tarvo "Holz" Viira
Estonia Vaiko "Night" Vainola
United Kingdom Adem "adzz" Veli[/i]


Hi Holz! How are you doing?

Hi! I'm doing fine, as always.

Tell me some more about you.

My name is Tarvo Viira, I'm a 19 years old estonian mule. I still live with my parents. I currently work as a government secret agent and I'll serve the army service in October, which will last until May, so this is probably my last Eurocup in Enemy Territory.

Now about your ET history, how do you become the rifleneer in idle.ee?

Over years and years I've played so many classes and positions in different clans. In Estonia idle.ee, we needed a rifleneer, so I took it. I share it quite a lot with Night so I still play all kind of different classes, which is fun, playing medic all day long gets boring for me. About my clan history, lets just say from Estonia idle.ee to Estonia idle.ee!

QuoteWell right now they need a solid week of practice and on paper, that team can beat idle.

This is a quote from the column TosspoT made. Do you agree with him?

They sure have a good chance to beat us. Just like anyone else. They have a decent line-up with some nice names. I even played together with two of them, Belgium Ganon and Belgium Shewie, and I know they're great players. This match is going to be the hardest we've had so far. And like everyone else in the playoffs, we need to win this one to complete our journey in the Eurocup. We will do our best to win this match, and it's going to be a good one. So everyone get ready for the action on sunday!

Who is, in your opinion, the most feared clan in the playoff stage for idle.ee?

I wouldn't say I fear any of them, but clans like Germany one4one, Europe ND and Europe deMi look pretty good. We just need to take them out one by one. The first match might be the hardest.

And if you win this Eurocup, what would idle do with the $600 prize money?

First of all, I would like to get my old money. But if we win the money, quick sharing with Night and fast part from IRC. Actualy it's not much, but it's something. Maybe to the United States of America Quakecon fond!?

Is there any after life for idle after this Eurocup?

I think if there is United States of America Quakecon this year, we'll stay and play. If not, I doubt idle will return in this lineup. We can only hope for the best. Maybe we'll be seen at Germany Enlarged, the LAN in Germany, anything can happen!

Thanks for the interview, especially cause you hate them! Any shoutouts?

Thanks, I will use Ireland Sol's sentence for the last part: "If I start naming people I'll surely forget people, therefore those who know they'd get a shoutout...Well, shoutout to them!", thanks Ireland Sol!


Germany one4one's lineup:

Belgium Christophe "Ganon" Gelin
Belgium Xavier "Shewie" Camus
Hungary Csongor "Future|" Beder
Netherlands Maurits "PLU172" Naaijkens
Germany Ervin "seNkle" Szappan
France Christophe "Tsu" Pauly
Italy Dario "Xylos" Azzarelli


Hi Future! How are you?

Hello, fine thanks ;)

Tell me, who is Future?

My name is Csongor Beder, I'm an 18 years old student. I live in the capital of Hungary, Budapest. I've been playing ET for more than 2 years. I just finished my last exams, and I'm going to uni next year (hopefully).

How do you become a member of one4one?

After Finland Gods.inc folded, many teams asked me to join. But I didn't want to play seriously for a while so I just started to play in some "2-weeks-clans". One of these was sD (later 141). After a few weeks, we were still alive and everybody wanted to play in Eurocup. So we started to play seriously and we're still together.

How do you rate your chances Sunday, playing against idle?

On paper we don't have a great chance, though we have some skilled players. We're going to practice a lot for the match, and I hope we'll do our very best. If we play like we played against Belgium cZar and god will help us a bit, we'll have the chance to surprise everyone!

Xylos placed his CBooky money on idle, does your team have the faith to win?

I think he wouldn't mind losing his money on this match ;) We're going to play as hard as we can. Since we've already stood face-to-face a sevarel times, I think it's not an impossibility.

If you win Sunday, who will be the most feared clan then? and why?

Since Germany riZe has beaten us 2 times in a row, they are the most feared clan for us. I think they have the most chance to win EC following Estonia idle, though they are not unbeatable as we have seen a few times.

Imagine, you've won the Eurocup XIII. Where will you spend the prize money on?

Ofcourse for charity... No, I really don't know and we are so far from that so I don't even think of it.

After this Eurocup, the team will stay together?

I hope so, though some of us will go on holiday for sure.

So maybe a summerbrake, and one4one will be active again?

I don't know, lets talk about it after EC :)

Which I'll surely do ;) Thanks for the Interview! Any shoutouts?

To all my teammates and to the Hungary underscore guys!


That was that! The real thing is Sunday 20:00 cet. Ofcourse you can watch ETTV and there will be a dual shoutcast with Germany FlyingDJ & United Kingdom TosspoT. Check out [urlnew=http://www.gamestv.org/war.php?wid=654]gamestv.org[/url] for more info. Good luck to Estonia idle and Germany one4one in their first playoff match! See you sunday ;)