Lets start with some formalities - Introduce yourself:

QuoteIm KristofferssoN, etplayer from Sweden. We're supposed to have good ping but Its not true. :( Im currently playing what I belive is my last Eurocup for the clan deMiurge. Im 20 years and 15 days old, currently trying to enjoy the summer like everyone else (When will EC end?!). Up until summer started I’ve been studying economics on a university close to my hometown. I will continue this in Linköping after the summer so someone pretty please (with sugar on top) buy me a cute little powerbook I can have during lectures!

Where did you come from? You're not a celebrated pro like many of your compatriots. How did you get involved with the community and then rise to fame

QuoteI first came in contact with the game on a LAN I was on with some friends. This was shortly after the game got released and I loved it from the very start. Some months later we decided to start a clan in the game so I fixed a 0.5mbit connection and started playing in my first clan – Banana Troopers. We was an MSN-clan that played on the CB-ladder Wednesdays and Sundays. Blaze (now in noll8) did most of the work around then.
I started to get better when I first got the opportunity to play some 3on3s with crajsor. Some time later crajsor talked with ferus about attenting the Optihack-lan held in Sweden and I got picked as the third player. During this time I managed to learn even more even if I still had far to go if I wanted to reach their level. My next big step was to play for iN during a short period of their Quakecon-preperations.
Also some guys I had a lot to learn from. Now I belive we’re around the summer of 2005 and after iN I didn’t feel like playing on a very high level for some time but FiED aka. Kerial managed to convince me to join up with team hardware 4 you which later on became one of many teams to have played in the Agony Realm-MGC.
Even if this wasn’t a two week clan we didn’t last for very long and there was still some time left until Eurocup started so together with some other the clan idkfa was founded. We placed 4th in that Eurocup. A period of NC-gaming for Team Sweden followed and then zeni asked if I wanted to join demiurge. Now I’m here…

How would you describe yourself on the internet? On crossfire you're never one to shy away from controversy or an argument

QuoteI just love to discuss things and whenever I get the chance I put in some jokes. I love to be self sarcastic and this is something 90% of the community should learn more about. When you realize you sit in front of your computer night after night typing flames to other people playing the same computer game you do, first then you realize how funny you look.

You're in the European home of pro gaming, is there any temptation to move onto a pro game and take things to another level?

QuoteI’ve never been very good in any FPS-game but I guess that with my experience from ET and some (very) hard practise I might reach a decent level in any of those “pro”-games. This is however something I neither got the time nor the will to do. I started playing ET since it was so fun (and still is). Now the summer has started and I’m moving in a few months, I simply cant continue playing, no matter if its ET or some pro game

Lets talk about Eurocup - How do you respond to the argument that you are one of the top players in a lower skilled eurocup?

QuoteThis season does indeed look a bit more low skilled then the past ones. The teams aren’t praccing as much as before, and many good players have stopped playing. This could be a bad thing but instead we got a really even battle going on in the playoffs and I don’t think anyone can say for 100% what teams that will be playing the final.
If some might consider me to be one of the top players this season isn’t anything I think much about. I might even disagree with some of them since I believe performed way better in idkfa.

What are your views on the idea of pressured situations, do you ever feel any pressure when playing?

QuoteI do feel pressure whenever we got an official and I don’t think I’m the only one with that problem. I usually get a bit stressed up since we always got some trouble before the game and we start out every single game pretty bad. We have a long way to go before we start playing like we’ve done in praccs.
If we talk in-game there are moments of huge pressure like when we as big favourites all had 9/10 sec spawn on adlernest at the same time as team Artificial took the docs. I got no idea how they could let us get first to the delivery room but it was a nervous situation to be in, I can tell you that much.

I cant avoid the Torspo situation, are Demi now in the clear?

QuoteThe only thing I’ve seen the admins do on this matter has been taking Torspos demos from the official and your quote on Xfire from Adacore that says “The only thing I can say is that they're under investigation” so yes I belive both we and Torspo are clear of all charges. This also seems to be the overall public opinion. I’m very happy that we managed to steal all the attention from the idle.ee/141-quaterfinal. :)

How astonished were you at the massive reaction from the community

QuoteI knew this was going to be become very big but unlike Torspo I wasn’t sure the news item would beat Butchjis famous journal (I was wrong). During the past month the witch hunt on cheaters has been _huge_ on xfire. This combined with the fact that we just had played and won a big EC-game caused this reaction.

How has this saga changed your view on the ET community and your desire to play in it?

QuoteNot at all, we’ve seen big journals on this matter before. Focus now is on sunshine and the EC semifinal.

Lets talk Demi - When are you going to start playing like the reputation your roster carries?

QuoteI don’t know really. I guess our poor performance is caused by to little praccing and many player changes. A problem many clans in many games have had before us. However now we’re not allowed to make any more changes and we got the maps figured out both for the semi and the final if we would reach that so all we got to do now is start praccing to get some team play going.

You're two games away from Eurocup Gold - How much do you want that prize

QuoteI’m happy we managed to get where we are now, it looked really bad at some occasions but we managed to get up on our feet again and reach a spot in the top 4. Everything from here on is a bonus. I’m not afraid of any team on the other side of the playoffs tree so we got our big game coming up pretty soon taking on the winner between idle and 141. If we talk fame and glory or even money its nothing I think much about

You're not afraid of idle?

QuoteWhat do you gain from fearing your opponent? We know what map we will take, we know they aren’t praccing much more then we are and we know they aren’t impossible to beat. Also if they would beat 141 we would for the first time in this EC be the big underdogs, something I just love to be.
Demiurge and Idle have never in the two clans history played each other so I cant judge them myself. Their game vs. 141 tomorrow will give us many answers.

What do you dislike about ET most?

QuoteNot much really, what haven’t been fixed by ETPro was good from the start. Many people say rtcw was better but since I never played it I got nothing to compare ET to. Only thing I might dislike would be that crouching hitbox from some angles but that’s nothing major is it? :D
If we talk about the community it would of course be awesome if it was a bit bigger like the CS-community is. Sad thing that community is even more immature then the current ET-community is. :(

And the obvious, what do you like about ET

QuoteET is a good combination of teamplay, aim, great maps and cool stuff like different classes and landmines!! Its fun for everyone both if you’re only playing for yourself on public or in a clan no matter what level you’re on (Playing lowskilled teams on the CB-ladder 2-3 years ago was just as exciting as EC playoff-games are, if anyone wants to know). Oh and we got a great netcode in this game making it possible for everyone to play!

Lotix where will you be in 6 months time?

QuoteLiving with some friends in Linköping, studying hard for my next examination. Also my computer has hopefully transformed into a laptop by then. If I don’t stop gaming completely after this EC it will at least be a break for me.

Thank you for your time! Good Luck in EC - Feel free to shoutout

QuoteThank you Torsp… TosspoT! Shoutout to Blaze, Nekzu, Ghost, Troopah, Kringlan, Mastermind, Hemlig, Sir. Ralvert, Kato, Neo, Svarvsven and Calle. Shoutout to Blitz and Vea. Shoutout to SweHank. Shoutout to Sanctitys girlfriend, the girls morbi and morty met @ some partys. Shoutout to idle.ee|Guardian (cya soon).
Shoutout to everyone who said we were two weeks. Shoutout to everyone who said Torspo cheated. Shoutout to everyone who said it was unwise to take in Sanctity and Xionn. Everyone who read this far also deserves a shoutout so whoever reads this (except you TosspoT) get a shoutout!