“ET IS DEAD” I hear you cry. Fraid not kiddos, we’re as alive as ever. A quick glance at this seasons Eurocup rosters showcases a multitude of talent. Sure there’s no mystic or feruS, darky or darkie – but who needs them? We’ve a competition full of players so good many are convinced they cheat. Sure the old school players reputation precedes them, whether they’ve ever lived up to the hype is a matter of opinion.

From sublime medics, to efficient field ops and scarily good soldiers we’ve got the lot. Hot off one of the best matches in EC history I’m confident in our new stars. ET’s as strong as ever.

Cash recently raised the issue of another Atlantic Battle, which immediately got me thinking. For a change not whether the Americans actually had 6 worthy players (have they ever?) but does Europe? As you’ve no doubt already ascertained, we certainly do! This highly ambiguous topic never fails to generate debate. Here’s my dream team of current active players should another Atlantic Battle ever come about.

Belgium Xionn [Captain]
Sweden LoTix
Netherlands teKoa
Germany pumu
Germany butchji
Estonia JacKaZc
Germany senji

And here’s why…

Belgium Xionn – cool calm and collected, who else would’ve held their nerve with 1 minute to go on Adlernest? Great teamplay, though sadly it didn’t pay off that time. He’s taken an allstar “2 week” roster of amazing players and created a team worthy of an EC final. He’s your Belgium night, a jack of all trades.

Sweden LoTix – the greatest player never to win a gold? This could be his last chance for greatness, having finished 4th last season and already equaled, with a view to bettering by one this season. His aim is up there with the best there’s been, a worthy starter in any teams squad.

Netherlands teKoa – this guy needs no introduction. His pistol aiming is unrivaled, and he’s not too shabby with the MP40 either. A quality medic that would provide the backbone to any starting 6.

Germany butchji – hacker! Sure his names been scarred by these unfounded accusations, but that doesn’t detract from his skill. A reliable medic.

Germany pumu – his ingenuity as a soldier never fails to bring a smile. It may be crass crude and spammy, but it’s sure as hell effective. Arguably not the best aimer around, but a teamplayer, the kinda guy that gets things done.

Slovenia JacKaZc – Quakecon skill! Been there, done that, got the huge (unpaid) cheque. Traditionally the best engineer there was, though nowadays he’s an equally devastating field op. This guys your match winner.

A testament to the skill of the starting 6 that we can afford to have a player of senji’s stature as backup.

But where’s Night, jauhis, kris, Holz, urtier, crajsor and torspo to name but a few? These guys reputation guarantees them a starting place surely? I disagree. The very top is a relatively level playing field, all that’s separating the crème de la crème is motivation, teamplay and tactics – not individual skill.

That's the Europeans sorted - any Yanks care to comment?