Hi gifty - tell us about yourself

Well, my name is Florian 'gifty' Gunzenhauser and im a 15 year old student from Basel, Switzerland!

Give us a little info... when and why did you start playing ET?

Well, that was 3 years ago. I've never had a computer until my brother told me to buy one. First i didnt want to play at all you know... but from time to time i started loving ET, thats holding till today :O)

You have played alot. But, tell us, what is your greatest experience in ET?

I think Quakecon. About 3 months before Quakecon was announced we talked at Vicious and Evil about it. I really wanted to go to Quakecon, it was always a dream of me. But v&e were not really into it, so after they closed i took my chance and invested in 2 powerful weeks in organisating. I had sooo many things to do: First get a team, find a hotel, booking flights, changing numbers etc etc etc... but in the end it was a great event and i enjoyed every second of it!

Well you found a really nice team with KiH and everybody was on the edge of their seats at Quakecon

yup :)

OK moving on, what do you prefer:

Pizza or Burger?


Swiss or Finnish girls?

Both are mostly fucking hot, but in this case Swiss quality > Finnish

Gangsta shizzle music or hard rock hallelujah?

Everything! At the moment im listening to The Hives & The White Stripes, cool bands :)

Rifle or SMG?


Ah, why do you like rifle and why did u decide to play it?

The rifle position is something special, and there is so many ways u can play it, thats why I like it I think. How I came on rifle? I think 2 years ago I tried it out and stayed on it!

Next question - I was wondering a couple of days ago about who fanboys who, who has influenced your gaming the most?

Hmm, thats a good question. To be honest, it was never a single player, the teams fascinated me more. Gunslingers and saevus mostly. When I was 13 I watched the EuroCup final between insanity and saevus. That was something special for me, just to see how it could work as a team...

So yea, its kinda strange that i play now with potter, rapture and darky in a team :P

That leads us nicely onto the next question ;p I think alot of people want to know, is saevus real? Whats going on?

Well, yes, its real and we are going to play serious. But we're most likely not gonna play under saevus, so u will have to stay up-2-date I think ;)

With "saevus" do you think you guys have what it takes to knock Idle of their top spot?

A clear yes. We dont have to hide or be afraid of them, we just have to take our chance, and this chance is existing

So what can we expect from gifty next? Upcoming EC, NC and also CPC 2... what do u want to achieve?

Hehe, well in EC and CPC 2 we are aiming to be on top of course, but with Team Switzerland we just want to come as far as possible :P aslong as we survive the group phase im happy =)

Whats the first thing that comes to your head?

Vicious and Evil

Lovely memorys


Potter? You mean the mysterious "8 man-kill-against-roistot-pwner"? Nah, now serious: hes a great person and still one of the best aimers out there with the knowledge how to play ET. Thats prohibitively expensive. I love him!


Well thats hard to explain. He's the football in a football game, without him u cant play. He's our leader and he makes it great. Mostly you just learn how to play with random leaders, hes different. You can learn so much for your life with him, hes just a great person. He's our most important person for sure

I wish you good luck and its been nice speaking to you, any shoutouts?

Just to all i know. Especially, oBs and dNzl. And of course to you for the interview

Thanks :)