Hello foonr
Quote Alright boyo
How did this event took place? Did you ask stewie if you could join him, or did he ask you to join him?
QuoteWell it all came out of the blue, I was minding my own business on IRC and passing the time by making gags at the expense of fusen when my little Skype buzzer rang and I saw it was my bestest bed-buddy stewie. Seeing as it was me who first "discovered" stewie, shall we say, stewies shows and when he asked if I would like to be a part of Lugerfrag, well, how could I turn that down?

So what did you had in mind that he was going to do/expect to/of you on the show? What went through your head when he asked you?
QuoteLugerfrag for me has always contained a nice debate about the current news which doesn't exist in the bitty arguments that is the xfire comment system, but I also enjoyed the other events laid on such as the sw_fueldump cup and way back when Germany FlyingDJ took callers for over 2 hours on the whole raZz issue. So really to continue in that vein, to get the community involved and generally have a good time on the radio at iTG's expense

Ok, but what do you think will be your input? Do you have goals you want to achieve onair?
QuoteWell despite my apparent lack of useful skills, I do have the added benefit of being allowed behind the scenes at both GTV and of course Crossfire, so generally I can brag to have the latest news before everyone else. Otherwise when I'm not trying to sound clever, I'll no doubt invest my time making poor jokes and scaring off the listeners.

Seems like stewie made a smart move. So the first Lugerfrag is coming up this week. What will it be about?
Quote Do you really need to ask?

Quote I'll be kind and assume you've been living in a cave all week because the hot topic right now is all about the 5on5 / 6on6 debate. I've already made my feelings known about the whole issue, but I've got a new rant coming up: those competitions striving to make gains out of CB's 'choice' of direction shall we say. Expect outspoken views and a lot of hot air! (although, in a good way of course! :-) )

Do you have special items or segments you want to add to the show?
Quote Nope I'm gonna leech of stewie's hard work and claim it as my own.

So lets get back to you more personally. When's xfire 3 coming out?
Quote Its already out! And you should know - you've been one of the beta testers. Don't blame me for your goldfish brain. Anyways, if you didn't see the recent column, we've got xfire 3 up and running on our development site, and right now its just having the final things being added to it. Of course, we're all impractical bastards and so whenever we have a new idea for a feature we'd like to see, we all spam Belgium taLa about it and delay the launch for another week.
On a serious note however, right now we're just finishing off the transition from Crossfight concept to reality, securing associate deals and generally taking our time. And now I'm going to abuse the word soon :-)

Well you did realise that question was more of a joke?:P
Quote Thats what happens when you interview me late at night boyo :-(

So tell me something more about this new 'koth', what will it feature? Will there be a winner that can go to xfire lan?

QuoteThats one of the ideas we've had, but in fact this 'new' koth will be pretty different to the last one. KOTH1 was more of a dummy run, to see what we were up against. Now that we have that experience, everything is going to be bigger, better, all the usual hype I give. It's 11 teams, in a 3 tiered koth-cum-ladder format, with the emphasis on activity. More details will be coming your way shortly. And we hope there to be prizemoney!

last question ploz

Ok, are you available? J/k I know you love me. I wish you the best of luck with Lugerfrag, and myself too with you, and gl with the new koth and xfire3. And ill see you ONAIR!
Quote No now don't be silly darling, I made the bed specially. I expect to see you up there in 20 minutes sharp. No being late! you know what happens when stewie is late for foony in bed ... *evil toothy grin*

For those of you who wonder who Jonathan Ross is, [urlnew=http://www.handbag.com/graphics/library4/cowellrossbc.jpg]click here[/url] Jonathan is the guy on the left :-)