
Crevasse_b1 is the latest creation of ET map designer Dersaidin; the same creator who brought us Adlernest.

For those unfamiliar with the map, the Allies objectives are as follows:

- steal the keycard
- use the keycard to access the forward spawn (doc run)
- repair the broken gun
- activate the gun
- fire the gun
- activate the transmitter

Allied spawntime is 20, Axis is 30

The Good
Much like Adlernest, the map provides frantic action and raised-voices on comms as the objectives are completed. The map is very attacking based so don't expect to see any fullholds here. The majority of the map is indoors, so there is little opportunity for artillery or mines - very little spam in general.
Perhaps a bad thing, but the map lends itself quite nicely to a panzer. Another nice point is that the Axis can not push up the Allied spawn as they can not jump up to the elevator shafts, this means the vast majority of action takes place by the objective and not in spawn-camping. Throughout the map, the Allies have a number of routes to any of the objectives, which stops the map being camped. Also, the map gives a constant high FPS, unlike some others ...

The Bad
Being a beta, the map has a few bugs. Notably, the firing of the gun is quite tricky and very difficult under fire. Also, the Axis are able to stack to the elevator shafts, which could spell major trouble for the attacking side. The elevator shafts themselves seem rather pointless as we kept getting stuck in the water! The gun is very easily spammable with grenades by the Axis as there is only one point where the Allies can repair, which is right below an Axis window. The Allied health-ammo station is in a silly position as it takes the Allies too long to go there and come back if they wish to push for the objective. The last objective, the transmitter, is very dull as either; the Allies are waiting at the transmitter before the gun is fired or 5 medics rush in simultaneously spamming medipacks, almost impossible for the Axis to prevent.

- fix firing the gun
- make the entire gun repairable, rather than the small box
- move the health-ammo station to infront of the elevator shafts
- make all the glass on the first stage destructable so they can be shot through
- perhaps add another doc-run. I was thinking of an objective, say 'the documents' being placed at the current health-ammo station by the Allied spawn, which need to be run to the transmitter accross the open field. This would mean the Allies would need far more teamplay attempting to secure the documents.

It seems clear that with some minor improvements this map could be used regularly in competitive play and with an additional doc-run, provide us with some memorable radar-esque moments.