Since ETpro 3.2.6 requires the client to use the 2.60B patch and ETpro <=3.2.5 requires the 2.60(A) patch, and also since a lot of server admins are bastards who won't upgrade, I wrote this simple program (plain-text batch file) to automatically switch between them and launch the game, for myself so it's easier for me. I reckoned I'd release this to make stuff simpler for others as well. I know there is another "Patch Switcher"; but all it really does is copy/overwrite a patch exe. Pretty basic - this one does more, as well as it only uses 1 batch file and gets input from the user via simple key pressing.

--Easy automated installation for noobs via easy to use self-extracting (.exe) RAR and detailed readme with easy to follow instructions.
--Can be used to quickly automatically change the used ET.exe to patched 2.60 or 2.60b vers via keypresses and then launch the game.
--Green colors instead of boring old default ones. :P (you can change to other colors as well if you do not like it, see section 5)
--Can accept command line parameters and forward them to ET.exe. Note; If no command line parameters are specified, these default parameters will be used: "+set fs_game etpro +exec autoexec.cfg". You can also change those if you wish to, of course.
--In addition to the above, an extra parameter will set the cvar 'cl_260Bpatch' to either 0 or 1, depending whether 2.60 or 2.60b is used. Mostly as an example for people who might want version-specific scripts etc.
--Can be used with server browsers (only The All Seeing Eye tested so far but there's no reason other browsers shouldn't work).
--The PatchSelector ensures the filename ET.exe is in the correct version regardless of launched file, so when queried for ET.exe checksum or other details it will give the correct ones.
--If etmin.exe (the ET Minimizer) is found in the batch's directory, the PatchSelector will automatically start it when starting ET.
--Will display an error if one of the files (the 2 ET.exe's patches plus current one in ET's main directory) are missing (or misnamed/misplaced) and in that case the batch will not run.
--Is easily editable by advanced users via Notepad.
= = = =(Version 1.2 changelog:)= = = =
--PatchSelectorLauncher is now able to "autodetect" the server's mod version when launching it from ASE and will automatically start the required ET version.
Note: This extra feature requires modifying/replacing the ASE's filters.txt. See section 4 of the readme for more info and filters.txt download.
--The firewall version now works properly.

The very detailed readme is separately available online here.

Screenshot (very interesting):
image: patchse12pm0


Installation and use is VERY simple and easy, but if you need assistance it IS detailed in the readme, so refer to that. It covers tweaking the batch file to your likings as well as configuring All Seeing Eye to use it.

Input, suggestions, requests, opinions and comments are welcome; Though if you are gonna post something stupid like "th3erez alrady a path switer, whai mak tis 0ne?" you might as well not post at all. You can post comments here, but if you really expect a reply you should e-mail me (see readme/profile).

Happy Fraggin' - and don't forget to have fun!