1. violence is bad
Lineup: Acid, Lioco, mAus, SneeK, vila, violence, emzi
2. idle.ee
Lineup: Night, r3vers, reload, senji, urtier, jakazc.
3. cdap – Team pi
Lineup: Aeq, future, kris, logic, perfo, fobje, SnOop, toxic.
4. Rewind (Highbot)
Lineup: Criatura, fireball, humm3l, jiggy, ohzor4, z3ro, criatura, MurDa.
5. uQ.Gaming
Lineup: Chaoz, dr3am, lightning, lion. (full lineup unknown)
6. morrigu # gamersnation
Lineup: Brot, gyzr, joop, lakai, mize, tekoa, wesbo.
7. aMenti
Lineup: Acozz, clown, CrozZ, dav1d, marv, winghaven, emorej, De57.
8. Abnormal Monkeys
Lineup: Mystic, et1, jauhis, Tiigeri, torpso, Xpaz.
9. #Murso SFX
Lineup: cadei, chmpp, lettu, mikza, Rauzki, tommi, twidi.
10. Incomplete
Lineup: Dable, jjameson, Lepari, mIho, PurtZi, Raptor, Rival, Sanda, Spirea, Stuka, Tunesa.
11. Team - Helix
Lineup: biqq, conan, drago, evil, guardian, ramiN-, riddla.
12. one4one
Lineup: dAnOnE, Iron, Kevin, Sheep, Squall, vegi.
13. Fear Factory
Lineup: krisek, Mrozu, r1co / Butterfly, S4rna, Thoro, wiesiek, Wrobel.
14. The Netrunners
Lineup: buzka, chester, gotti, kot, majcok, oic, rio.
15. ZeroPoint! Gaming
Lineup: butchji, Darky, gifty, Hatred, potter, rapture.
16. Noll8 #inVidia-eSports
Lineup: donkey, Eddie, FiEND, Gjerry, Hellgoat, keran, kris, _shy, Blaze.
Lineup: Acid, Lioco, mAus, SneeK, vila, violence, emzi
2. idle.ee
Lineup: Night, r3vers, reload, senji, urtier, jakazc.
3. cdap – Team pi
Lineup: Aeq, future, kris, logic, perfo, fobje, SnOop, toxic.
4. Rewind (Highbot)
Lineup: Criatura, fireball, humm3l, jiggy, ohzor4, z3ro, criatura, MurDa.
5. uQ.Gaming
Lineup: Chaoz, dr3am, lightning, lion. (full lineup unknown)
6. morrigu # gamersnation
Lineup: Brot, gyzr, joop, lakai, mize, tekoa, wesbo.
7. aMenti
Lineup: Acozz, clown, CrozZ, dav1d, marv, winghaven, emorej, De57.
8. Abnormal Monkeys
Lineup: Mystic, et1, jauhis, Tiigeri, torpso, Xpaz.
9. #Murso SFX
Lineup: cadei, chmpp, lettu, mikza, Rauzki, tommi, twidi.
10. Incomplete
Lineup: Dable, jjameson, Lepari, mIho, PurtZi, Raptor, Rival, Sanda, Spirea, Stuka, Tunesa.
11. Team - Helix
Lineup: biqq, conan, drago, evil, guardian, ramiN-, riddla.
12. one4one
Lineup: dAnOnE, Iron, Kevin, Sheep, Squall, vegi.
13. Fear Factory
Lineup: krisek, Mrozu, r1co / Butterfly, S4rna, Thoro, wiesiek, Wrobel.
14. The Netrunners
Lineup: buzka, chester, gotti, kot, majcok, oic, rio.
15. ZeroPoint! Gaming
Lineup: butchji, Darky, gifty, Hatred, potter, rapture.
16. Noll8 #inVidia-eSports
Lineup: donkey, Eddie, FiEND, Gjerry, Hellgoat, keran, kris, _shy, Blaze.
Incomplete > Fear Factory
To be honest, what I miss the most are the predictions. They gave the discussions such a boost in the "old days" - so if someone has some spare time I am sure you will get some support of our team writing previews.
thx for your work bdy
das war eher mehr leicht sarkastisch gemeint mit einer portion wiener schmäh, aber das scheint nicht anzukommen
Emorej joined amenti.
uQ has only 5 players?
And I for one would find it very troubling that a player like Mize would play in the EC.
Any contructive critisism post here :P
Constructive Criticism
but dunno @ uQ with (full lineup unknown)
Mr.Moremistakesthanhechangeshissheetsbuteventhenyouneverchangeyoursheets :D
old :?
Lineup: Criatura, fireball, humm3l, jiggy, ohzor4, z3ro, criatura, MurDa.
Criatura is my oldest brother :)
I am criatura MAN!!!!! :)
You should go over your writing before posting something like that up :|