Hi, I'm going to have little chat with you about QuakeWars. Partly because I want to help beginners to start playing, but also to change the opinion of those who have played QW and didn't like it. As many of you know Open beta 1 came a while ago with the map Sewer. About 25000 players were given a key and the ones who tried the game seemed to like it, but a few things that weren't fixed in QW at that time made most of the players give up. E.g. that stroyent gave new grenades, that prediction wasn't fixed and that there wasn't any antilag.

When Open beta 2 came many things were better, the nadespam from strogg technicians was gone, prediction was better and the build had antilag. If you found a good server it actually felt like release-material. The only problem with OB2 was the map Valley, which at that time didn't have a forward spawn on third objective. The map felt like a public bf-map and many ET-players uninstalled the beta after their first impression, which is too bad but understandable. In my opinion me ATVI/SD made a huge mistake by choosing Valley because the game has many more maps that are so much better. When the demo came we all hoped for a new map, but instead it came with an updated version of Valley. This is understandable because SD has a tight deadline and it takes time to make a new build, especially with a new map. But it's obvious that Valley hasn't made a good impression on the ones that have tried QW and there isn't much I can write here that will change your opinions about Valley and QW.

However, I can tell you out of experience that Valley is one of the worst maps and that QW has so much more to offer. Those of you who remember that Quakecon had its own QW-build should also remember that it had three maps: Valley, The Ark and Area 22. Area 22 is one of the best maps I've played and I think many agree. The reason is that the map has 2 objectives indoor and 1 objective outdoor with few vehicles, and therefore the map is almost pure infantry and not much spam. That's the way QW should be played and many maps hold the same standard. I hope that the ones who have thrown away the beta and demo will try the full game because there's so much more to QW than what you have seen.