Here, for each team there is a short introduction, achievements, lineup, player roles, player backgrounds, short quotes to describe each player, and a statement about the future of each team. The quotes are relatively random, and the person quoted is noted at the bottom of each section.

Speedlink, formerly team helix, is one of the strongest german teams around. With an ET based lineup the team should have the necessary playstyle required to hit the top. Having already won a german LAN, the team is off with a headstart, and has hopes of attending United Kingdom i32 LAN. With relatively high experience coming in from players like Melkor and chaoz, it will be interesting to see how one of germanys finest teams will continue in the future.

ESL ET:QW DE 6on6 Demo Cup
C-MaxX Enlarged LAN
ESL ET:QW DE 6on6 Beta Cup

Germany florian - Q4 - CovertOps - "playing with arrow keys"
Germany HEADi - ET, Q4 - Engineer - "gg"
Germany chaoz - ET - Hog / AllRounder - "<insert random flame here>"
Switzerland Melkor - ET - FieldOps - "Wacken? Wacken ist vorbei du Spast!"
Germany morb - ET - AllRounder - "30-years-old and having his midlife crysis"
Germany Sporty - BF2 - Tanker - "vehicle whore."
Germany zAm - RtCW, ET, CoD - Medic - "Achievements: Hogger clear ( nSK )"
Germany mylo - CS - Medic - "played in the 2nd ice hockey league!11"


Quotes from Germany florian

Statement (florian) :
Almost a month is over since ET:QW has been released. Unfortunately we could not practice as much as we wanted to in the first half of October because of vacation, but this has luckily changed. Now we are able to play more often and are hoping to achieve some good results on and offline.
In the past we have only had some good results in some german cups, while we could not confirm our performances in european tourneys. This is a thing we want to change on medium-term. I think we have a good chance to close the gap if we practice more and more against stronger teams to increase our teamplay and personal skill. At the moment we are only an underdog.

With the recent addition of aneki and soltis from Cph, the team has to show how it will compete with it's new lineup. Curiosity arises due to their loss of Sweden Biermann, their main tanker, and one can only wonder who will be filling the gap left. With a mix of UT, Quake, ET, and BF backgrounds, the team hosts a mixture of playstyles, and is heavily teamplay based, as well as having the incredible aim of Wayfarer and Rvn. One of the few teams to beat Copenhagen, Kompaniet is definitely worth looking for. Cup I

Sweden Mson - UT2k4/BF2 - Leader - "Smart player with clever control"
Sweden xeTyk - UT2k4/CS - Sweeper - "Skilled at most things"
Sweden rvn - Q4 - Sniper - "Loner with impressive aim"
Sweden Wayf - Quake - Medic - "Teamplayer deluxe"
Sweden Soltis - BF-series - All Rounder - "Smart playingstyle"
Sweden aneki - RTCW/ET - All Rounder - "Good fragging instincts"


Quotes from Sweden Mson

Statement (Mson):
After some time now of talent searching we yesterday picked up what we think is a perfect fit for us in many ways with players: aneki & soltis from former One2/Cph. This give us a jumpstart pretty much and spares alot of the headache of training new players which is very nice.

Formerly known as Sweden Ninja, EYE is one of the best teams in ETQW at the moment, having been one of the best all round teams in BF2. With a completely BF2 based team, it's possible that the team will lack the style of play carried over from ET, but should the player's experience and skill from BF2 carry over, eyeballers will definitely be hitting the top. Having been inactive since the early beta stages, the team did play some of the beta and demo, but not all of it. Currently lacking achievements in ETQW, the team will be fighting hard in most upcoming tournaments to earn the status it deserves.

Sweden Tork - BF2 - Sniper - "Emo"
Sweden JaZze - BF2 - General Vehicles - "pro aimer"
Sweden Spyan - BF2 - Medic - "MSN Hero"
Sweden Speedyheadshot - BF2 - Rocket Launcher - "Slow and lethal"
Sweden Inglorion - BF2 - All Rounder - "Do what you are told"
Norway wona - BF2 - All Rounder - "Coolboy 89"
Norway Redux - BF2 - Soldier - "Whiiiiiiine"


Quotes from Sweden JaZzE

Statement (JaZze):
We will participate in CB OC, EMS qualifier and Nordic Championship; all of them start soon, so we will be playing more seriously. Until now we've just been playing around not taking anything too seriously. With some more practise and more official matches we can live up to the 'legendary lineup' thing that was mentioned in our newspost :)

Warning, once a top team in enemy territory is looking to set the standards in ETQW. With an all spanish lineup, the team consists of a fair mix of ET and BF2 players. With Winghaven in the tank, the lineup is questionable, though the team is rumoured to be looking for lineup changes. The team's all spanish lineup hopes to stay that way, and has intentions of competing in all of the upcoming ETQW cups.

4th ETQW CB Beta cup

Spain dr3am - ET - All Rounder - "The fuckerman"
Spain Winghaven - ET - Tanker - "Just lame"
Spain morbit - ET - Medic - "lolita hunter"
Spain Zheroc - BF2 - All Rounder - "Sir contacts"
Spain Wildkah - BF2 - Sniper - "Are we starting?"
Spain Icaro - BF2 - Medic - "Farmer boy"


Quotes from Spain dr3am

Statement (dr3am):
We are confident we can go on besides the lineup changes we have done, the team is motivated and we are about to be joining a big MGC which will support us with money and hardware. All we have to do now is work hard to reach our objetives, since our main goal is being an stable team from now on and keep praccing over and over until we can build a solid block of teamwork.

United Kingdom
Yet to actually play their first official match, people don't really know what to expect when talking about point blank. Individually the team's experience extends as far as quakecon and CPL, with players coming from a high level in CoD, BF, CSS and Quake. Currently the only UK team competing at a relatively high level, we can expect to see point blank holding up the UK flags at the upcoming United Kingdom i32 LAN. With its mix of playstyles and backgrounds, it's questionable how the team will play, but should their experience carry through, point blank has a lot of potential. As well as a cool name.

United Kingdom nkm - CoD/CSS - Sniper - "Point and click"
United Kingdom Antipop - Tribes/CoD - General Vehicles - "Hater of hogs"
United Kingdom Fenda - Q3/CS - All Rounder - "Ragequitter"
United Kingdom Hazz - RTCW - All Rounder - "Destroyer of keyboards"
United Kingdom Imentiu - BF2142 - General Vehicles - "Likes wrestling."
United Kingdom Demun - Q3/CS - All Rounder - "What map is this?"
Norway rglaf - BF2 - All Rounder - "Bonus norwegian"


Quotes from United Kingdom nkm

Statement (Fenda):
I think we'll be the flagship team for the UK for quite some time and because of this we have alot of responsibility to act accordingly to represent our country. We aim to attend almost all LAN events in the near to far future and I know we have the individual skill and team chemistry to place top 5 EU. As it's still very early days, playing together as a team only since release, we know that we have a huge challenge ahead of us if we want to place high in the early online/lan tournaments.

United Kingdom
Widely known as the best quakewars team at the moment, dignitas is under a lot of pressure to perform. With an excellent mix of infantry and vehicles, and a lot of experience from a mixture of previous games, the team has a variety of playstyles mixing up nicely. Having won quakecon 2007 in the beta, dignitas has shown what they are made of, and people expect them to hold up such standards. Despite various losses to one2, the team now stands at the top.

Quakecon 2007
cZar Infantry Cup
Scorched Earth Demo Tournament
QWL Demo Cup
i3D Beta Cup
CB ET:QW Beta Cup

Denmark SonDac - BF2 - Second Armor - "Whiner, headache, tired"
Denmark Huggo - BF1942 - Tanker/Hog - "Ego hero"
Denmark utr - BF1942 - Hog/Infantry - "Less stress please"
Belgium Bjorn - BF2 - APC/Infantry - "Nobody is better(if you ask him!)"
Estonia Reload - ET - All Rounder - "Always blame Reload"
Germany senji - ET - All Rounder - "German mastir"
Slovenia JaKaZc - ET - All Rounder - "Slovenian fatal1ty"


Quotes from Denmark SonDac

Statement (Huggo):
If we keep having the dedication we have atm, then i guess we will stay at the "top". I hope more teams will pick up the game since its the bestest, tho it doesn't look like it. Atm we have i32 qualis, CB opencup, EMS and Nordic championship coming up next week. So the future is good, hopefully Bjorn can make his achievements list even longer xD

Formerly known as United Kingdom TLR, the whole team comes from a high BF2 background except for hentai, who has come from an average ET background. The team carries a fair amount of experience and is expected to do well. Having gained various awards in both infantry and vehicle based styles throughout the demo & beta phase, people are aware that the team carries potential to do well and has yet to hit its peaks.

trophee fnac Lille LAN
i3D Beta Cup
team4 Demo Cup Cup II
cZar Infantry Cup
ESL Demo Cup

United Kingdom Baldrick - BF2 - Manager/Backup - "Skills to pay the bills"
United Kingdom sin - BF2 - All Rounder - "High as a kite"
United Kingdom hentai - ET - All Rounder - "Mid skiller"
Norway athex - BF2 - Medic - "Lacks hit registration"
Netherlands Quark - BF2 - Tanker/Hog - "Ninja"
Netherlands 2easy - BF2 - Sniper - "Words cannot explain this boy"
Netherlands rufio - BF2 - All Rounder - "Workhorse"
Netherlands Waste - BF2 - Second Armor - "Crushed by deployables"


Quotes from Norway athex & United Kingdom hentai

Statement (Baldrick):
I think that in future, GROF has the potential to be very successful. We have a number of competitions over the next few months, both online and offline, and will hope to place ourselves with the top teams in these events. As long as we keep motivated then we should do well both online (CB OpenCup, ESL EMS) though our focus will be on Multiplay i32 & Fnac Tournament Finals where we will be looking to perform as well as possible and hopefully win both events.

Coming from a relatively mediocre background in BF2, pelit has definitely picked it up when moving into ETQW. Having played since the early beta stages, pelit has been carrying a heavily infantry based team into ETQW and now carries the finnish flag on its back, representing well. With a mixture of Call of Duty, ET and BF2 in their lineup, the team carries a variety of play styles, holding plenty of potential. The team are currently underachievers, and hope to change this when moving further into the upcoming cups.

Finland Late - BF2 - Sniper "Objective ninja"
Finland kullerva - BF2 - Medic "The one your clanleader warned you about"
Finland karkkis - CoD - Field Op - "Violator king"
Finland Stuka - ET - Medic - "Let loose killing machine"
Finland Smigel - BF2 - All Rounder - "Gets the job done"
Finland neosinn - BF2 - All Rounder - "Rocket launcher wonder"
Finland doomsteri - BF2 - Tanker/Hog - "Vehicle whore"


Quotes from Finland kullerva

Statement (kullerva):
Pelit will continue to shine as the underdog without mgc support or foreign pro player recruits unlike all the other lame clans. We will show that the basic one nation unsponsored clan is just as good as all these international lan-support nerds!