Tournament Format

The tournament will be played using a single elimination bracket, which each match being played best out of three. The first two maps will be assigned to you by Crossfire, if a decider is required the map will be chosen through elimination of THE ENTIRE MAPPOOL. The player who has won the first map will eliminate first.

The player pool will consist of 64 spots, in case this number of signups isn't reached all the lowest seeded players will get a BYE to the next round (corresponding to the number of players needed to fill up the player pool).

Semifinalists for this cup (all four players) will be asked to attend a short meeting to schedule the final matches for the cup. We prefer to have all three games played on the same day in quick succession to accommodate coverage and streams. We don't want the fans to bite their nails off in anticipation of the final matches!


Crossfire will not be supplying servers, you will have to search for a suitable server together with your opponent.

Score Reporting

If you have played your game versus your opponent you are required to PM A_Spec the results of said match. Please ensure that this is done A.S.A.P. after your match has finished. If you see an incorrect result on the tournament standings then please contact A_Spec in #Crossfireqcup. If you have any further questions or complaints please refer to the Questions, Complaints and Queries section below.


The QCup schedule is totally ridgid, and cannot be changed. All matches have to be played and their results PM'ed to the admin before midnight of the last day of each round. Failure to comply with these rules will result in eviction of the cup.

Match 1: Wednesday 5th to Saturday 8th December
Match 2: Sunday 9th to Tuesday 11th December
Match 3: Wednesday 12th to Friday 14th December
Quarterfinals: Saturday 15th to Monday 17th December
Finals: Tuesday 18th to Sunday 23rd December

If you having trouble finding your opponent before the deadline then please contact the admin, you intent of playing the match before the deadline will be noted and the admin will decide if you are elligable for a default.

Map Pool

The map pool for this cup will be as follows:



In the case of a conflict between two players it will dealt with subjectively by the tournament admin. All three participants will join a private IRC channel and discuss the problem at hand. If you feel that the other player has wronged you ingame then please supply a demo or screenshots of said event.

No one likes a cheater, and I hope that no one in this cup is stupid enough to use cheats or other external programs that modify the gameplay. In case that you are caught cheating you will be expelled from the cup and denied access to future cups in the Warsow scene (aside from being stamped a cheater for the rest of your gaming career).

Questions, Complaints and Queries?

All inquiries should be made to QCUPAdmin via Crossfire PM: this will allow all admins to see your message and answer your query as fast as possible. However, teams should also idle in #crossfireqcup for questions to other teams and admins.

Head admin: Netherlands A_Spec

A_Spec will be available to discuss any issues you have during weekdays from 19:00 CET to 21:00 CET, if he is not there then either drop him a PM on his BNC or send him a Crossfire PM.